
Executive Management
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Everything posted by ksmith

  1. Pleased check your email regarding your account.. thank you

  2. I am so happy for you to get out and be a part of society again :) Bless all your friend & family
  3. ksmith


    thanks Andy, it was an impulse Dollar Tree ( yes $1.00 BOX) because you only live once , even when I worked my hair color changed ( but not a purple hue like it is now) every so often.
  4. ksmith


    Today is time for change and I hope it turn out alright. On an Impulse buy, I bought hair dye for my "platinum" highlights are over staying their welcome so I'm trying red..... fingers crossed my parents are gone on holiday so I'm housing sitting so I'm full of Impulses..
  5. Yes It is hard to break old habits. I know you of all people can do it. I fall a lot for a learned how to "roll" my walk in ROTC and I still do it and I am not able to keep my balance yet I still roll. ( the idea was when marching in formation, all the caps were in line and level)
  6. "I had a nasty fall in the aeroplane on the way home so I had some truly spectacular bruises for 2 weeks after I got home." That sounds simply horrible. I hope that other than that you were OK?
  7. awe thank you guys but I know all of you can/could do the same.. you're never alone.. If you request assistance.. an attendant will meet you in front of plane or help you into seat and tzke you to next gate or baggage.. You guys kicked stroke's arse , either yourself or loved on, so you can do this xx
  8. I am so glad you both are alright. I've seen so much genericity in New Jersey, as well as every state, with sending supplies and workers to help. With William I can't imagine how you would have done it alone but thankfully, there are many there to have helped if need be. But again I'm so thankful you're safe
  9. ksmith


    Ruth, I see you are from Houston.. I hope everything is okay for you.
  10. Not too bad overall. Well this past week I did what I didn’t think I could do since my stroke… I travelled alone. My travel included going on an airplane and managing my hotel stay for 7 days and all the trimmings. I knew that it would be somewhat nerve racking but what I didn’t except was how accommodating everyone was and helpful and reassured me that everything would be okay. My trip began with my mother, who was more nervous I truly was, taking me to the airport in Philadelphia. She initially was going to drop me off but she wanted to make sure that I would have assistance getting from gate to gate. I truly don’t remember how I made it to the gate in Philadelphia but everything worked out. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I had gone to the neuro-surgeon two days before my trip and gave me a new prescription for new glasses and they were not ready by the time I left so I was struggling to see… anything. Back to the airport... I asked a fellow passenger to help me read the aisles. She was a pleasant woman and agreed to help me find my row. I made sure to always get and aisle seat so easy in, easy out. The plane was soooo small. I hadn’t flown for about fifteen years and since then I’ve had a stroke and my phobias have gotten worse and mainly because my eyesight is hindered. I made sure to pack my tablet and charged phone to keep myself busy. Thankfully on Delta we had free Wi-Fi that allowed us to watch a selection of movies. So that was great and kept my mind off of thought of being in an enclosed piece metal high in the sky. Yes… I thought of that and again mainly for I couldn’t see correctly. So, on wards to Atlanta, Georgia. That airport is HUGE. And much of this trip is a blur for …yes… my eyesight. Thankfully, I was met at the gate by someone with a wheel chair. THANKFULLY she brought me to the correct gate for it seemed we took a shuttle train and, I think for all I could see was lights and colors, restaurants and retail stores. I told the person pushing me I felt like I was in a mall and not an airport. Moreover the kind wheelchair pushers were some of the kindest folks I’ve ever met. I know some say that they are paid to be nice. Well that may be true, but you just get a vibe from someone who is genuine. I was pushed to gate and had a three hour wait so I was minding my own business when I heard a gentleman sitting next to me talk out loud and I acknowledged his comment. The next thing I knew he had moved next to me and began sharing his dilemma he was having. Had to do with racing corvettes and his new wife who wants him to ease down on the racing and travel with her. Some things that he was talking about I had some clue of but mainly I just nodded and smiled. He truly was a very nice man who lived in my state so we had common grounds to share. The next thing I knew, our layover was over and we began to board. When we life Atlanta, I forgot the flight to Daytona Beach, FL. I told my son to come and find me for it was dark and I was totally blind by then. He found me!! It felt good to do all of these things on my own. I had no worries checking in. Other people were upset for it was taking too long and I was in a time frame and I had no sleep the night before but there was only one girl working and she was doing her best, I knew I already reserved it so I was ok. I found that when you chillax good things happen. The issue was the hotel was closing down a floor to do a ‘face life’ for they are on the coast and its hurricane season so many hotels/motels along the coast do get damaged often. Lo and behold I was given a room that was one of the ones that were set to get fixed but she changed the floors to start but the room had its downside: many things didn’t work (refrigerator was biggie to name a few) deck door didn’t close correctly, tub had an angle to it. That being I really wanted just a bed, a pool and my son and two out of three isn’t bad. My son had to work really bizarre hours. I was happy he was working but he truly was working too much. Because I had no car visiting people was out of the question but my son’s grandparents picked me up and brought me over to their house to visit and that’s where my son is living. They are absolutely wonderful couple. I dated their son when I was younger that produced my son. So we did some shopping at the thrift stores, some of my favorite kind if shopping. I had to keep my purchases to a minimal to fit in my suitcase. I did get to see my son and two other friends who live close to where I was staying. We visited a Japanese Steak House and had a fantastic meal and great show from the chef. I was so thankful that everyone I came in to contact with throughout my trip was fantastic and helpful. I met a gentleman at the Daytona Airport on my flight home who said he would walk with me and help e to the gate for he was going to Atlanta, Ga for his connection flight. I lost him on the plane for he sat behind me some and when I got off a wheelchair whisked me away through the “Mall” that is Atlanta International Airport. What I learned is I’m able to do many things when I have assistance and it’s ok to ask for help. I really don’t like to ask and who knows what I can do when I can actually see. My glasses were finally ready two days before I was to fly home.
  11. ksmith

    Respite What?

    yes Respite care is a wonderful thing for many families. I often saw , when I was working with hospice clients, many families high tail it out of the house when I got there for the insurance allotted a specific amount of time that nurses and aides had to be there even when it wouldn't take that long for the task we had to do. The families were so grateful to have that time to do what they wanted to do. Some insurances don't cover respite aides when they aren't on hospice. That being said, there are organizations out there that do offer respite for a much lesser rate. Word of mouth, locally, can also help you find someone to come sit and be with him while you can take a deep breath. I understand that he isn't happy being the way he is however you don't want to have a stroke or breakdown yourself. You must take care of you :)
  12. ksmith

    My new wrist

    good for you as well Myjade
  13. When I went into the mountains when I went to Virginia, I was so dizzy for the changes in elevation. I hope that does not happen to you AND you have the best time seeing natures beauty
  14. ksmith


    This weekend was my family reunion. This one was harder than ever for it was the first year without both, if not one, of my grandparents. I was looking at my grandmother’s chair and imagining her sitting in it while my grandfather was next took hers, both drinking wine and it watching golf…. With the sound off. We never understand the sound off but who were we to question. My family could sit around a couple of picnic tables…well maybe more for more little ones running around now. The thing was, both of my grandparents were only children so no aunts or uncles for my father and his siblings. My grandparents had two boys and two girls and from them they have had a total of eight children between them and now nine. ….I think. Even though we may not see all of them as much as I’d like, once I do it’s like no time has passed and we see each other regularly. Many of my cousins once lived in Philadelphia and that was fantastic but as everyone now has their own families and jobs, it’s more spread out not. I still have family in Pa but now Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida. That’s just on my father side. Immediate family that is. The wonderful thing is, we may be separated by distance but we are so close in love.
  15. I am so happy you finally feel whole again. :) it is so good to have your own piece of heaven
  16. ksmith

    Theraphy Dog

    Oh my gooby... I am in love with that big sweetie.. I can see why you were so happy
  17. Fantastic!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you
  18. From the album: selfie time

    I had my gastric sleeve done in February and not so much for weight loss but mainly to assure I eat small meals aside of not eating until I devour the wold.. the weight loss is a bonus
  19. Today was a great day, and to be honest, I don’t really comprehend it. I went to see my doctor who did my gastric sleeve surgery. The fact he came in and was very pleased made me feel better for I cheated BIG time on vacation. The only thing good about that is I can only eat so much before I get sick feelings. My stomach really isn’t that big any more so that helps because those Cheeses were amazing... (Thanks mom.) My parents drove my son and me to the doctors, for I still can’t drive because of my eyes, and I made sure to wear as little and light at possible. I jumped on the scale (211.8 lbs. ) wow. When I had my surgery I was (229lbs) and before the surgery I was 252 lbs. I am very happy I am losing the weight, no complaints, though the weight wasn’t my intended reason for this surgery. I’ve talked about this before that since my stroke, my brain and stomach don’t always “talk “so I would maybe eat one meal a day and hardly drink. My goal was to be “forced” to eat smaller meals. And it worked. I know eat smaller meals and have to be cognitive of what goes into my mouth. He informed me that having this surgery for that procedure usually have a success rate of 30%-60% of extra fat that is on the body. I’m already above the 30% of lose only after almost 5 months. I do have to exercise more but until my eyes are more stable and allows me better balance I’ll stick with yoga. Namaste
  20. I know that I have been so excited for my eye surgery and I have to be patient but I have to admit I would have never done this if I knew how terrible it was going to make me feel. i have NEVER felt as sick as I do know..EVER. I had morning sickness ( what ex husband and parents told me) and they have collectively told me I was not that bad. I'm guessing because I wasn't a "Strokie" Well every time I look,move,eat,breathe I feel like I'm going to vomit. I hate to do that but I would rather vomit than feel like I'm on the edge all the time. I have to turn the air to almost freezing for everyone else because motion sickness can make you SWEAT I mean I spend 99% of my day and night in bed because If I move I feel sick. I feel so ad because my son is with me for the first half of summer and I can't get up nor drive for I really can't see and I'd spend most of the day on the side of the road hurling. When my mother drove us to vacation ( thank goodness for that) I couldn't see anything and when I would try I would feel horrible with a migraine and sick. I chalked it up to just being right after surgery but .. then it never stopped. The doctor said it is normal to feel this way but I was never informed I's feel this way for so long. I always keep a pink bucket next to me
  21. you are a genuine diamond :)
  22. ksmith

    Are you kidding me?

    I can not even put myself in your shoes. See I was that way. I wanted to do it myself. I know not always safe but I wanted to do it