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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. Hi Katrina.


    I know we were able to speak a little bit last night, the only person that you should have in your life that controls your feelings should be you. I understand living paycheck to paycheck is hard. My best friend is the single mother of two boys, and she does all of the financial stability by herself. And you're right it's not easy she struggles every single day. Like you she is a very intelligent woman and I know she has gone through some of the same struggles.


    You can't let the availability of your two friends dictate your happiness. We all get depressed every now and then, I myself am going through a spell at this time.


    I understand for you it's hard because unlike some the people that were on chat last night, you don't have a significant other to share the burden. That doesn't mean that we don't understand. If we ever have a chance to talk can I'm going to let you know that you are not alone and maybe we can work together on our depression. You are the most positive person I know and a very wise woman, so I know that you make the right decisions.

  2. I know I sound like a broken record but I have always felt like I have not belonged. Like Im trying to fill in for a "kelli". Filling in ones shoes Im not sure. Being your ourn you start your own memories yes but having people knowing you and not quite understanding that you are a new you is difficult, thats all

  3. Yes, this is scary. I know how you feel. I left an abusive husband, went back to school and worked full time, from being a stay-at-home mom. A lot of the time, I think Garion (my oldest) got the short end of that deal too. I also look at friends who lived their lives differently and think that if I had lived my life the way they did, I'd be "further along that road" too. BUt then I think I also might have had my stroke sooner, and I might not have the 3 kids that I do. OK, I'm not surrounded by the same material things that many of my friends are and I don't have money "to burn." BUT....I have Garion, Jalane (Laney) and Logan. Those are the greatest treasures in the world, and ones that cannot be taken away by a down-turned economy!


    I'm not good at letting them go either. The phone rings and I jump because 2 of my 3 are living out of the house now. They will always be your babies, asa mine will always be my babies.


    this is really starting to be so cool that you are more me then .......well me lol