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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. On 10/28/2020 at 7:13 PM, heathber said:

     isn't it great when the brain remembers how to do something and it just happens. The complex maneuvers are all still in there you just haven't been able to access them. A similar thing happened to me when my trainer got me restarted on boxing, yes I now box one handed, but the foot work and trunk movements were all still there once I had the basic strength.  and watch out for my right hook 🙂 that right arm is so much stronger now it does everything.



    I think this is such a great statement for everyone to remember not to just focus on 'new' things but appreciate what the brain can do without you even realizing 

  2. 14 hours ago, GreenQueen said:

    Words to live by Heather. 


    There are people out there who have a low opinion of me. All good in the fact my opinion of them doesn't reach great heights either.


    But I've been trying to accept the fact there are people who have low opinions of me!


    Not to get into details...their actions and words caused me to either react in a way they didn't like (family), or change how things are done (at the baddy club).


    I need to accept and be happy.



    I can say I understand that emotion.  At the end of the day we have to be happy and think highly of ourselves. Easier said than done I know.  One thing I was taught during my cognitive therapy was those people aren't thinking about you all the time. They are living their life.. ( it took me YEARS to get a grip on that and I still struggle ) 

    You are lovely in every way.  This work sheet was my bible. It's hard but worth it. Take one tiny step at a time. xxoo


  3. On 10/18/2020 at 6:39 PM, heathber said:

    How is any experience not a good thing?


    Some people have asked me if I could go back would I do anything differently? Which is a variant of your question. My answer is it has made me the person I am now, just like all my other experiences. More often than not I'd rather not have the do over, I would lose so many other things as well. I mostly enjoy my current life,yes as Sue said it is different to what it would have been without the stroke, but many thing I have now are also because of the stroke and I'm not sure I'd want to lose those things either.

    I get asked that about my life in general. Sure, there are loads of things I'd change but in doing so I wouldn't have my children and knowledge of things..

    It's quite a conundrum sometimes

  4. I hope we get this beast  under control. Because of starting the winter season here, we are seeing a huge uptick in my state and I prefer to stay home. I think all that you are doing is a god-send to those in your congregation and it helps remind them that they aren't going through this alone. Oh, I chuckled when Alice was playing Wii and beat you. She must have been so happy and you are such a good granma. Enjoy your summer holidays and bring joys to others. 

  5. Sue,


    I can't agree with you more. He is a true inspiration. I have been lucky enough to meet him twice and he and Missy are genuinely two of the most amazing people I've met.  Without him, not giving up after his stroke, I don't know where I'd be today. The people I've come across over my time here have helped shape me into the person I am and that would not be possible without Steve. I have nothing but respect for him and for everyone here.


     Thank you Steve

  6. 23 hours ago, heathber said:

    It's scary if you let it be. You need to take care of you and those close to you but still remember there are many many things we have no control over at all, so pick your battles, do what's right for you and try not to worry about what you can't control.

    I'm not saying this is nice or easy, hang in there HUGS


    you are correct. I'm finding myself , as stated in HostTracy's blog post that after stroke, I find I was made for this. That being not being around many people. I get anxiety and I didn't go out to much before Covid either. Now before the stroke, you couldn't keep me home.  Sadly when I try to blog, my brain has this whole thought but i find I leave a lot of my posts out.  I work with people with handicaps and the fear of getting something and bringing it to work. That's why I'm nervous. My son never came to visit me when he had a cold, for that same reason.

    Sue, I tell folks I'm glad to wear a mask for no one can see me talking under my breath. lol 

  7. I know change is not easy for me... now.. Routine , now, helps me with memory. Change , in general, can make someone uneasy for they are stepping out of their comfort zone. What makes us happy- what we know.. I , now, have learned through my practices that change is a part of life and life is like water. Water never moves in a regimented form, So we all must become that which carves new pathways.   But....  That being said, I'm still learning to fully commit it to my head space lol :lol:

  8. Happy Rebirthday!!!!!  You are right, two years IS a huge step forward. You are certainly taking the right steps by taking lessons again.  It may feel scary at first but after a a while, that feeling diminishes to exhilaration. Fingers crossed for the responding communication. Way to go!!!!:bravo:

  9. Sarah, I'm so sorry. Sometimes, looking from the outside, everything seems good but I am sorry that he, and others, feel like they may be alone in their thoughts but they aren't. We may not understand or think what troubles them is as painful as they feel but I wish some people don't down play to them.  Sometimes folks see it is an "easy way out" but we have no idea. My heart goes out

  10. I think it's very special to have someone like Carmen who , even after his passing, would do that.  And triple digits temps?????????? That's nuts. People always say ' but it's dry heat' yeah but when I open my oven, that's dry heat to and holy sweat beads...... that's HOT.


    I think that you didn't forget about it.. really. It was just a fact of everyday life and yes with all of this pandemic , i can understand with all of that , the days just bled into one another. I hope your travels are safe and everything is correct

  11. Firstly, happy early birthday.  I think the idea of a hug mat for anyone who is in need of a hug is a great idea.  As I was reading on, our summer is just beginning but with life in my state are S-l-o-w-l-y returning to normal I can say I'm not ready to come out of my 'hole'. They , the powers that be, are opening things up but with tourism comes sick.. and in my little town , it has blossomed again. Yes, splitting families apart is a hard pill to swallow for sure but hopefully, you'll all be able to visit once again and have a mild winter.. I watch a safari live from Wild Earth from South Africa and they are bundled in their hats, mitts and heavy coats and that makes me think of you ,,,weather wise  🙂

  12. You both can have your own journey, and no one is more attuned, he is your yin to your yang,   The hardest things in life , for me to always remember ,  is to know we can't change what we have no control over.  My mother is one who wants more in hopes she will be happy and my father is finds happiness in everything. You can't take it with you and , I feel, you miss out on life when you focus on getting things and not enjoying.  Nothing is permanent 💓