
Executive Management
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Everything posted by ksmith

  1. it is what it is

  2. ksmith

    Driving after stroke

    That's fantastic. I may be calling you soon for a ride
  3. A string of beads has a thread running through all the beads, keeping them together. What we need is a thread too—of sanity and stability. Because when you have a thread, even though each bead is separate, they hang together. When we have the teachings in us, stabilizing us, there’s a thread to keep our life together that prevents us from falling apart.- Sogyal Rinpoche

  4. Glad to be home but I miss Warrensburg. Felt like I was gone for a week not a weekend

  5. Do any of my brain stem stroke survivors snort when they talk ?

  6. Passing the city and I'm so sad. I need my dad for New York City D&D day :)

  7. You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. - Buddha

  8. My time in upstate New York has been amazing. Met some of my mothers cousins and had an awesome time. I thought it was very nice as we were spreading my late uncle Arts ashes, we had a fly over by a WWII bi prop plane

  9. Back to reality tomorrow's.. I miss my husband

  10. What feature does all experience have in common? All experience is groundless, open, empty. You can say, 'Well, this floor doesn’t feel empty,' and you are right. It feels very solid. But emptiness refers to a way of experiencing things. And when you experience things this way, it is such a powerful experience that you almost always come out of it saying, 'Oh! This is how things really are, this is reality.'- Ken McLeod

  11. Yogurt and granola

  12. All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

  13. I love pumping gas..yay New York

  14. I feel so horrible for the movie goers in Colorado

  15. Ok so bored and listening to police scanner from Vineland....they are hopping tonight

  16. The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.

  17. Painting my own nails..well trying...when i'm done it looks like a crime scene

  18. my husband spoke to the Oarhouse and THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BENEFIT FOR TIMOTHY W. SEIDEL II.he is now is the COUNTY JAIL INFIRMARY

  19. So i'm listening to Glenn Miller. He never gets old. I wish music was as great as that at times

  20. GLAD to be back in the air condition

  21. When we ask, 'Why did this happen to me?' it is because of our limited view. If we throw a stone up in the air and forget about it, when it falls down on our heads, we shouldn’t complain, although we usually do. We have this notion that what happens to us is somehow independent of our own actions. We can ask, 'why did this happen?' But the more important question is, 'what we are going to do about it?'- Matthieu Ricard

  22. Oh my glob I NEVER EVER tire hearing Christopher Walken

  23. Either my scale's wring or in two weeks I've lost 12 LBS from the heat and swimming. Either way I'm super stoked!!!! \m/ rock on

  24. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. (Carl Rogers)

  25. Through art, a painter can make the ordinary come alive. As Zen students, we try to bring this kind of relevance into each moment of our lives, into this one moment that contains all moments. In this way, we allow the ordinary to enliven us. Sometimes this is successful, sometimes not, but the work itself goes on. Persistence is one of the major virtues in both the artist and the unenlightened.- Gary Thorp