
Executive Management
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Everything posted by ksmith

  1. Not bad.. a 5 hour trip only took us 8 hours :/

  2. ************************ FYI********Most gas stations in Maryland are closed due no power

  3. Driving through Virgina we are getting A greater appreciation of the killer storm that rampaged all the way to Jersey.....thank goodness for mountain protection

  4. Dharma is not about credentials. It’s not about how many practices you’ve done, or how peaceful you can make your mind. It’s not about being in a community where you feel safe or enjoying the cachet of being a 'Buddhist.' It’s not even about accumulating teachings, empowerments, or 'spiritual accomplishments.' It’s about how naked you’re willing to be with your own life, and how much you’re willing to let go of your masks and your armor and live as a completely exposed, undefended, and open h...

  5. My cousin and I had an especially great massage at the spa courtesy of my husband. It was amazing.

  6. Gas here $2.89 how sick is that Jersey

  7. Silence doesn’t mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside. If you’re truly silent, then no matter what situation you find yourself in you can enjoy the silence.- Thich Nhat Hanh

  8. When we get home I'm going to attempt a bicycling. My darling husband is going to get me all body pads. Thank-you Mom and Dad for the groovy helmet :)

  9. alright guys once and for all.. IMO the hype on Magic Mike : Men have clubs to frequent and there are many off them and have books and some movies that have a sexy woman or women in them and FINALLY we have something that we can watch to enjoy a good looking man. So many "chick" flicks involve a romantic story and well god darn it we like to look at good looking men dancing around.

  10. well went out by the pool and put sunscreen on but not enough especially when you fall asleep on your stomach.. holy poop balls.. I hurt

  11. Much of the language around sexuality has to do with fire: 'in the heat of passion'; 'a burning desire'; 'she has a new flame.' This is the fire of creation. It’s not just my sacred energy I need to be in touch with and aware of, it is the fire of all creation from moment to moment to moment.- Nancy Baker

  12. This sad is it when I've spent a whole day thinking of what I want my future grandchildren to call me.. GG or Gran-Gran

  13. 1st golf swing post stroke hit 100 yrds. Not bad for an old bird LOL

  14. Unfortunately, we can easily confuse nonattachment with avoidance of attachment. Avoidance of attachment, however, is not freedom from attachment. It’s another form of clinging—clinging to the denial of your human attachment needs, out of distrust that love is reliable.- John Welwood

  15. Life is good

  16. To bow is to no longer hold ourselves apart from the unpredictable nature of all of our lives; it is to cultivate a heart that can unconditionally welcome all things. We bow to what is, to all of life.- Christina Feldman

  17. Emilie Autumn never gets old...

  18. Just to show you that a stroke can't keep me down....we're out to dinner and my darling husband said in a room of other people ' I am the head of this family' to which I said( clear and loud) " whoa whoa whoa, slow your roll there son, you've lost your mind" ;)

  19. When we question ego-mind directly, it is exposed for what it is: the absence of everything we believe it to be.- Dzigar Kongtrül Rinpoche

  20. People think leading is just being to show others authority when in fact it means being secure in yourself and your goals.

  21. I want to thank Florida and my perpetual fear of Gators in bodies of water for I can't even swim in waters in New Jersey...geesh

  22. Your thoughts, your words, and your deeds all create karma. And so through practice, you learn how to create better karma, and then everything about your life changes.- Myokei Caine-Barrett, Shonin

  23. I'd really like to thank my father for the eclectic style of music I have

  24. Jerry going to jail

  25. Robert Downey Jr. is extremely hot in Ironman. Ironically hotter each time watch it too.