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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. It is scary because , as Asha said, we aren't in control. We are often out of self control when we get sick but this is another type of animal for we can't see it and sometimes it is ' flu like' and others it's knock out cold. We never thought that getting sick could be as dangerous, or at least I did. We can only take precautions and not become neurotic. I know I have reevaluated my daily practices but staying away from others is the best course of action. Until I have to go back to work, granted two days only, and be around people.  🙂

  2. I understand Jay. I'm in self-quarantine for we, my mother and I , stayed at my sisters on my Florida trip and she called us on Thursday , when we were coming back early from the surge in Florida, to tell us she was in the hospital and had to be tested. IF that comes back positive, I was around my grandson, son and his fiance and family. UGH   We still think it's allergies or a regular flu 🤞 It is wise to stay put.

  3. that sounds so fun and also finding fellow Stroke Recovery members must have been an added bonus. Yes, doing things on your own is some thing that is perfectly fine for us to do but not doing that for sometime can make that feel foreign for sure. Listening to piano playing is one of my favorite things to do as well. I applaud you on your adventures!!!!!

  4. your description brought your garden to life.


    It made me remember my favorite childhood book "The Secret Garden". I  can see why you enjoy going to your secret place for it sounds lovely. I think that your service on Sunday should be about your garden. A reminder of a place, wherever it may be, to go when things are tough to be reminded that you are loved for you were given the garden in your thoughts.

    I'm glad that your daughter and family are coming for a stay and give Craig an 'atta-boy' for giving a grand speech.

  5. Thank you very much. I seem to be doing very well. I learned I have a follow up appointment in a couple weeks and I forgot about it. Knock on wood that should last me for a while. Apparently these come normally with everybody especially in women with childbirth. And they can build over time. Everybody is meant to have some of mine just wanted to say hello to the world before anybody else ha

  6. 16 hours ago, HostAsha said:

    kelli :


    I am glad you are fine & like I told you before looking good pinkish too. whole story you were describing & hospital you went in was where our son got in his first medical school acceptance though later he chose upitt medical college since it is one of the top 15 medical college. but resident,doctors, nurses running around to take care of patients reminded me my own hospital visit 16 years ago & ofcourse now i visualize our handsome son will be working as resident doctor in few years. BTW after all this melodrama did they finally realign your jaw so that you don't feel vertigo ever again lol.


    welcome back we all miss you including your boyfriend at home .




    No they didn't , with my jaw.. I must seek out my own doctor. 

    And my boyfriend was very happy to see me. He meowed like he was so happy and was attached to my side all night and slept on my pillow, above my head, and rested his head on my face... AWWWWWWW I was loved!!!!

  7. On 2/4/2020 at 9:25 PM, swilkinson said:

    Kelli, I have Muslim friends as I do have friends who have views on all forms of religion and those who have no views on religion at all. I have always mixed with all kinds of people, without any thought of race or culture, I was brought up in a neighbourhood where we all came from different backgrounds. All I was saying that by avoiding the discussion of our differences and emphasising our commonality our

    friendships have blossomed. 

    you are a lovely person

  8. 11 hours ago, swilkinson said:

    Kelli, I am a Christian but often meet up with people of other faiths too. Within reason we get along well by avoiding those things that are awkward for our particular version of faith. I don't post a lot of "Christian stuff" on Facebook, instead I post wise sayings that apply to us all. Love your attitude to life Kelli.  Big hugs.

    this particular message shared was insinuating the some one who practices with a Muslim faith is seen as a danger,. I personally do not share that view. I believe we all do what is right in our heart. I reminded this person, maybe cheeky on my part but, That view isn't a christian thing to do.  Judging others  . To blame an entire lot of people for the few who are not nice isn't fair. IMO

  9. the teachings you've been taught and the wisdom , he shared. has helped you become the woman you are, after stroke. My like the teaching I follow, those words were only a tool to help me form my own thoughts into the person I am, again after stroke. We all are always sadden by the passing of someone who has helped assist with ones life path, but take to heart the teaching and tools. As Buddha says, " We are what we think"

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