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Everything posted by ksmith

  1. holy cow. I agree with Sue with feeling weird when tied. Has it happened since?
  2. good luck. Please keep us apprised 🙂
  3. That maybe true but , at the time, we don't always associate the 'stroke symptoms' with stroke. I'm just so glad that, as unfortunate as stroke is, our paths crossed to meet. You have truly brightened up my heart
  4. 'I really do care honest' is what I say to my friends and family I do not talk to on a regular basis. I often feel that I am the one who is distancing myself from others because I can't make plans nor care to do what I once did ( i.e. dancing, going out to eat) for I get sensory overload quite easy. Now, I know that my family and my dearest friends understand I am not the same me after all of these years. Ok now I got that out of the way. " I really do care honest" is what I say when I try to read ya'lls topics or blogs. I love the fact that you are find it helpful to blog and to share your insights. As I tell me friends and family, please don't take it personally that I don't share nor comment. I can't comprehend what I am reading not have much to comment on for my memory cycle is scattered, at best. Just a thought I had this morning...
  5. it is absolutely amazing how when something happens, the universe aligns . Bravo to your brother for taking it seriously and not chalked it up to 'Sue just being Sue"
  6. Happy early Thanksgiving to you. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul
  7. One thing that was the hardest thing to realized was , and this was the example my Dr gave me, When you go into a restaurant, or where ever, and you , in your mind, already 'hear' the other diners talking about how you walk or look just thing of when you were with friends and you saw someone walk in, you might glance at them and go right back to your bubble. No one really cares.. I think that's why now I really don't care what people think of me.. years of therapy. But it's true. We are self conscience of ourselves that we begin to "mind read' . That is one of the thought changes we can make to love our cognitive health
  8. I can totally understand about the memory. good idea about printing them out. After a while you can notice your brain making the corrective thoughts.. It's hard.. It took me literally 5 years
  9. ksmith

    British Breakfast

    that looks absolutely yummy. Enjoy your proper meal 🧆
  10. ksmith

    Winter is here!

    I think this is such a great statement for everyone to remember not to just focus on 'new' things but appreciate what the brain can do without you even realizing
  11. Heather , that looks like so much fun and for me. I like roughing it, as they say, but since stroke, I can't handle it
  12. We hear cognitive behavioral therapy and sometimes we assume it has to do with thinking and understanding tasks. Well that is correct, but Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the thinking of ourselves and problem solving to help our own mental health. This is a great site to help explain the how, what and why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. ( this is where I got this work sheet from) "Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to change our thought patterns, our conscious and unconscious beliefs, our attitudes, and, ultimately, our behavior, in order to help us face difficulties and achieve our goals" This worksheet has hot and cold thoughts. We tend to think the HOT thoughts but we need to think the COLD thoughts. Again, better said than done. I still struggle with the thinking but I am happier now overall. This took me years to change my thinking about things and I didn't have a partner that truly understood what that entails. They had similar thinking as me . Now I'm told I'm to "zen". Having cognitive and brain damage ( call it what it is) to certain parts of your brain can make this a hard journey. I have to restart my thinking depending on the day sometimes. This is just an example of what CBT ( Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) (Mayo clinic) is and how it helped me. ( sorry its blurry)
  13. I can say I understand that emotion. At the end of the day we have to be happy and think highly of ourselves. Easier said than done I know. One thing I was taught during my cognitive therapy was those people aren't thinking about you all the time. They are living their life.. ( it took me YEARS to get a grip on that and I still struggle ) You are lovely in every way. This work sheet was my bible. It's hard but worth it. Take one tiny step at a time. xxoo
  14. Oh Janelle, i will give good energy your way. It's running across our little community here as well..Mask, wash hands.. (( huggs))
  15. I get asked that about my life in general. Sure, there are loads of things I'd change but in doing so I wouldn't have my children and knowledge of things.. It's quite a conundrum sometimes
  16. I think this is the greatest news . I wish you could see my heart smile when i read this. It goes to show that there are many folks here that understand and share their thoughts and I'm happy that it worked for you. As was stated before (Janelle (GreenQueen ) Thank you for understanding. "we got you ") She's amazing and so are you
  17. Sometimes people ask me if my stroke was a good thing to in the long run, and I am often perplexed with how to answer it. Yes the stroke took a lot of my happiness and my joy’s away and I wish that I could do a lot more than what I can. The one positive thing, however, was I was correctly diagnosed and finally medicated for my ADHD. And that way I feel like stroke was a benefit to me because I feel like I’m a better person. I just wanted to Blog that random thought that I had at 3 o’clock in the morning. ( getting ready for my overnight shift tomorrow night watching Dark Shadows the TV)
  18. I agree that you have take care of you and when he sees that you aren't stressed out , his mind set might reflect that as well.
  19. basically. It's like sitting out in the sun or extra bunches of vitamin D. I'm going to use it A LOT for when I wake up for work, it'll be dark and when I return back home, Dark ( BOOOOOO)
  20. I hope we get this beast under control. Because of starting the winter season here, we are seeing a huge uptick in my state and I prefer to stay home. I think all that you are doing is a god-send to those in your congregation and it helps remind them that they aren't going through this alone. Oh, I chuckled when Alice was playing Wii and beat you. She must have been so happy and you are such a good granma. Enjoy your summer holidays and bring joys to others.
  21. I'm OK. I love to read what others do for I'm a very boring person. Even before this, but after my stroke, I'm not fond of people. I read, when my brain allows it and binge watches British TV. I talk to my cats lol
  22. that sounds lovely and will for sure put a smile on someones face 🙂