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Everything posted by ksmith

  1. this particular message shared was insinuating the some one who practices with a Muslim faith is seen as a danger,. I personally do not share that view. I believe we all do what is right in our heart. I reminded this person, maybe cheeky on my part but, That view isn't a christian thing to do. Judging others . To blame an entire lot of people for the few who are not nice isn't fair. IMO
  2. I received a Facebook message from a friend that I've not spoke to in a long time that made my mind spin. If you have views that you TRULY believe in, make sure to share it with someone you know shares that view. I have been studying and practicing Buddhism, and with that I try not to let myself get really involved with the zeitgeist of today. WELL, I just had surgery and being on a bunch of pain medicine, my mind isn't as focused . I may have caught that person off guard by immediately sharing my opinion . I feel bad but people are people. I'm trying not to get really into this for it may offend some people. Basically, religion. Depending where you happen to be born determines how you believe. That's fine with me. My issue is when someone says someone else's views are wrong. No one is better than the other. To you, back to where you were born, are taught your practices are the right one. Same with everyone around the world. But to instill your personal views onto others is not right, in my view. I truly don't wish to disdain myself but I feel that everyone has a right to their own happiness and practices. To believe that others will try to make you change your views are just wrong. The reason why we say " Happy Holidays" no :"Merry Christmas" is not everyone celebrates Christmas. Reasons range from the belief that 'every day is a holy day,' as promoted by some Quakers, to a desire to observe those days the Bible emphasizes, such as the Old Testament holy days, while others, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, suggest any birthday, even that of Jesus, shouldn't be celebrated," writes Mark A Kellner for the Desert News. Among the largest group of Christmas-shunners are the Jehovah's Witnesses, which number close to 2 million in the United States, Kellner writes. The group once observed Dec. 25, but dropped the observance in 1928. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/features/os-christians-who-dont-celebrate-christmas-20141215-post.html We, as a society, are trying to be understanding for religions that are practiced by other people. I just want everyone to get along ((this is my own opinion)))
  3. ksmith

    1 year old soon

    Thanks Sue for the push to write. Blogging has always been hard for me. The words don't always make it from my brain to my fingers. HAHA. Some would argue that the word don't go from my brain to mouth. I would have to agree with that one. I never seem to have something to write about for the thought doesn't stay in my head long enough. But I'll try: In March, my mom and I are driving to Florida, via North Carolina to stay with my sister and family. I was going to fly but it was going to be costly. It will be my grandson's first birthday. I'm excited to go and see him. My father, drives an activity school bus now that he had retired from teaching, and used all the money he earned and booked us a room for 7 days. I am beyond being u[set not seeing him as much as I would love to but I know I'll be the coolest Mimi ever. That's about as far as I can think of writing. I'll have pictures for sure
  4. blogging is such a fantastic way to get all your troubles out or just spreed good news :)
  5. ksmith


    BRILLIANT. I knew you could do it. Especially when you have the passion
  6. Nancy, I'm so sorry. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. email me if you need anything. I can understand passing to be bittersweet, especially when someone is ill, but hard nonetheless. πŸ’—πŸ™
  7. my heart wept when I read this. You are Not an utter failure as a mother. My son, in Florida, lives with his GF's mother and ( they have a baby, my grandson) and I hardly ever get phone calls, or pictures, so i understand your sadness. We can only do what we can do and you are. I also weep for all the pain you are going through.
  8. ksmith


    Kev, you’re to funny. Hindsight is normally 20/20. Or should I say behind sight ( wow poor dad joke)
  9. the teachings you've been taught and the wisdom , he shared. has helped you become the woman you are, after stroke. My like the teaching I follow, those words were only a tool to help me form my own thoughts into the person I am, again after stroke. We all are always sadden by the passing of someone who has helped assist with ones life path, but take to heart the teaching and tools. As Buddha says, " We are what we think"
  10. ksmith


    well today was my colonoscopy. My 5th. The reason was for I have pre cancerous polyps. Great news, I have no new polyps. BUT I have 2 internal hemorrhoids that are the largest he has seen in his 25 years of practice. OH BOY. SO ... I go see a specialist Friday, 13 for a consult . ARGGGGG.. my poor buttocks but two things to take away...1. I had the BEST nap ( thanks to anesthesia) 2for the next 5 years, no colonoscopy.
  11. ksmith

    We are back

    we missed you bunches
  12. I've missed you to bits. I'm not going to lie after I read about this : I was so happy. I actually screamed out loud in joy xx
  13. ksmith

    Team pride

    From the album: selfie time

    Gearing up for a great match this weekend!!!! Come on boys!!! #All Blacks #NZ
  14. ksmith

    selfie time

    I had my gastric sleeve done in February and finally starting to see a difference
  15. "Some days it feels like life really sucks - other days, I toss up my hands and say "it is what it is" and go on! " YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. isn't is crazy.. we're coming full circle in life
  17. Sue, that is a great point. I learned while I was in counseling that many stroke survivors, I know i did, only see what stroke has done to themselves. I mean, yes , stroke changes us but we often fail to see how it effects the family. I would see that my husband was going out, to work, as being able to do things. I then started to accuse him of doing things, outside the marriage, because I was so upset how I looks/felt. He was having to do two jobs in one and you're right,, I, we, didn't appreciate what he did.. So from me.. thank you all caregivers who do an amazing job
  18. ksmith

    Oh my

    But better news-ish: I did go on a dating site and I was matched with someone who isn't my first go to.. ( i like tattoo& piercings) f you couldn't already tell by how I dress but ANYWAY::::: Many people don't know where I work is a place for individuals with either physical or mental disabilities. I love it. This was similar to my very first job in Florida but it was an institution. I now am in apartments where individuals can begin to integrate in the community. Assistant living but my 'apartment' is a mini group home for someone has to be there 24/7 due to their health issues. It's cool. I love spending time there for I use "reverse physiology' on one of the residents.. am I'm not lying for she helps me walk. ( someone needs to hold her hand so she won't run away) I do need help.. ok there's what I do. I was contacted by one gentleman who questioned the name of my employer. He woulds as a case worker for out company. He's not affiliated but how cool is that. I've been told it takes a special someone to have the patience and landed on my lap.. someone who gets it and MAYBE could understand my challenges. 🀞
  19. ksmith

    Oh my

    he called but there's just no similar things together so maybe just a friend. I told my mom , and she helped me, that I was going to sign up for on line dating. It'd not really my thing but I don't go to bars and such and this is a seasonal town. In the Winter, everything turns.. quiet. I told her that may survivors have to do that because on not going out and also, I can weed out the ones that want something I can't do. ( ex. skiing)