
Executive Management
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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. I met a women who experiences constant pain and told me she honestly thought about suicide. That broke my heart and I started to tell her about you and all that you go through and yet you are optimistic. You have every right to feel the way you feel. I am at fault for vomiting positivity and for that I'm sorry. The woman I met has had a few TBI's that causes her body to contort and ache and she expressed almost verbatim the words you have said. You , though you may not feel like it, help others and in doing so are looked up to and admired.


    I don't think completely blocking you friends is a good thing. You are still you. I cried reading your words. I will have to get to process  my thoughts first.  

  2. All I took away from that and I was laughing so hard I had to try to re read this 3 times : 


    " We drove to Scottsdale and met up with our old caregiver, Kelly, at the casino and had the brunch buffet......wasn't sure that was a good way to start the year, but Gary really was dying to go to a casino."

    1. Always good to see old friends

    2. Anyone name Kelly is a good person , though she spells her name wrong lol

    3. food


    5.oh yeah...... food

    6. Hope Gary or you had a good time for that's all that mattered..

    ..... be the way did I mention....... brunch is ALWAYS ......good Image result for yummy emoji copy and paste


  3. Nancy,

     I am in awe with everything you do. It's a Mothers job to help out with our children but yikes. Just asking, does your daughter or SIL know anyone else who can chip in with help? I mean I know your grandson is your heart, as I know once I have Grandkids they would be mine, but my goodness. you have enough on your plate. I'm sorry SIL had hip issues.. not fun.


    I can only offer my understanding of reading others on here , over the years, who struggle with having a spouse in nursing home or of the like, talk about being conflicted home or there. I can understand why. You love him. Some people don't understand that.. I mean, lets say he was home.. your stress levels would be above normal and his care would only bring, I know for me, would cause me to skirt the line of abuse. ( not physical but verbal)  Just keeping it real. I saw my parents care for my grandmother (mothers mom) after her stroke ( relationship wasn't good to being with. was Christian Scientist so no medical care before or after and my mom is a nurse..  . long story) No abuse or anything but guilt and exhaustion and frustration. 

    I'm very sorry you have to ride this ride until your sil gets well again..  Your boss is a godsend.  You are loved be me and all here.  Please find time, guilt-free for you!!

  4. " I am self absorbed now sometimes but I appreciate my best friend and my Son who love me back to life. I live on the border of life now so I am in a different place.  I am useless but try and love those around me now here in this institution of suffering and healing. I am grateful to see 2018 but it is a foreign place I was not prepared to land in. I will do my best to do all I am required with help of grace. "



    I can't explain it but these statements struck me with sage..  You are unyielding Image result for we do what we must

  5. ADDICTION  to online games are my kryptonite D&C truly no big deal.. I have had one and in the long run it helped me. A tops and tails procedure is a great nap. I've had three since my stroke.    The pain that you have is something I can't even begin to tell you my sadness I have for you for it is unfathomable. My heart weeps 

  6. It is terrible. I mean just look back in history and it was seen as pinching a woman or degrading her as showing a man's manly-hood and then if the "little lady" complained, why.... they were just reassured that just do your job and boys will be boys. Yes you see many women coming out and men who are appear to be good mannered gentleman, and most are good men, unfortunately it's the few that bruise the few. Things need to change

  7. 6 hours ago, smarshall said:

     As it turns out my ex and his family will be there, and even though I don't bare any ill feelings I look at not going as a plus.

    I TOTALLY understand that statement.  I like my ex's girlfriend, heck we even get along we, but since I can't remember the 9 years of marriage therefore before stroke I get upset for I don't understand why "we" couldn't be happy like that..... then I see how boring he is now and happy again :lol:

  8. I agree with your concerns as Asha's response. In another life I worked in places like that and it breaks my heart but sometimes we are trapped because of money or insurance or even location. Some people are just working for a paycheck luckily, the good souls outweigh the bad. Our hearts go out to those we know those are good people but you can be allowed by the baddies to do their work for they will depend on you.  Image result for Unhappy Emoji