
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Billy-Joe

  1. Happy Anniversary Billy-Joe!

  2. Happy Anniversary Billy-Joe!

  3. Happy Anniversary Billy-Joe!

  4. What happens when the doctors they don't know why you had a stroke. But your prone to have another one. Mind boggling.

  5. Thank you for your comments, I was a caregiver first, my partner of nearly ten years had a inter cranial bleed, she survived 3 days short of a year. Then became a survivor. Love writing, working on one now, it takes me a while to get my thoughts from my brain to my fingers. Thank you again.
  6. Billy-Joe

    My Life and Family

    My life before and after the stroke
  7. I totally agree Doreen, I have no time realm. My wife will get up and say to get off my laptop due to the fact that I can be on it for 12 to 14 hours. Believing in my own mind it was only a hour or so. We were always told time is our enemy, well for us it is our savior. Time gives us the chance to regain ourselves. Thank you for the comment, I love to hear from everyone and I do respond to everyone. Thank you again.
  8. Thank-you, it is up building and positive for me. Writing is my world.
  9. Billy-Joe

    Natural Reader here is the site, hope this is helpful. Thanks Larry found it easy
  10. Micheal I call it a stranger within, I just started anti-depressants four weeks ago, my stroke was July 29th, 2009, it's a learning experience. What I have found is talking to others. It makes the empty feeling go away. Communications is vital. I write blogs and review articles. With the stroke I felt all by myself. It takes me along time to write or review, I do it. It's a goal I set for myself. I want to be back to me, so I have to retrain myself. Think positive and tell us how you feel. Your thoughts are important, someone out there needs to hear how you feel so they know they are not alone. Keep writing, we will keep reading and replying.
  11. I'm glad I figured out the stranger within, it is still very frustrating, I write to release my frustration. Thank-you for reading my blog
  12. I love blogging, since the stroke it takes longer for me to process. I am glad to know I can write what we survivors feel, thanks to my wife I get the care givers prospective. Thank you for your comment it is up building.
  13. Thank you, I loved your comment, I thought I was losing my mind.
  14. :Clap-Hands: On July 30th, 2009 a stranger took over the body of Billy-Joe, it started a new saga in a life that has already fought through a lot of adversity. Billy-Joe has a new wife, son and some animals. We were offered a home back in Billy-Joe
  15. From the album: My Life

    © wendeplante

  16. Billy-Joe

    My Life

    These are recent pictures just before my stroke, have a few from after.