doreen payne

Stroke Survivor - female
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About doreen payne

  • Birthday 06/18/1971

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
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  • Interests
    reading, movies, tv, puzzles, internet, blogging
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  1. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  2. Happy Birthday doreen payne!

  3. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  4. Happy Birthday doreen payne!

  5. am from Australia - Forbes NSW
  6. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  7. lily, my 12 yr old, has migraines. they are getting worse and she has missed half of last term. drs here wouldn't do anything so I had to go to another town. finally got a referral to a paediatrician. hoping he will be able to help. she takes deralin 2 tablets 3 times a day and they are not helping much. I am so frustrated and I am not coping the school is really good and very understanding thank God! I don't know what to do.
  8. Sue, thanks for the update. I am praying for you and I am here if you want a chat anytime. thinking about you. love Doreen
  9. I am sorry about Ray being sick I am glad you were able to go to the wedding though and to your daughters lunch. I love the salvos! wish there was a stroke group in my area as I would like to join one.
  10. Happy Birthday doreen payne!

  11. sounds like you had a lovely weekend!
  12. Hmmm I am playing about 45 dice games with people :)

  13. left over Chinese for breakfast - yummy!!!!!

  14. new leather lounge :)