doreen payne

Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by doreen payne

  1. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  2. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  3. Happy Anniversary doreen payne!

  4. Hmmm I am playing about 45 dice games with people :)

  5. left over Chinese for breakfast - yummy!!!!!

  6. new leather lounge :)

  7. lawn getting mowed :)

  8. nice and peaceful without one of my children

  9. Almost ready to to get packet of smokes - my uncle ad his wife are knuckleheads and I hope they drop dead right now

  10. :( don't like things changing like this

  11. looks like rain coming soon - glad the school fete is in the hall

  12. Just for fun: I'm running a test to see who's reading my posts. I realise that's about 3 of you :) So, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day. Only one word please. Then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy - that's not as much fun

  13. On this day on 11 march 2009 I had my second stroke:(

  14. yummy curry combination and fried rice from the Chinese down town!

  15. Exhausted today - going to bed now

  16. I'm running a test to see who's reading my posts. I realize that's about 5 of you :) So, if you read this, leave me a one-word comment about your day that starts with the third letter of your first name. Only one word please. Then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy... - that's not as much fun!! :-)

  17. Am downtown getting a few things. Getting the ferry back soon.

  18. It is very wet and deb it is almost to you old flat

  19. At 1 pm the tow down town of Forbes will be closed

  20. what is the best radio station to listen for update on?