doreen payne

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by doreen payne

  1. I'll ask about the dental programs Sue - thanks. I think I needed to vent mostly.
  2. thanks you for making my feel welcome here and you encouraged me too
  3. anyway at the moment I am really down. I need all my top teeth out and a denture in. anyway my aunt (Robyn) is a control freak and ring me up and upset me. my uncle was going to help with the dentures and stuff but my aunt told me that I can pay for the dentures and stuff my self. Robyn and Warren (my uncle) are sister and brother. I have bad week - lots of traveling, and things going wrong. need to catch up on my sleep. on the plus side my specialist said that I going well and have to go back in 12 months and mri's too then. anyway that's about all for now.
  4. I lose everything now. I have to put my keys, etc in the same spot all the time now. my long term memory is fine mostly but short term is stuffed but I'm working on it now