
Stroke Survivor - female
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About psuzannes

  • Birthday 05/23/1972

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  1. Happy Anniversary psuzannes!

  2. Happy Anniversary psuzannes!

  3. Happy Anniversary psuzannes!

  4. Happy Holidays! When I was getting ready to go to my Dad
  5. I am going places - maybe not the Cuban place where tables are JAM PACKED - going places just takes more thought and some places just aren't going to be handicapped friendly.
  6. I want to believe my recovery will be
  7. It FINALLY dawned on me
  8. For those familiar with Facebook...Apparently Facebook employees have a sense of humor: scroll down to the bottom at the left hand side of the page to where it says ENGLISH and click. It brings up different languages, then click ENGLISH PIRATE and see what it does. It is pretty funny..................(I stole this from someone else)
  9. I understand that people make mistakes, but at 38 aren't you responsible for your actions? Somewhere, even minutely, she thought that. I wouldn't hold a grudge but am really relutant to set myself up for another "fall".
  10. Silver Spring, Montgomery County, in da house!!