
Stroke Survivor - male
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About Gpasture

  • Birthday 03/10/1955

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Gpasture's Achievements

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New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary Gpasture!

  2. Happy Anniversary Gpasture!

  3. Happy Anniversary Gpasture!

  4. Hello Smallory57. Thank you for wishing me happy anniversary on my FIRST anniversary. It is now past my SECOND anniversary.(I don't get here much) All is going well. As soon as I find out how to post my pictures I will. God Bless you and I hope all is well with you. I was 54 years old when I had the stroke. So far, no sign of a second stroke. God is good!

  5. Happy Anniversary Gpasture!

  6. Happy Anniversary Gpasture!

  7. has not set their status

  8. hi shonda. welcome to the site. i too am from ft worth but now live in phx,az. enjoy the site. i am the membership administrator, if you need help, just ask. my screen name is kanderson