
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by CallmeRachel

  1. Have you been in therapy with a psychotherapist to talk about your depression? Rachel
  2. Leah ! Exercise clubs, indeed, can be expensive. I see that you live in Arizona -- Why not check out your local Parks and Recreation Programs for exercise classes and such. Best wishes, Rachel, a caregiver
  3. Bravo! You survived your first days! It will get easier because you'll come up with all sorts of short-cuts and easier ways for you to get the work done. Applause, Rachel
  4. I am sorry for your sadness. My thoughts are with you. Rachel
  5. You have a golden heart

    and a giving nature.

    (And you're really smart!)

    You're the best!

    love from


  6. I hope you are feeling better and better!

    Best wishes for a sunny day,


  7. Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year!

    You're the best.


  8. Time for you to GO ON STRIKE. I am not kidding. GO ON STRIKE. Stop doing everything, EVERYTHING. Put a strike sign on your chest and stand firm, until you've made your point and things change. I did it. Made a sign, marched in front of my own home, refused to come in. They caved fast, and chores were assigned. That was years ago, in my first marriage. But I'd do it again if I had to. Rachel, a caregiver
  9. Happy New Year !


  10. Happy, Happy New Year, Fred! Rachel
  11. What's on your mind?

  12. Happy, Happy Birthday

    oh Great One!


  13. Look how far you've come in the last year!



  14. A very Happy Birthday to you!


  15. Thinking of you on this,

    the anniversary of

    your first stroke.

    Cheering you on,



  16. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday

    Sweet Pickles!


  17. Best wishes to you, Warrior Caregiver!


    Rachel in The Land of Moo

  18. Happy, Happy Anniversary!

    I hope you are feeling better and better

    each year.


  19. Happy, Happy Birthday HostLINDA!


  20. A very Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Stessie.



  21. Best wishes for continued recovery!


  22. Best wishes for continued recovery

    on this,your anniversary day.


  23. Sue, you said, "It is all so silly in a way, not that I have ever liked change but surely I am a “grown up” and could accept it a little more graciously?" Your feelings are never silly, Sue. and as for acting like a GROWN UP, there are times when that is necessary and times when it's not... Your days are filled with powerful, natural reactions to big changes. There is nothing silly or immature about how you are feeling. To feel, to talk about feelings, those are STRENGTHS, not weaknesses. In your corner, Rachel
  24. Doctors are not trained to understand or to support independent, resourceful, hearty people like you. Moreover, they don't meet many stroke survivors who acclimate and prosper. After hearing what your doctor said, you were in a bad mood because #1 Your doctor ignored your reality. #2 Your doctor doesn't believe in you. #3 Your doctor insulted you. In your place, I would look for a new Doctor -- but if that is not possible, I expect you to continue proving him wrong. Boogie on, Rachel