
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by CallmeRachel

  1. Oh dear, what rough times you are in ! Hug each other, hold on! Rachel
  2. Good to hear that you're home! Rachel
  3. Did you write that? IF SO, TERRIFIC! IF you didn't write it, you have very good taste in poets. Rachel
  4. The Doctors may be surprised, but I'm not!

    You're a survivor.

    Keep surprising the Doctors, Little Joe.



  5. The Doctors may be surprised, but I'm not.

    You're a survivor!

    Keep surprising the Doctors Little Jo!

    Cheers, Rachel

    1. Little Jo

      Little Jo

      iv been in the hospitial yesturday had to have a heart cath on me .EVERY THING WENT VERY GOOD. I was so worryed about BUT Godwas with me so i know i was in good hands .


  6. Happy Anniversary to You!

    And thank you for everything you do for StrokeNet.


  7. Agreed, Leese is ready for Comedy Central! Addressing Dean's (always) provocative questions -- I offer one of my favorite quotes: John Eccles: "The brain is so complicated that it staggers its own imagination." Rachel, staggered
  8. Wishing you a most Happy Birthday!


  9. A very Happy Birthday to you!


  10. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!

    We're all so glad you were born!



  11. Jeannie, I agree with Debbie who said, "However, honey, I will often not post if I feel the blogger has gotten solid, good advice, help or suggestions." Right on, Debbie! When terrific thinkers post their comments and have covered the vital issues with wise advice,I do not post. Rachel, a caregiver
  12. My husband (two hemorrhagic strokes 2009) left arm, left hand desensitization and other deficits said, AFTER I READ YOUR BLOG/POST TO HIM: "I think it's exciting and I look forward to hearing more about the progress and intricacies. I don't know if it applies to me since I'm not as damaged as many; my problems are more in the arena of desensitization. But who knows what benefits can come out of talented scientists trying this approach. Thank you for telling us." And thank you from me too, Rachel
  13. Can I have your autograph? Applause, Rachel
  14. Your generous gift of honest transparency and your clear, direct narrative will surely help many. Thank you for telling your story SO WELL, SO TRUTHFULLY, SO POETICALLY. Rachel, a caregiver
  15. I have read your blog and the comments to my hub (2 hemorrhagic strokes 2009) because I am in the process of nagging him to use his LEFT HAND MORE. It worked, he agrees. Thank you for honestly sharing. Rachel, caregiver
  16. Congratulations on your new position!

    And thank you again and again and again

    for your gracious goodwill and generosity

    to stroke survivors and caregivers.


  17. Sebi99 and CallmeRachel are two different people, both, by the way, are brilliant thinkers and exceptionally good looking. Rachel
  18. Linda! Stuart and I talk about the fear of another stroke, his fear, my fear. We live fear. We are nervous. When I hear him stumble, I rush to him, fearing another stroke has caused him to fall. When he falls, he always fears it is because he has had another stroke. People here may not talk about it, but I bet heavy that they live it like we do. You are not alone. Hey, it's a crowd, maybe a silent crowd, BUT A CROWD! Rachel, caregiver to Stuart who had two hemorrhagic strokes in 2009
  19. MJ! Pointing out his negativity, forcing him to think about his complaining --- Wow, good work Woman! You are a terrific caregiver! Rachel
  20. He's doing good, you're doing good. Applause, Rachel
  21. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!

    And thank you for all you

    do for StrokeNet.


  22. CallmeRachel


    Ken! Core post-stroke pain? I think it's CENTRAL POST STROKE PAIN -- Try Googling Central Post Stroke Pain, you'll find things like this: Trying to help, Rachel whose husband (2 hemorrhagic strokes 2009) does not have it.
  23. You were born on the the First Day of Spring!

    Oh, that makes you even more special.

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday from Rachel

    who was just smiling at the daffodils in her


  24. It is a tough, tough time for you.

    But you can make it, you can conquer this.


  25. I quote you: I told him that I just feel overwhelmed by physical contact. It is more than I want to respond to or deal with, except from him and the kids. It sort of feels like being smothered or drowning a little. I can't get away from it and it is just too much, too overpowering, too close, I don't know how to better explain it. You explained it very well, indeed. Landslides of stimulation, negative OR POSITIVE are often too much for a recent stroke-survivor. My husband (stroke-survivor) is reading this over my shoulder (he is a psychologist): He adds this to my comments: "It is too much. It takes too much energy to deal with all of it." Your new friend, Rachel