
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by CallmeRachel

  1. Today, Birthday Girl, I hope you

    smile and laugh and eat a delicious

    something with no nutritional value.


  2. CallmeRachel

    Steve Mallory

    That photo! I love looking at your defiant smile! Rachel
  3. Happy Birthday Oh Wise One!

    from Rachel/CallMeRachel

  4. How are you doing Little Jo?


  5. I am gravely pained by stories of what Blacks lived (and in some backward places still live) Long ago, I read Baldwin, I listened to King, I wept when both died. I am still pained that they were gone too soon. Black History Month reminds me of Black suffering. Rachel, a white woman
  6. Lydia, thee of fabulous communicative skills: It may seem like an inevitable doom, but you, personally, can do things to slow it down maybe even escape. I am not aware of what your physical capabilities are -- but oxygenated blood is your friend, so dance as much as you can. And food is nothing to be nonchalant about --- Your friends are fruits and veggies. Your enemies are fried fast food and sugar-highs. Why not, dearest Lydia, help your body fight the good fight i.e. help yourself to more years than the dark predictions. You are exceptional, Lydia, continue to be the exception. Cheering you on, Rachel
  7. What an honor, to say

    Happy Birthday to one of

    the most generous, wonderful

    people here.

    Best wishes,


  8. My goodness, look at that, it's your


    I'm glad you were born.


  9. I think of you often and I smile.


  10. Okay, SUE, as you read, Mike is advising BOOZE. For overworked, pooped caregivers, I also recommend the occasional, well-needed BIG FAT SHOT OF STRAIGHT HOOCH. Rachel, A BELIEVER.
  11. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!

    Many, many more.


  12. Oh, how wonderful, your Birthday!

    Best wishes from


  13. CallmeRachel

    Day one of blog

    Bravo! Your elegant honesty is a gift to all. Rachel
  14. Happy Birthday Moonrocket (love that name)!

    Best wishes for a wonderful day and year.


  15. Happy Anniversary to YOU!


  16. Jan, You SEE better than people who have 20/20. You see what is important and what is not. This blog, your well-written, clear, honest, beautiful blog is a great holiday gift to your friends on StrokeNet, to everyone on StrokeNet. Thank you. Rachel, a caregiver in the Land of Moo
  17. Fred ! You bring thousands of smiles to people here at StrokeNet. You're Santa Claus year 'round. Thank you. Rachel
  18. You are a Warrior Advocate for stroke survivors and caregivers, Dean, an indefatigable defender of our right to know the facts, or lack of them. A thousand thank you's. Rachel
  19. Solution: when you're making up YOUR list, telling Santa Claus what YOU want for Christmas, put at the top: NO SNOW and NO ICE. Or do what we do when the snowdrifts or an ice storm stop us from going outside for our strolls -- Walk around the dining room table 400 times. Rachel
  20. oc1dean ! Well done! I especially applaud your fearless attack on the problem of blind acceptance and/or anti-think i.e. that every thing a doctor sayeth is THE ONLY TRUTH. Doctors are mere humans, meaning they can be lazy, under-read and C MINUS thinkers. I agree with your implied message: Every one must research and come to understand as much as possible about the situation they find themselves in. It's crazy to trust every doctor all of the time. Some of them barely passed their exams. Rachel, a caregiver
  21. Fred ! I hope others make you smile as much as you make them smile. You're a gem. Rachel
  22. CallmeRachel

    Back to work

    The key news/sentence is " Also I have something back for myself, making me more whole." Welcome WHOLE DEBBIE! love to you, Rachel
  23. Happy Birthday to you!


  24. The sun shines on you and Bernie ! Rachel