
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Everything posted by CallmeRachel

  1. I agree. There's no reason for guilt or apologies. Being educated about the medical mechanics of the situation and politely, but firmly asserting your concerns can never be wrong. I whacked my head once, big lump, but it didn't hurt. 24 hours later I had a bulge in my throat, big bulge. The ER Doctor was new, too new. She scheduled me for thyroid tests. "But I hit my head yesterday, it's got to be related to that," I protested, "I don't have the symptoms of a thyroid condition!" which didn't stop her, she decided to schedule me for ulcer tests, lung tests, TB, diabetes etc. and MORE ETC...when she added a treadmill test, I blurted NO! and asked to see another Doctor. (Yes, it was an awkward moment) The next Doctor was an old ER pro. He looks at my head lump and my throat bulge and sayeth, "You probably bled into your throat and the blood's trapped there." "Makes sense to me," I smiled, "Let's stab it and find out if it's venous blood." He did and it was trapped venous blood from the head wound. The end. I figure the new doctor, she of a million tests, was too nervous to guess the obvious. If I'd kept my mouth shut though, no doubt her next move would be to test me for beriberi. Rachel
  2. CallmeRachel

    Another blow

    The shock must have hit you like a sledge hammer to the chest. I cried for you, I know you cried for yourself. But there's no point in getting depressed, you know, that will only make it harder on your immune system and your recovery. AND YOUR LIFE. In the face of such startling news, Be optimistic, look toward the sun and welcome its warmth and strength. Rachel
  3. Sue, I am always troubled by abbreviated, popular, anti-specific phrases like "move on." They rank high on my glib, well-meaning, but meaningless scale. I agree, caregivers cannot move on unless the person they watch over is institutionalized or DIES. That's the gruesome reality of "move on" for caregivers. You are one of the clearest thinkers on StrokeNet, Sue. I hope people turn to your posts when they are trying to sort out the truth of caregiver life. Your fan, Rachel
  4. You are handling an enormous amount of things. Sneak out for an ice cream cone. love, Rachel/CallmeRachel
  5. You wrote: No one is here to look after me so I best get on with it. No, we are not there. But many here on strokenet look after you the best we can -- with supportive messages to you. Rachel/CallmeRachl
  6. Sue, your keen intelligence, your direct, dark humor, your steadfast helpfulness, ALL are greatly appreciated. In my head, I thank you hundreds of times, I thank you too few times on this stroke network. THANK YOU! from Rachel/CallmeRachel

  7. You are a good, honest, generous person. I am

    honored to know you. Rachel/CallmeRachel

  8. CallmeRachel

    Salt Water

    Shared loss, shared pain. Shared tears. That is love. You ask what the future will bring? More love: Shared hope. Shared smiles. Shared precious, honest, beautiful moments... Rachel
  9. AH HA DEBBIE! I am so glad to read that you have found that there are OTHER PEOPLE in the world JUST AS NICE AS YOU! GO MIKE! Smiling big, Rachel