
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About Ethyl17

  • Birthday 01/17/1952

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    Reading, Cooking, Poker, Math
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  1. Ethyl17


    Ruth: been a long time for sure. I haven't been onsite for a long while - going through some issues here. But I was so glad to see you had posted. I was basically checking in to see how all our Texans were doing. I am sorry about William's decline and I do hope it is temporary. You do so much for him. Good to hear you are still getting off to your yoga and swimming. I know this is so important to you. And the little puppies are doing well. Please know I think of you and William often. You were so helpful to me in those early years. Be well, stay strong. And know that you are in my thoughts. Debbie
  2. Your husband may qualify for yearly PT-OT, if you are on Medicare or through his insurance. I take Bruce to Outpatient every year for what I call his "tune up." The first few years, I sat in on every session. Now I sit and read, use their pool or just walk the grounds. I had caregivers in to help - we private paid as we did not qualify for paid assistance, but Bruce did better with me and I had gotten to the point where I could not work and take care of him, so I retired and therefore had to stop paid caregivers. I will treat myself from time to time with a dinner with friends or a movie. I ask friends to stay with him and every once in a while, I will pay for someone to stay with him. What I do want to share with you is that the routine that you and your husband are in now will not continue. Changes will occur and readjustment is needed. This is difficult for us caregivers. We have to totally rethink what we are doing and what is required to function daily. Fitting in time for ourselves changes as their needs change. I did look into "Respite" care for Bruce. I am trying to get away for an overnight with my sister. But the SNFs that will do Respite care, at least here, require a 4 day stay. Yes, Medicare will pay for it. As much as I would love 3 or 4 days off, I can't do that to Bruce and I would just dwell on that and not enjoy my time. But it may work for you and you have to check into your insurance and see what they allow. Also, if your husband now requires more help from you, his PCP can order PT-OT at home, due to "change in condition." For me, the biggest thing was getting enough sleep. In the early days, HostSue advised when Bruce slept, I had to sleep - regardless of what else had to get done and over the years, I have kept to it. Bruce no longer naps, but I make sure I get a good 6 hours overnight and then I can function. This is such a difficult time for you and your husband. A transition, for sure and so difficult to work through it. Go easy. Debbie
  3. Ethyl17


    Ruth: so glad you are enjoying your retirement. But still busy as ever. Good holidays. Debbie
  4. Ethyl17

    Continuing with ECT

    Nancy: thank you for the update. You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Good to know you are on the road to recovery. Debbie
  5. Ethyl17

    Moving Forward

    Sarah: praying for you and the family. Debbie
  6. Happy Anniversary Ethyl17!

  7. You know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Beautiful tribute to your son. Take care. Debbie
  8. Ruth: it might be time for a break. But defintely, it is OK for you to forgo what we call the "hooplah" here in SparksPalmer land and have your workout, enjoy your time. Get back on the horse after a short break. Be well. Debbie
  9. Ethyl17

    Broken Hearts

    Sarah - I am so sorry for your loss. Please know you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. Debbie
  10. Thanks Sarah for the update. I do hope you find a nice cool place to chill for a few days. Weather throughout most of the country is just horrid. Will be keeping a look out for your nephew. Let us know when he comes up - lots of MLB fans here. We can all cheer him on.
  11. Ethyl17

    Hot, hot, hot!

    Thank you for updating, Julie. Happy Birthday to Larry and Congratulations on your Anniversary. Your weather is horrid, for sure. Keep the AC going and hydrate. Go Cards!
  12. That Bob is looking sharp! Great finds Sandy! I know they are comfortable but he looks so good.
  13. Ethyl17


    Congratulations Ruth! Been a haul for you, certainly. It is going to take a while to adjust to your new routine and season changes will bring about more. So glad you are able to spend time with new projects and fit in the therapies and routines that you like. William too will need time to adjust to your being home. Enjoy! And update when you can. Debbie
  14. Congratulations Sarah and Gary. Beautiful blog Sarah. How many of us you have guided through this stroke journey with such grace. Debbie
  15. Sarah - exactly what Bruce wants. A celebration of his life!