
Stroke Survivor - female
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  1. Happy Anniversary nancysueh!

  2. Happy Anniversary nancysueh!

  3. Happy Anniversary nancysueh!

  4. Thank you Maria It is good to hear from you. I am eligible this friday but since it is a holiday I'm not certain it will happen on Friady but soon after if not. I have been counting the days. He has woken up more now when he is awake and that is good. He can speak when someone calls and I put the phone to his ear. he attempts to talk and can say a few words and they hear him. I cna't understand all that he says as he talks very low but I can make out some of it. I just can't wait for him to come home . I have been doing my own pt with him as they stoped it at the re hab due to his sleeping when they are working. He can raise a one pound bar and can throw a ball but he can't move his legs more than an inch. That I will have to work on with the pt when he comes home. I've been doing range of motion on him also but I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly so I have to get the pt and ot to show me exactly. We had a mri last week on thursday so maybe today the Dr will read it and let me know what he thinks and see if he takes him off the anti seizure med kepra he is taking which can also cause sleep. He asked me if the car was ready and I said you are in a short term rehab and we will be coming home in a few days.
  5. HI Thankyou for your comment.. 6 more days and he will be home.. They ordered a devise to put betwen his legs so they don't constricture. He was up yesterday when I got there at 11 first time that happened. I watch for everyting as i don't want problems when i come home. We went to get a mri yesterday so maybe the dr will take him off the seizer med which the dr said on Monday were possibily causeing him to sleep. I can't wait to have him home, They have notations in the chart to turn and do other things, but two days ago when they had in his chart they were to put cold compress on his penis due to a blster there. they said they did it at 2 and I was there from 11 -8 and no one did it. so they lied and entered it when they didn't do it. It is a short term rehab. and they are nice but they don't do what they are even supposed to do in the orders. We have assess a ride which is great. they come in a van and take you where ever you want to go in new york in the wheel chair and it costss 2.25 cents. Nancy 6 more days... and he will be home
  6. Hi Thank you for your post.. I just found 2 large ?blisters? on his penis.. I called the nurse and she took 10 mintues to come but she said she didn't know what it was. I asked her to call the Dr. and she said there was no dr. but I told her the Administraor said to me there is always a dr in the building.. so she is now calling the head nurse.... but I am worried. HOW COME I HAD TO FIND IT why did no one find it and treat it????? oh no another problem. but at least I found it and now will do what ever I can to find out what it is and how to treat it and how it came to be there. Nancy
  7. Thank you for your prayers. that is helping more than you know. My husband just asked me what is the situation with John, his best freind from the UK and I had to tell him he was not coming.. He said the airfare was too expensive 1600.00 I said do you want me to tell him to come? he shook his head no.. then can I call and tell him what you said.. "what was the situation with John: and he said oK. So i called him and told him I didn't need his money ( he had told me to take 800.00 half of the air fare to take care of leigh) and I left a message on the phone that I didn't need his money I needed him. He is his best freind and he needed him .. we go up to the solarium every night and there is this man who comes to see his best freind almost every night.. and I think that make Leigh think of John and where was he.... John has quite a bit of money and no children or wife so I don't think money should be a stop for him coming. after all he is 85 as is my husband and what is money for if not to do what you want in a time like this..
  8. I put him on the side of the bed to practice sitting up. and remembered an exercie from the last rehab when he coudln't sit up ( it is disgusting that he could sit up when he got here and not he can't!!!) he did it and now I got him to sit up for a little bit. I will do it every day and in a few days he will be able to sit up again. i brought him up to the solarium and started some pt and ot with him but he was mostly passive and sleeping. but I did it so he had the limbs moving. maybe if he wakes up in a little bit I'll do some more. at least he is sitting up the wheel chair. if not for me they would have had him sleeep all day and night as it is easier for them... 13 more days... and he comes come. it has to be easier at home being that a ot and pt and speach will come 3 days a week so that is 6 days I won't have to do these exercies as they will and I'll do them the other days. plus I can train the aid how to care for him to my liking and if not fire her till one comes I like. i can manage here just fine until then. I just don't know what is going on from when I leave at 9 till I come back again at 11 or 12. i know he is just sleeping but they arn't getting the flem out of him nor are they straigtheneing his legs nor are they cleaning him up as soon as he goes which is why he is getting sores and red on his bottom.. but like I said 13 more days and it saves my back from breaking and my wrist from getting sore. plus my frustration at not being able to lift him myself. etcetc etc. the women's mother next to leigh has c diff.... he doesn't have it , but now I have to be vigilant that he doens't get it as it is transmitted from patient to patinet by the aids.... oh god another problem I have to ward against.
  9. nancysueh


    ok but what should I do.....
  10. nancysueh


    2;45 after calling 3 times in the last 10 minutes finally they came with a cold compress for his knee. i don't know what to do about the man saying he was never going to get any better than he is now and I should prepare myself. He is the director of pt in the kateria house .. i think that is wrong what he just did. but don't know what to do . its just these emoitional upsets every day .. it is so hard.. I can do pt and ot with him when he is up myself as it will only be for 7 days that he will not be getting it at the rehab as it will be thurs fri and then mon -thurs before jan 1 and he can come home. i just have to make sure they do range of motion with him.. oh i'm so upset again. but i'm going to relax and take it easy and just deal rationally with the situration. and try to do the best i can.
  11. I am soo uposet about to burst.. the Head of PT said they are stopping his ot and pt on tueaday and I whould look at this is all he is going to be or do, i said he is sleeping It was told to me it was normal to sleep and he said he never saw it .. I said well my neruologist said it was normal and he said he never did and he can stay till jan 1 as he has a peg tube and they can do range of motion but no more restorative therapy.. I said welll can we see what he does today and tomoorow and monday? he said yes. they were getting him up at 1;00 for his 4 oclock therapy. so today since I am here i will make sure they get him up at 3;45. then he said that he thinks even if he is up he can't do therapy. I said well that is abother thing. can we see if that is so? maybe they are right that when he is awake he can't but that is an unknown as he has never been awake to see, SO upset about this. don't now what to do or who to call My psyciartrist I called prior to this and he said there are things to do to prevent his knee contractions and I told the head pt to call him and find out what they are and he said he would. I told the head pt Neil Thayer , that the OT worked in Mt Sinai in their stroke unit and said it is very normal for him to be sleeping like he is and he just said he doens't think so and he never saw it.
  12. nancysueh

    a better day

    HI, Thank you for your reply... we are in the subacute rehab. we were in the hospital for 18 days. have been here for two weeks and tomroow will have 2 more weeks before we go home. I have to wait till Jan1. Last night when I visited I found his right knee to be swollen and they said today they would exray it and have the ortho dr look at it. the med doc said it was arthritus. she also said he had contractures in his knees. that they were bent and i freeked out and said can't you place them straight? she said yes but not all the time. I went into his room and immediatly put his legs straight. at first he screemed but I did it little by little and now they are amost straight . he is laying on his back sleeping. I called my psyciatrist the pt dr. to see what he says. I can see that they are not gong to straighen his legs so I might have to be here more often now to make sure his legs are not bent... he always had a problem with strengtening his legs so he needs them to pay attention to strengenthen them while he is sleeping. I kept my drs apt for my yearly derm apt today... and cried when i went to give my name and then when i was in the exam room. the dr was nice and understood. but its soo hard dealing with my crying. I went over to the rehab after my apt and now I am sitting next to him while he is asleep. I opened his diaper so he wouldn't get a rash. and suctioned his mouth of flem. he is peacefully sleeping so all is well for the time being. I gave the soical worker two home care agencies visiting nurse and montifiour home care as the montifour home care person told me to apply to a few and see who gives you the best and most services.. i'm counting the days till we go home.. jan 1 is a friday so tomrorrow it will be two weeks....15 nights
  13. nancysueh

    a better day

    I just got back from going to a therapist. She said to breath and think of something peacfull. I think just going was a step in the right direction. I bought food on the way home and took my vitamins. all things I had not been doing. She said it was ok to cry and when I said I shouldn't be she said no you should its ok. I felt since things are going in the right direction why was I crying all the time. and she said you have reason to cry even if they are going ok now. so I'll see her agin next week. she said to look into some no medical things for calming like st johns wort
  14. nancysueh

    a better day

    Thank you I will remember that today .. remember it is my choice to be happy. I just found out from the rehab that they have changed his therapists to other ones who stay later. so he will be getting ot at 4 and pt at 4;30 when he is awake. such good news. I also spoke to the Dr today and asked aobut his wrist and she said it would be 72 hours before the ortho dr came and tonight for the x ray. which had to be done before the ortho dr came. and she said she would look at his *beep* to see how it was as I told her it was all red and it wasn't when he arrived. and... I followed up and asked the desk to tell her to remind her she was going to order somehting for his legs to prevent something that occurs when you are sedentary. (clots ?) So like the guide said you have a lot of time now and when he comes home I won't. so I am using that time to take it easy and take care of myself. I just took my vitamins for the first time in a month and made a cup of tea and ordreed food to be delivered for me to eat for tomorow. I called my md and asked for a psy appointment as I needed help during this period. taking steps to take care of myself is a good sign, now I need to get up the energy to go to the gym .. which is only 5 minutes away. but I can't seem to do it yet.
  15. Although the rehab didn't schedule a ortho apt for my husband wrist which was red hot and swollen . I made sure it was begun today. They are going to exray it first. the day went pretty good. When I got tot he rehab and saw my husband he was wide awake and alert and I was told they were chaning rehab people to one who stayed later so he would be awake when rehab was. then we went to the solarium on the top floor of the rehab . Its a beautfuik room with glass ceiling overlooking the hudson river. on the top floor about 17 floors up. it was nice there and my hsuangd liked it there were very nice people there who talked to him and me and then he asked about our dog Sabrina. I told him she died four months ago.. and showed him her picture when she was in the hospital and dead. I started to cry and had to go to the batrroom. I came back and he looked sad but not crying or anything. I brought him down to his room at 8 and they were mad at me for not coming sooner. but every time I asked him if he wanted to go to his room he said no. they said I got his feeding all off as he is on a feeding tube going about 20 hours a day. I feel fine now. for some reason I feel good. well no reason to question it. just happy that i'm not crying and nervous and scared. Nancy