
Stroke Survivor - female
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About booklady

  • Birthday 12/14/1954

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    Reading Suspense/Murder Thrillers; Cooking and trying new recipies on friends; Favorite Music is Country; Favorite Male Artist is Gary Alan; Favorite Female Artist continually changes; 4 granddaughters; 3 jack russell dogs; Love to research things; Dabble in Stock Market; Love Kids...taught school before health problems. Degree in Accounting-Certificate to Teach in Florida (expired)
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  1. Happy Anniversary booklady!

  2. Happy Anniversary booklady!

  3. Happy Anniversary booklady!

  4. Happy Birthday booklady!

  5. booklady

    Life After Stroke is so amazing how your situation sounds so similar to mine. I had a mild right hemisphere ischemic stroke on September 15th that goofed me up good but I could still function and after about 6 months was beginning to adjust to the disabilities that happened. This was just a small thunderclap compared to the 2nd Stroke that occured 8 months later on April 16th. This one was a Thunder Bolt right out of the blue and caused a lot more damage to the left side than the first especially my walking and left arm. And, God, I am so tired this time!!!. Even with the second stroke, my family and friends think I am OKAY and that all this will go away in a few days. My husband tells me how lazy I am because I sleep so much and wants to know what kind of medication I am taking that makes me so forgetful and tired. This is infuriating. NOONE comes forward to help because they see no visable disabilities and they term your changes to mental problems because you are so depressed. With this second stroke, I have no fight left. I have black days sure, but I just cannot handle one more responsibility. I can barely take care of myself. I am glad I found you blog and hope to find one of my own. Starting tomorrow, I am going to try to take charge again. If it means leaving everything behind and starting over to survive, then God will be there with me as he has been in the past. My life is different. My outlook on life is different. And, for the first time in my life, I am afraid!!! I have been independent all my life. A multitaser, accountant, educator, mom, grandma, etc. No I am afraid to drive my own vehicle. I will keep you in my prayers and in my heart. Hopefully we can exchange a jab or two at the "Normies" who whine about trivial things they should be thankful for. **smack!** Until Later...Booklady
  6. Thanks, may have to catch next one. Really not doing good today. Pain is intense and I am extremely weak. Probably a lot depressed right now too. I'll joing the chats as soon as I can.

  7. Hi Gail, I'm Beth(aliveinutah) please, please go to the chat rooms under the Stroke Support tab, top right of the pages. They are wonderful people and hostkevin is from FL. all chat times are eastern time and they'll be in the Stroke Support Room at 8 this evening. They can really give you some help.