
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by yhonigsberg

  1. Happy Anniversary yhonigsberg!

  2. Happy Anniversary yhonigsberg!

  3. Happy Anniversary yhonigsberg!

  4. Happy Anniversary yhonigsberg!

  5. I too am a fan of yours, Henry. I admire your spirit, ability to still do editing work (I hope I got that right!), and the light in your eyes when you got into that study! I hope it's going well with that and Mike isn't too much of a taskmaster!--Yvonne

  6. Hi Donna,

    I'd love to list my local event in New York City that features two speakers who will talk about the latest in physical therapy research at an area medical center. I'm confused by how to do this on the StrokeNet site. Can you help me?

  7. Hi Angie,

    Lloyd is a very lucky man to have you in his life; you sound like are a very beautiful soul, too. Take time for yourself, and write, listen to music, yoga, or anything you like to do on your own, too. Be well.


  8. Well, reading about your interests makes me not want to say anything pollyanna. It makes me think of the saying by Churchill, "If you're going through hell, keep going," Mary Jane. Also, Einstein said in the middle of great difficulty lies opportunity. I feel for you, as I feel like I'm starting from square 1 too, and I feel for you. There's an opportunity for a sort growth....

  9. Hi Dani. Thank you for writing to me. Did your stroke affect your right arm and right leg? Do you get any seizures? I wish you the best also. Hang in there. It can only get better!

  10. Hi Terry,

    I am not a scientist at all, but I was at Oxford Univ Press in neuro, I'd be very interested in your findings in stem cell research for stroke survivors, and any leads in other countries. My good friend is a Sr. Editor who works on a prestigious academic journal on Stem Cells for Wiley, and she said that the research is many, many years away for stroke. Are you at an ac...