
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About Gwendoline

  • Birthday June 24

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (third stroke)
  • Interests
    Gardening, walking, grandchildren, family
  • How did you find us?
    Website Link

Registration Information

  • First Name
  • State
    Upper Hutt

Gwendoline's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary Gwendoline!

  2. Happy Anniversary Gwendoline!

  3. Happy Anniversary Gwendoline!

  4. Happy Birthday Gwendoline!

  5. Hi Sue I do think of you and Ray often. Have been unable to get into Chat sessions but will try again to log in. Eric has also lost his ability to speak and has given up trying now unless I ask him to say a particular word. I miss him also - he is there but not there - all I seem to be able to do is make sure he is not in pain, eats and is comfortable. Can't even get a smile now. I so wish there was something I could do to make life better for him. Take care of yourself and know that I do feel your sadness and pray for you and Ray. Hope this week is better. Bev
  6. Happy Birthday Gwendoline!

  7. Hi Kimmie So sorry to hear it has been such a terrible year for you. I hope will will have lots of support now you are back in Texas. You are in my prayers Bev xx
  8. Happy Anniversary Gwendoline!

  9. Sorry Gwen you came int ochat just after i had said I was going to get Ray's lunch as it was 1.30pm our time. See you next week in chat I hope.

  10. If you are on daylight saving that is 1pm your time if not it is noon.

    Hope this helps. Sue.

  11. The chat button is on the top of the forums page, click on that and it should activate java (the operating system for parachat). If all you see is a line and not a spinning circle you will have to upload the latest Java which is sometimes on the site or go to and upload the latest version there, it is free.

    y time for chat now is 11am Wednesday, we are on daylight saving...

  12. Hi Sue I tried to find the chat session but wasn't sure if I was in the right screen. I am in New Zealand so tried to get on at 12 noon on Wednesday as you mentioned that you were in NSW which is two hours behind New Zealand. I have been reading your posts and it sounds as though our situations are similar. I am carer for my husband full time - he has had several strokes over the past five years and is doing quite well considering but has very little sight and doesn't talk very much unless spoken to but understands all that is going on. The group for carers sounds very supportive. Best wishes and I will try again next week. Gwendoline.
  13. Hi Sue

    Thank you for your message. Yes Upper Hutt is in New Zealand. We are two hours ahead of Sydney which would make it 12 noon on Wednesday for me. I am new to this but would love to join the session Best wishes Gwendoline

  14. Hi Gwendoline, just saw your reply on Sarah's blog. Just wanted to say welcome to Strokenet. I am Sue, caregiver chat host, hope you can join us on Tuesday nights 8pm New York time. I'm in Australia so 10am Wednesday for me. Is Upper Hutt New Zealand?