
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by aaronbig64

  1. Happy Anniversary aaronbig64!

  2. Happy Anniversary aaronbig64!

  3. thank you, there is a lot to learn ,but Cindi is worth it all, we too have a stronger marraied life,she has takin care of me for 3years sence i became dissablid,but the Lord was showing me ways i could do stuff around thr house months b 4 this happend. Aaron J. Stroud Sr.
  4. it has been a hard day,theworry,and all "off" for a time ,i gripe that it has been hard butt cindi is the one going through all the hard ships,the minde can play tricks and the devel kicks the hardest when you are on the ground,never give up never serender,butt you can sleep in sometimes. may the good Lord bless and keep ua,bigA. :Zzzz: :Zzzz:
  5. thank you,i am still tring to get it all rite this is hard butt youall help a lot.

  6. how-d,i will remeber your husband in my prayrs,i live in constant pain too.It can change every thing about a person.I also wish for magic words, seeing my wife go through this,and being her caregiver has helped make me stronge agin,i can tell by your words you are strong too!Keep the fathe,Big A.
  7. How-d,i have bean disabled for three years when my wife had her stroke. This changed our lives, a lot, now we have revirsed our roles. We are very belsed people,Cindi's stroke recovery has has had the hand of the Lord on it the whole way. It is still hard to see her go through it. The best part (i gess this is the silver lining) is our love is stronger than ever,the hard times have truly made us stronger, may the good Lord bless and keep you, Big A.
  8. how-d my wife had a stroke on may3 ,

    are you care n for your wife too?

  9. how-d,my wife had a stroke on may3.i am lucky cindi is get n better and rehab is helping,i know the Lord has helped and will keepa doing where we cant.i love my wife all my hart,butt i need you folks,some of my felings spook me a little,i welcome all the help i can get!