
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by brainstemmer

  1. brainstemmer
    I don't believe in luck, I just don't think that a thing called luck exists. Ok, with that said I've had some pretty rotten 'luck' with my Dell laptop lately. I have a couple of programs on it that are supposed to catch all viruses, well, they must have been asleep on the job because a virus got by them and caused all kinds of problems, lol. After my wife, Myra, spent several hours on the phone with folks trying to help her, she finally was told that to get rid of the virus she had to do more than to take a few Tylenol, she would have to erase our hard drive completely and start all over like it was a new computer. What a shame, we lost everything! Pictures, addresses, whatever we had is now gone. Too bad that doesn't work for medical bills, lol.
    One good thing, we did get a free upgrade to Windows 8 from Dell, upraded from Vista. That's great, and probably a cool thing if somebody used the computer for more than Facebook, email and to talk, lol. I do read on here with what they call the Kindle for a PC, a free download from Amazon, and I do keep up with my kids and favorite sports teams online too, but that's about it.
    My daughter's solution was for us to get a Mac, but that's something we can't afford. Ah well, at least I've got most of my 'short cuts' back, I'm sure I've missed some, but in time I'll get them back I'm sure.
    What a mess!
  2. brainstemmer
    I just got a new keyboard for my laptop, and a new fan, with the warranty a technician came to our home and installed them. It took about an hour. She found a screw in my laptop that was just lying loose inside, she couldn't find anywhere that it came from either. Must've been a mystery screw, huh?
  3. brainstemmer
    I have 2 power wheelchairs and one manual push chair, which we use only if my power chairs are 'down.' The chair I use the most is my biggest, it's a Jazzy and it tilts in space so it tilts to put more of my weight on my bck than on my butt.
    My other chair is a Hoveround, and we keep it in our van so we use it as a travel chair. Since I am able to support myself with my one functioning leg, the other leg is a counter balance sorta, and can be moved from one seat to another without a whole lot of trouble. Transfering into my 'travel chair' is fairly easy.
    Now the news -- my Hoveround uses 2 batteries, well, one of them went bad, (a dry cell), so we called the company to send a repairman becuse at the time we didn't know what the problem was, we just knew that my chair wouldn't work or even get charged. The repairman showed up, and got us 2 new Hoveround batteries. He then went on to tell us that instead of paying for a repairman visit, plus any parts, tht if these new batteries went bad we could replace them for about half the cost the company charged by just buying riding lawnmower batteries. That's what they use, only liscened under the Hoveround name. Imagine that.
  4. brainstemmer
    A while back I had a big problem with my body temp. It would go real high, 103+, and wouldn't come back down, so to the ER I went. As things go, they had just completed building on to their ER, so I was their very first patient there, it was scheduled to open the very next morning and I went to the hosp. at about midnight the night before. So they allowed me to be the first patient in there.
    WHEN I had my heart attack, they had just opened that morning the new heart center and I was the first patient in it.
    The hospital just opened a new wing in their OB section, Myra said that I better not be the first patient in there, :happydance: :happydance:
  5. brainstemmer
    Last week I was discharged from my Home Health Medical Service after about 3 months of physicaal therapy and speech therpy and a bi-weekly visit from a nurse. I had very little occupational therapy this last time as we all agreed that although it felt great when they stretched and pulled on my left arm, they really weren't doing anything we couldn't do ourself. (daggone left arm :ranting: )
    You'd think, at least I do anyway, that insurance would pay for me to get 'maintenance' therapy. But noooooo, they only approve it if I have been sick or in the hospital. So, here's the circle I'm in, I get therapy to get to a certain point or where I stop improving or meeting the goals they set for me after I have been sick. Then they are told that to continue with me I must improve, to improve any I need therapy, and when I don't have their help staying active, Myra and me an only do so much, I get fairly stiff and usually wind up getting sick. Then I qualify for therapy again
    We've been doing this cycle for at least the last 5 years or so, it may have been longer, but we didn't notice it as much
    So, I'm just sitting here today, eating my mini pretzles and waiting for the Home Run Derby tonight to come on the tube. MMMMMMM I love mini pretzles, they kinda get soft in my mouth and are fairly easy for me to eat. :Clap-Hands:
  6. brainstemmer
    I gotta tell ya, I don't believe in luck. I might say to some folks that They're lucky, but for the most part, I just say that to be saying something.
    Ok, so a lot of people tell me that I'm lucky, but I prefer to say that I'm blessed. I was lock-in for several weeks after my stroke, just being able to move my eyes at first. Then slowly I got movement in my neck back after about 4 weeks and in my second hospital. I started getting some movement in my right hand while I was there, but didn't move my arm until I was at hospital number 3, a rehab hospital, I was there till Father's Day.
    I slowly got movement back in my whole right arm and progressed steadily until I had full movement in my arm and partial movement in my right leg. My left leg moves slowly and the movement in my left arm is spastic. I do have foot-drop in my left foot, I am in no pain at all, I see and think just as I always have. :happydance:
    My name is Perry Stevens, I stroked on 12/25/2000 in the morning around 8:00.
    I now have a service dog, a Standard Poodle named Bo, He is about 85 lbs. or so. My wife is Myra, we've been married since 1979. My 2 kids are my son Drew--28 and my daughter Bekah--25.
    Now you're caught up on me, hope to see ya around.