
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by brainstemmer

  1. Yeah, we hadn't had any sort of problems with MacAfee before, BUT this one time they failed me. We are trying out a 30 day free trial from Norton's right now. So far, so good, lol, but it's only been a couple of days.

    Hmmmm, one computer a year, sounds like they have lost a pretty good customer, lol.



    aime_1 -- maybe the free stuff just isn't as good as the stuff we have to buy, daggone it. And unfortunately, I don't think that the medical insurance will pay for it, though that might be hidden somewhere in Obamacare, lol.

  2. You know, everytime I catch myself asking something like, 'Why me?' I have to stop myself and ask, 'Why not me?' That may not help you at all, but it's sure helped me put my stroke and life into perspective.