
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About ataloss

  • Birthday 08/05/1971

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • How did you find us?
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  1. Happy Anniversary ataloss!

  2. Happy Anniversary ataloss!

  3. Happy Birthday ataloss!

  4. How are you making out?

  5. Sue, I wish you the best. I know that I haven't known you long but I wish you and Ray the best. I too am trying to grow some veggies...maybe we can share some tips sometime. April
  6. wonders if things will improve

  7. April, at first it will seem like you are talking to strangers when you come to chat but soon you will look forward to meeting up with your cyberfriends in chat as we all do. Sue.

  8. Welcome to the forums ataloss :)