Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by ANNIEJAY

  1. I can't wait to get to a meeting next week to let my Lion's members know I am in connection with an Australian Lion! So glad you wrote to me.

    My club is The Randolph Lion's Club, Randolph Massachusetts USA.


    The newsletter I write is called "The Roar" and I'm very proud of it.


    in celebration of Lions everywhere.... I was installed in December 2009, had my stroke in January 2010 and was in hospital for a long time. But the first meeting I made it to with my walker, etc....I was so strongly welcomed 'home' that it made me cry. And at every meeting, there will always be someone who comes to me and asks how I'm doing and they are genuinely happy to see me! This is the stuff that make like worth living!

  2. Oh, darling - I hear you! I, too, started out this way... people would try to help me and I would not let them, telling them that if I don't try to do it myself I might not ever get well. Know what I learned since my stroke in 2010? People are soooo glad to help! They feel supportive! The don't want to take anything away from me, and most people will say "OK - but I'll be standing right here, just in case." I have not written here in months because I started writing again for my local chapter of Lion's International. I write a newsletter called "The Lion's Roar" and this month's issue's 1st article is FACT - How to determine you're having a stroke and what to do. At first I thought it somewhat self-serving because , to me - it was cathartic.... but members wanted to know all about I'm helping. And when friends offer to help? Know what ? I now let them. Because it makes all of us feel good. I was feeling handicapped and old but I'm getting over that. I'm 74 and want to make it to 75 and I'll take all the help I can get.

    So, put your feet up and if someone offers you coffee - say YES, extra light with one Sweet'N Low!

    Im looking forward to reading great things from you.
