Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by ANNIEJAY

    So long since I've done a blog. No excuses, just somewhat busy with other stuff. But, I've had one heck of a year and I am trying to look toward more improvement.....I hope I'm on the right road again because I don't think I could stand too much more. Friends tell me how strong I am, but I look back and think that I don't have any choice in the matter. I'm not strong, I just don't want to have to seek help or depend on anyone. I should be able to do anything myself. But, now I realize that there are many things that I cannot do because I still have disability.....I can't bend down low enough because I'm afraid to fall, and if I do - I can't get up and I have to call the Fire Dept to get me up again. I have started walking around in the house without walker or cane, but don't trust myself to do it outdoors or in a place where I'm not really comfortable.
    Anyway, I've started driving again - not far - perhaps 20 or 25 miles from home. I am now blind in one eye so my depth perception is really bad which makes me a terrible parker! I have an eye appointment in Boston in November with the surgeon who's taking care of my eye problem and no one to take me into the city. I've determined to drive myself and do my best to park.
    I am very emotional and have been ever since the stroke. Thought it would have gone by now, but I still cry at the sight of little kittens and Dancing With the Stars when somone does really well!
    Guess I'm still kind of a mess! Thanks for 'listening" and I'll try to become a regular again. Reading your messages always made me feel better, that I was still normal.
    PS ..... have to add that I write a newsletter for my local Lion's Chapter and have done a couple of items on STROKE SURVIVAL. Next issue will be how to prevent this dastardly plague!
    I wish I knew what I'm doing wrong with this blog! When I'm finished, it should read out right away...I don't think you should have to direct it to do so. eyesight is getting worse, my doc's appt is Friday and I'm so afraid that he's going to tell me I have cataracts that must be removed and I'm terrified of having to go thru surgery and take care of all those eye drops and stuff.
    I'm not having a good time this weekl just can't get myself in gear to do anything....all I want to do is sleep....classic signs of depression. But I'm so tired of "being strong" and forcing myself to do things on my own. i want to be able to walk across the floor without having to hold on to something....I want to be able to type and do some writing without constantly correcting what I type, I want to be able to do my laundry and actually sit up in bed like I used to....Today I'm a whiner....And I know all this will come back in time....but today I just want to moan and feel sorry for Anne.
    I'm trying to look at how far I've already come and get a positive attitude once again - I guess it's just today..
    So just ignore all the crappy stuff and know I'm still just trying.
    Stay well, my friends.
    I'm still here! I now realize it's been more than a month since I've written. I'd like to tell you how busy I've been, but that would be a fib. Truth? I find myself falling asleep in a chair for no reason at all.... what's that about? Anyway, here's what's been going on.
    I have a new walker - this is one that has four tires and a seat and a basket. I love this thing. I feel so free with it and I can see that I stand straighter and walk better than with the old one with the tennis balls! I've managed to get into a Rav4 Toyota with more ease than I had I got to go to a Lion's meeting (finally) and I'm working on the newsletter (finally).... Laura, my friend, and I had a small meeting yesterday to put the whole thing in persepctive and we'll be able to present it on Wednesday 9/22. I'm so pleased about this.
    Therapy is not going well... buth OT and PT. But things at home are much better. I'm typing faster but not better, hopefully that will come along. Plusses would be that I have gone to a meeting, out to dinner with friends, managed the car thing, am sleeping upstairs in my own bed again, cut a piece of meat, tied a bow on my pants and am going to a counselor/therapist and trying to delve into why I'm such a "pinhead'
    So I'm sure there's more but I think my brain is fading and it might be time to go....
    I hope this blog gets out like it's supposed to. I seem to have so much trouble doing this..... but I'll be back next week with more of the same!
    Please stay well, everyone
    This has been an eventful week. I ventured out into the world to go to Outpatient Therapy. What an experience! My first ride in The Ride ,which is a kind of limo service for us "handicapped" people who can't get around on their own. Scary for me to do first-time things...I'm such a control freak and to have to rely on anyone other than me just gives me the "willies". Anyway, I ended up with a really good driver who gave a lot of good tips on using the Ride so I felt much more comfortable. Rehab was quite another matter. I was not advised that I was to do a co-pay and was just not "with-it" that I forgot I had my medical credit card when they could not accept the only money I had with which to pay the fee.
    Sometimes I just don't know where my head is. My brain must have been napping! Anyway, I had my evaluation and surprised myself by walking the length of the gym and back with my walker! So, needless to say, I was pumped up with that fact. I know it's going to get easier - I just have to give myself a break and let it happen. I am writing a "newsletter" to friends I just want to keep track of and it's weekly. Today I did my 2nd letter and in it I mentioned my terrific support staff and how I've depended on them. It also occured to me that all this must have needed to happen to me because I am such a controlling person. I need to remember the Serenity Prayer more often and try to change only the things I can, instead of knocking my head against the wall about the stuff in my life that really doesn't matter. And I know I'm in the right forum when I say that sometimes it takes getting ill in this way to realize the good stuff. Enough of making myself cry.....I am a survivor and I will get through this fork in the road of my life. Hope we all have a great day.... Annie
    A few days since my last entry and things are progressing rapidly! My home therapies were signed off yesterday and I had to choose a new Rehab unit. This one is closer to home and for the time being it would be better for me. Had to cancel the old one because my "Ride" didn't go to the destination I had originally choseen. I would have had to go by bus, which was not what I need to do at the moment. This new rehab is within the mileage of the "Ride" so I don't have to change vehicles or anything.
    I have been going upstairs every nite and I wish I could say I was sleeping well. I'm diabetic and have neuropathy in my feet and legs... add to that those awful spasms on my weak side and I'm up all nite. Thus far I have managed to get the main closet in order (or mostly) so that I don't have to look at all the clutter previously there.... but I still need help with a lot of other stuff. Time......time..............time!
    The weather here in SE Massachusetts has been super since Friday last and I've taken advantage of my deck as much as I can. It's been a God send to me!
    My friend, who had a stroke in 2003. gives me a ton of encouragement. He told me a few months ago that things would just go slowly for a while and then, all of a sudden, everything would start rolling along and would progress at a surprising speed. I feel like I hit that mark when my PT told me I could go upstairs on my own and then they all signed off on my treatment and I'm on my own outside the house. I must say this is a little scary but I know I can do it!
    Til tomorrow......
    Well, I guess in the perspective of things, life can be a little dull. Today my cleaning lady is here and I had to make sure things were not a total mess in the kitchen, so I cleaned out the refrigerator and tried to tidy up. Right now, she's steam cleaning the floors and here I am typing away.
    I do have railings on both sides of the stairs. Ironically, I ordered them to be put up well before my stroke. They didn't get worked on until I went to the hospital, but they are a god-send. I had figured that, with my age growing, I'd need the railings by the time I turned 90. So, there we go, a good action was in the forming stages.
    My hand is doing remarkably well and I can almost get a ring on. OH, I'm going to sparkle when I get the chance!
    I'm now doing a "community " letter to friends once a week because I can't keep up with who knows what or why! I have to try to eliminate those senders who do chain letters and political junk - I just don't have the time to deal with all that.
    That's it for the past few days. Tomorrow I start my Outpatient rehab and my first ride on "The Ride".
    I'm a little scared but I know I'll muddle through.
    Thank you for all your comments. I appreciate your thought, ideas and support.
    Hi, everyone. I have takento sleeping downstairs since Friday and I"m sleeping much better. When I'm downstairs, if I can't really rest, I get out of bed and sit in a chair with my feet up. While in hospital, I usually slept sitting up which was far more comfortable to me. And downstairs, if I want a drink of something, it's readily available to me. I just changed my font size to a larger eyes are not what they used to be and it's had to read little print...can't see my typos and there are a lot of them today
    The edema in my left hand is leaving! Hooray - pretty soon I'll be able to wear rings. I just love to sparkle! I hope with this new therapy I'll get to the point where I can put on earrings again. I'm feeling like it's time to get back to life without a wheelchair, putting on makeup and jewelry and (men: close your eyes) put on a bra again. I may be in the geriatric category but I still like to be OK looking. The women will understand. Hope you day is wonderful! Annie
    Well, it's been 4 nites now that I've been sleeping in my own bed and 3 nites that I've been doing the stairs on my own. I go up very confidently but when I look at the staircase to come down, it just seems so ominous and overwhelming. But I've been taking it in steps - my staircase has a landing after 6 steps, so coming down I tell myself to do only the first six. Then I rest and travel the second set of 6 to the waiting wheel chair. This weekend I'm going to work at using the walker instead of the wheelchair. I won't get any stamina on my feet unless I get off my touche and onto my feet. So wish me luck, folks. So, it's been a good few days with the new adventure of the stairs and my getting accustomed to my own room and my bed. I've said I'm stubborn and despite that particular handicap, I will conquer this!
    I've signed up for outpatient therapies but don't know how to handle "the RIDE' which is the vehicle that carts us handicappers around. Never used it before and I'm always afraid for the first time with this should be an experience!
    I think my memory is going. I know that I saw particular items when I came home for good but now I can't remember where I put anything. My house is such a wreck because I have all my clothes in the living room where, of course, I've been living. Time to move all that stuff upstairs where it belongs. I will ask for help because I can't bend down to certain bureau drawers. Not like me to ask for help but I guess it's time to bite the bullet and admit that I can't do everything right away - it's all going to take time. That's very hard for me to admit but Tina (my OT) would be smiling over this decision.
    A demain, dear journal!
    Thanks to many members who got me on this blog page - finally. I'd like to use this as sort of a daily journal and my OT thinks this is a good idea. I've been told I'm too hard on myself but I just want to get to the end of this nightmare and I know that you all share this feeling. Kim wrote to me and sent me a list of links that would help and I clicked on "A Letter From Your Brain'. What a revelation! I printed it out and have shown it to friends and therapists alike and everyone agrees that this is right on the money. I get too impatient and sometimes I'm my own worst enemy. So thank you,Kim. Please write me again.
    Yesterday was a "red-letter" day. I was cleared to climb the stairs with no assistance! I live in a town house and the bedrooms are upstairs so now I can come and go around my home as I please. I was also instructed to make arrangements for Outpatient OT and PT. I feel like progress is on its way.
    I have a black eye from my fall on MOnday night but today I consider it a token of advancement. Total difference from my messge on The day after I fell.
    BTW, I'm starting to type with my left (weak side) hand and will do my best to make this look neat... but please bear with me in the interim.
    Tomorrow starts the daily journal.