
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About scubadiva

  • Birthday 09/17/1960

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  • MSN

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
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New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary scubadiva!

  2. Happy Anniversary scubadiva!

  3. Happy Anniversary scubadiva!

  4. Happy Birthday scubadiva!

  5. Sue, we have not had much personal interaction yet, but I must tell you how much I admire your strength of spirit and your unconditional love. You are what my mother would have called a "ballbuster" no offense intended, from her it was a compliment But it is also so obvious that your compassion runs deep. My heart is breaking for you and Ray. I am told God never gives us more than we can handle. There is something to be gained from all of this sorrow, though obviously it has not yet been revealed to you. Thank you for your continued contributions to this board when you have so much on your own plate (except lunch). I am truly grateful and honored to have made your aquaintance. Kathy
  6. Happy Anniversary scubadiva!

  7. Welcome to the forums scubadiva :)

  8. welcome to the forums Kathy