
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by Ken1950

  1. Happy Anniversary Ken1950!

  2. Happy Anniversary Ken1950!

  3. Happy Anniversary Ken1950!

  4. hi I am Ken from N>Y> but in N.C. know Had 4 strokes and heart surg. i am as they say disabled I can walk have short term loss some thought problims and word proccesing get lost with out my gps better ten some worse then others w2rite back if u want

  5. hi himself i am ken look forward to seeing you in chat my second was on 12-28-09

  6. hi kim i am ken survivor 12-28-09 hope to see you in chat room

  7. I can see some people have sent me a welcome but computors do not like me I do have PBA and am sill depressed from lossing my prfesion of 40 years I am 60 married to a wonderful woman who is also being effected by all of this please write help me figure out how to get into this group I feel it can help me e-mail is Iwill keeptrying to get around this site and get some friend