
Stroke Survivor - female
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About MickieYezekRoller

  • Birthday 08/15/1947

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  • Interests
    I love to write...just talking now (I'm a little bit aphasic). Read my blog on Facebook; http://mercuryfillingsandtheoddstroke.blogspot.com/ (it's long...20 pages) and How to Stroke Out with Mercury Fillings (FireHow). It's an amended version (three pages).
  • How did you find us?
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MickieYezekRoller's Achievements

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  1. Happy Anniversary MickieYezekRoller!

  2. Happy Anniversary MickieYezekRoller!

  3. Happy Anniversary MickieYezekRoller!

  4. has not set their status

  5. Happy Anniversary MickieYezekRoller!

  6. Happy Birthday MickieYezekRoller!

  7. Run like the wind to your dentist! Go! Go!

  8. Your very kind. Crude writing, though. God's snickering. Gotta have a sense of humor; is paramount.

  9. I've been there...four falls in eleven years. Every stroke is different, I get that...but, you use your sense of balance. It's hard. The left side is fine and the right is dead in the water (so to speak). It's a judgement of balance. You'll get the hang of it, Bernie! Your an excellent caregiver.

  10. I'm a one-way street...a swear; how's Bernie doing. Better, I hope?

  11. I know where that is...the tank plant on VanDyke? It's been a l-o-n-g time ago. Pretty impressive...a tool maker? Hats off!

  12. Hey...small world!I lived all over the place...Troy, Romeo, Washington, and Macomb Co. But my Pennsylvania roots are showing, Ha! St. Clair Shores is very nice...I loved the water, gulls and clear fresh air. PA is land-locked.

  13. I built cars for Chrysler Corp., (supervision) the Sundance and Shadow. I love the plant (Sterling Heights, MI). The plant is a swiss watch; something is always going on, somewhere.

  14. Mickie, I wasn't done. You sound like you've been to hell and back. I'm glad you're back. By the way I'm older than you, so the joke's on me.

  15. Welcome, Mickie. If you love to write you've come to the right place. You are going to gain many new friends here, it's a helpful and fun place to go. I didn't want to answer your first post because it's a break through piece of information. Just gotta find a way to make it cheaper for those that need it most. I'm a care giver to my wife, Bernadette. I hope we'll be...