
Stroke Survivor - female
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About barron

  • Birthday 07/24/1957

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  1. Happy Anniversary barron!

  2. Happy Anniversary barron!

  3. Happy Anniversary barron!

  4. Happy Birthday barron!

  5. Happy Birthday barron!

  6. Happy Anniversary barron!

  7. Happy Birthday barron!

  8. Thanks for the story, I continue to feel sad a lot but realize it could be worse
  9. Thanks. I'm a little confused, is this a chat room?

  10. barron


    happy New decade also. I for one think it can only be better since we made it thru
  11. barron

    Day 3

    Two questions on my mind today. Tom and I used to enjoy golfing together, that is over. I read in stroke connection about horse back riding, I used to ride 35 years ago ( wonder if I'm rusty!). I think I could ride again but Tom worries if I fall my brain would be hurt (hole from craniotomy) any advice... I am on nutria system 3 days now and am starved (any one on this ) After reading other blogs I realize some one always is worse off. Thanks to everyone for their story and comments
  12. I struggle.every day wondering if I should care what I look like. Before stroke, I looked good to others but not sure I looked good to myself (always thinking I could look better). Not moving for a year and eating to make it thru a day I put on lots of weight. Luckly I am now able to walk and do the treadmill for 30 minutes a day, the problem being that is about all the energy I have for the day. I went on nutra system and lost 30 lbs then took a break. I am now going back on this to try and lose another 30', 2nd time though is harder because it is no fun and now I know what to expect. I feel bad for my husband of 31 years, he sees that people look at me and think fat slob, is this fair to him. He says he doesn't care but I'm not even sure how I feel. On a good note we are off to New Orleans for the week, before our diet(he is doing it with me). I don't want to put on more weight but it is the city of food. Does any one else go thru this?
  13. barron

    New to site

    Wow, sounds like our situations are pretty close. May I ask a question? I have put on alot of weight, never having had a problem. My drs. told me when my brain was recovering it went in to over drive - now i have never worked so hard to lose and it is taking forever. They took part of my cerebellum, you? Any how thanks for the words - I will think on the message and take it to heart.
  14. barron

    New to site

    Thanks Fred, I hope to use it offen. Things seem to take so much longer now and i am always running out of time.