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Blog Entries posted by djeffries

  1. djeffries
    This blog is written because of Asha's blog on Monday June 12, 2006.
    The story you are about to read IS TRUE !!! You may either read it, in it's entireity or you may simply stop here and call it 'foolish'.
    A little background information first. I was working in a truck / automobile tire repair shop. I fixed flat tires on anything from a wheelbarrow to a backhoe to a tractor trailer to a off-road vehicle. Now, on with my experience. IT DID HAPPEN, I HAVE NO REASON TO SAY IT DIDN'T !!
    In August 1988, I was on my way to Waxhaw, North Carolina, for a short-term missionary trip. Before I left, I made out a budget of my expenses of which I thought I would need. My budget was $250.00. (Gas WAS cheaper back then). I had $200.00 when I left. REMEMBER - I WAS $50.00 BELOW WHAT I NEEDED FOR THE WEEK !! The Bible said that God will supply ALL my needs. Well, if God wanted me to go, He would supply my needs, as I needed them.
    Before I left, I said a prayer for safety in travel and, because I was on vacation, to 'do His Work', I WASN'T going to fix any flat tires, NO how, NO way.
    Okay, I filled my car with gas, and I left for my 'vacation'. I drive towards my destination, and halfway in Virginia, I noticed that, in the distance, a pickup truck had a blow-out. I saw it, and I said to myself "I'm not stopping". Got closer "NO, I'm not stopping". Drove past, looked at driver "NO, I'm not stopping". I drove past, I DIDN'T stop, and I DIDN'T feel guilty.
    HOWEVER, as I approached the next exit, my car 'pulls' to the right. I'm thinking to myself - NO, I'm not going back, I'm doing your work. As the exit gets closer, my car 'pulls' sharper to the right. NO, NO, NO, I'm NOT going back. However, I couldn't 'steer' my car as I approached the exit ramp. OKAY, I'll go back - and just like that, I could steer.
    I went back, about 30 miles to the last exit, and as I passed the guy in the pickup, he WASN'T doing anything. Okay, got off exit and came down, pulling in behind him. He still isn't doing anything. And, he's older than I was. I get out of my car and ask what the problem was. He said that I wouldn't believe him. What I just been through, YES I would. Then he asked me if I passed him about 30 minutes ago. With all the cars going past him, on a major interstate, HOW could he remember if I passed him 30 minutes ago ???
    Well, after an exchange of talking, this APPARENTLY was his first flat tire and he DIDN'T know what to do. Well, I got my tire tools and 12-ton jack (Which I WASN'T bringing along but did anyways) out of my car, and put his spare tire on. He offered to pay me, but I said that I would 'be rewarded' in Heaven. He insisted, I keep refusing. THEN, he called his wife and she insisted, 'shoving' the money in my shirt pocket. Okay, I'll take it, just don't tear my shirt. I took it, NEVER looked at it. We shook hands, and we went on our different ways, him to Texas, me to North Carolina.
    Next day was Sunday. I went to church, and I 'budgeted' $5.00 for offering. Well, when the offering came, I put in my $5.00 PLUS what I 'made' yesterday from changing the guy's tire. It was . . . . . . a $50.00 bill. I had no problems 'giving it' because I knew what God was 'teaching me'. After church, people from the congregation invited me home for dinner. Later that night, another family picked me up for supper. That week, I was invited out three times.
    Fast-forward to the following Saturday. I knew I needed $20.00 for gas, to get home. I had all my 'budgeted items' in separate envelopes, that was marked with each expense. Example: Turnpike - $1.60. Gas - $20.00. Lodging - $30.00. And everything I spent, I marked down, even 55
  2. djeffries
    Okay, what is it with this falling stuff? I want to know!
    Sue fell in Australia, doing some chores around the house.
    MC fell, trying to 'rescue' some melting butter. She lives in Canada.
    Oh, by the way, I also fell this past Saturday, trying to fix my truck for state inspection. My license plate light 'pigtail' needed to be replaced, so I bought one. I placed it in the hole in the bumper and I was laying on the ground, making the electrical connection. I did that and while I was trying to get up. I lost my balance (common denominator in the falls of Sue, MC and me) and I did a 'face-plant' on my truck's bumper. NO brusies or broken bones, but I did a MAJOR 'Extreme Make-Over' on my eyeglasses. I bent the frames badly and I 'dislocated' both eyeglass lenses. I showed them to Peggy and asked if she would drive me to the place where I got them, but, through the Grace of God and Peggy's patience, she was able to do 'collision repair' on them. I didn't even need to 'pay' a deductible.
    Thanks Sue, see what you started. You fell, then MC fell and, yes, I had to 'add' to the 'down-fall' of StrokeNet Users. I also 'updated' people on my blog. Now I'm good for a few months, or until Sue reminds us again that we need to update.
    Everyone, have a good day and STAY OFF THE FLOOR!!!
  3. djeffries
    Okay, just got back from my post-op eye appointment and boy, am I, or should I say my wife, in for a fun time the next 3-4 weeks. She has to put eye drops, 3 different types, in my right eye, either 3 or 4 times a day.
    I have to wear an eye sheild when I take a nap, or sleep at night, for two weeks. Doesn't fit the greatest with my CPAP mask. Oh well, just need to put extra tape on the sheild.
    And so, the fun shall continue.
    Next week, and for a month, I get to play 'Nurse Denny' because she is going in for out-patient surgery on her back. She will have two wires implanted and they will be sticking out, connected to a monitor. Suppose to remedy her bladder problem.
  4. djeffries
    Long time since I blogged. I guess I need to supply an update. By reading the update, you might understand why I haven't blogged in a l-o-n-g time.
    As you might remember, I was hit by my pickup, last November 2009. I suffered 5 cracked ribs, and recovery took about 7 months, until I healed. Because of that accident, I was dianosed with Atrial Fibrillation, and I had a cardioversion on Feburary 5, 2010.
    End of December 2009, I was in hospital for Dehydrated Kidneys, which I found out was kidney failure. Because I was on Coumadin, for the atrial fibrillation, I developed rectal bleeding. This went on for several months - a lot better now and off coumadin. But, that's enough medical history.
    On October 2, 2010, I participated in our local American Heart Walk, raising a total amount of $1,565.00. I volunteer once a week, at a local Rescue Mission. Three weeks ago, I helped with a Ladies Christmas Tea. I 'served' coffee and keep the teapots full of hot water.
    This past Saturday, I made the menu and cooked for 55 men, at my church's Men's Ministry Breakfast. We had 'fresh' scrambled eggs, sausage patties, hash brown potatoes, orange juice, coffee and pastries.
    This morning, November 24, I had cataract surgery on my right eye.
    Total time was about 3 hours -- from arrival time, to surgery, to recovery and then being released.As I'm typing, I sitting here, only able to see with one eye (eye patch on right eye).
    Other than these few details, I'm fine.
  5. djeffries
    I apologize that I have not been a 'frequent-viewer' of the blogs. Things have been hectic around here. Adult kids are either moving in/moving out/trying to get own apartment/asking for finances to help with bills (I am just 'treading water' paying my own), getting involved with a Men's Ministry at my Church, and other things. I'm also trying to raise donations for our local American Heart Walk in October while also trying to 'recruit' people to walk with my team.
    Healthwise, I'm very pleased with my open-heart surgery, last November. THANKS for ALL your prayers and concerns. My goal IS to walk the entire 5 mile Heart Walk course, but it might take me ALL morning.
    Well, I need to start dinner, so I will talk later.
    Have a GREAT Labor Day Weekend.
  6. djeffries
    Hi All:
    I was in hospital a few days, and I 'forgot' to post it. SORRY !!
    Cheddar Apple Breakfast Lasagna
    Chef Dennis Jeffries
    Servings: 6.
    1 cup Sour cream
    1/3 cup Brown sugar
    2 packages 9-ounce frozen French toast (12 slices)
  7. djeffries
    Today, Saturday February 17 was a good day for me. Well, at least I think so. :Clap-Hands:
    A chef friend of mine asked me to shovel her sidewalk and steps. In fact when she came out of the door, she actually had to step up.
    I shoveled and chopped ice and snow for almost 3 hours, took only a Tea Break and a bathroom 'pit stop' ( dang tea ). I got home and I told my wife that I actually felt pretty good.
    YES, I know I shouldn't be shoveling and chopping snow, but hey, she's paying me $30.00. That will buy me 3 prescriptions at the drugstore.
    And yes, I do expect people on here, to 'flog me' with a wet noodle.
    Hopefully, I'm 'out of the dark, dreary, cobweb filled, rat-infested and damp dungeon, or at least for 1 or 2 days, the way people have been writting blogs. I check the blogs and it seems like every day, the person who was on the top of Page 1 IS NOW on Page 2.
    Denny :coffee: ( enjoying a nice cup of Hot Chocolate ) Everyone drank ALL my White Chocolate Caramel cappuccino last night during the Coffee Shop Chat
  8. djeffries
    Okay, now that I have your attention, I have 'hired' backhoes, dirt shovels and other heavy equipment to 'did' my last blog out of the muck and mire, that has covered it since last year. I have NO IDEA how deep it is, but I just received word that they have located it. YIPPEE :Clap-Hands:
    Okay, now onto the serious stuff.
    On Tuesday, January 2, I started my 36-sessions for cardiac rehab. AND, there IS NO co-pay. On the off-days from rehab, I'll be walking at my local shopping mall. One complete 'trip' , around each mall, is a little over a mile. This week I've been doing 1 1/2 miles. My heart rate is doing fine, I'm still losing some weight, just real proud of myself. It is just a shame that I had to have surgery to make me get my rump off the coach and exercise. Oh well, it worked.
    Hopefully, I can now be 'more regular' in my blogs.
  9. djeffries
    Hello Everyone:
    Well, I came home from the hospital, on October 27, 2006, after a three-day stay. I only had a heart cath, a Transesophageal Echocardiogram and some type of drug-induced stress test. Last time I was in, for by-pass surgery, was December 26, 1994. SOoooooooooo it's been almost 12 years since I had any heart surgery.
    I see the surgeon on Wednesday, November 1 at 5:00pm to discuss the 'plan of attack' regarding my future surgery. Right now, because not ALL tests are in yet, I know for sure it WILL be two bypasses and a valve. The surgeon is not sure if it will be REPAIR or REPLACE the valve, but he said he will know definitely by Wednesday night. Possible future date of surgery is Monday, November 13, 2006.
    I want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. I will keep you posted as to what will be happening.
    Host Denny
  10. djeffries
    Hello Everyone:
    The other day I 'posted' a blog about the Stroke for stroke Golf Tournament.
    WELL . . . . In the Gllery, under Favorites, Steve 'posted' a picture that WILL make Jean Jealous. (Yes Jean, I can see your mouth drooling) :roflmao:
    Yes, I did have a very good day and I am planning to make this event an annual event each year.
  11. djeffries
    Hello All:
    Yesterday, Friday, September 8, 2006, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting our CEO and founder of StrokeNetwork -- Steve Mallory. AND his wife Melissa, some of the daughters, sisters, brother-inlaws, sister-inlaws, mother / father-inlaws, and other family members.
    There were, I don't know how many golfers, but there were quite a few who have played in ALL five years of the golf tournament. It was a 'real treat' that so many people have a passion to help out a worthwhile cause. The day was beautiful, a little 'crisp' but nonetheless, a nice day to play golf.
    NO, I didn't play golf, don't know the first thing about it, but I had a nice 8-hour visit of sharing and talking with Steve, Melissa, family members and some of the golfers. At theAwards ceremony, I was introduced as the StrokeNet Friday Night Chat Host and several thanked me for what I am doing with StrokeNet.
    We CAN ALL be proud to be part of an organization that is 100% Stroke Survivor / Caregiver based. I know, after meeting Steve that I AM. Steve, thank you for your having the 'desire' to start something this IMPORTANT.
    My time with Steve and Melissa 'opened my eyes' as to what some caregivers have to do to help their spouse who had a stroke. I won't go into details here, but I was just amazed at what type of care Steve REQUIRES during the day. As I told Steve on Friday, when people are on StrokeNet, whether in chatroom, on the message board, or in blogs, we HAVE NO idea what deficits' that person has.
    After Friday's 'excursion', I DO PLAN to 'volunteer' each year from now on. I did ask Steve to contact me with the date in 2007. I think it would be neat if there were several StrokeNet users who could attend, if possible.
    Melissa, this IS for you, and ALL the other caregivers who 'feel' that they want to 'give up'. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
    DON'T !!! You ARE INVALUABLE !!!
    PS: YES I did pass along greetings from members on the board. And YES, I DID express my displeasure at my avatar.
  12. djeffries
    YES, you can teach an old dog new tricks. It has been a month and a half since I blogged. Okay, so SUE ME !!!!!
    I just wanted to 'announce' that, in the Gallery, I have FINALLY 'posted' my picture (either basement OR Post Office material) and my bio. In Favorite Pictures, I 'posted' a picture of a wishing well that I carved out of a watermelon. The 'bucket' is made from a yellow squash and an eggplant.
    Hope you enjoy them. >>>> Back to 'the dungeon'.
  13. djeffries
    I received this as an email and I thought it sounded real interesting. NO I have not tried it yet, but I plan too as soon as I buy Ziploc Bags.
    I think that this could be an ideal recipe for stroke survivors to prepare, because you COULD use Egg Beaters instead of cracking regular eggs.
    Denny :chef:
    Ziploc Omelets
    This works great !!! Good for when all your family is together. The best part is that no one has to wait for their special omelet !!!
    Have guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker.
    Crack 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them. Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham, onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, etc. Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake. Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.
    Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water.
    Open the bags and the omelet will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.
    Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake; everyone gets involved in the process and a great conversation piece.
    Imagine having these ready the night before, and putting the bag in boiling water while you get ready. And in 13 minutes, you got a nice omelette for a quick breakfast!!!
    PS: I have returned from the dungeon - but found some interesting 'recipe ideas' while down there. JUST KIDDING. RELAX !!
  14. djeffries
    Okay, here is my list of OLD TV Programs -- How many do you remember?
    1. Lassie
    2. Dennis the Menace
    3. Ozzie and Harriet
    4. Lost in Space
    5. Father Knows Best
    6. Leave it to Beaver
    7. Bozo the Clown
    8. Soupy Sales Show
    9. The Lone Ranger
    10. My Favorite Martian
    11. Make Room for Daddy
    12. My Three Sons
    13. The Little Rascals
    14. The Three Stoogies
    15. Roy Rogers
    16. Land of the Giants
    17. The Cisco Kid
    18. The Carol Burnett Show
    19. The French Chef
    20. Get Smart
    21. The Real McCoy's
    22. The Paul Winchell Show - with his 'dummies' (Paul was a venquilitrist)
    23. The Howdy Doudie Show (YES, I know it's spelled wrong -- SUE ME !! )

  15. djeffries
    Hawaiian Baked Alaska
    1 Fresh pineapple
    1 Quart of your favorite ice cream, softened
    8 egg whites (you can find these in your grocer's dairy case, beside the EggBeaters)
    2 Cups Sugar
    Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise, leaving the leaves on. Scoop out the 'meat' from the center of the pineapple, leaving a wall of pineapple 1/2-inch thick. Place the scooped out pineapple halves on a platter. Fill the pineapple cavity with the desired flavor of ice cream and place in the freezer until ice cream is frozen again.
    To make the meringue, in a chilled bowl, beat the egg whites to a soft peak. Slowly add the sugar to the egg whites.
    Remove the pineapple halves from the freezer. Using a pastry bag (or a ziplock bag with the corner cut off) cover the ice cream entirely, creating some type of design. Dust with powdered sugar and brown quickly in a 450