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Posts posted by djeffries

  1. Hi Shirlkey:


    Yes, I can 'relate' to your fears of going from a quad-cane to a 'one-legged' supporter. I also went the 'stroke recovery assistance' walking program - walker, quad and single-leg cane. I also had the fear of changing from one to the other. The therapist said "YOU are the one who has to make the decision. YOU are the one who 'decides' what you want to use, to continue walking".


    After my stroke, when I was in rehab, the therapist had me walking with a walker, but soon decided that a quad cane would be better. As he was watching me walk, he said that I keep 'rocking' my foot, but I said that I wasn't. It turns out that the sneakers I were wearing, had an 'air support system' that included a 'raised' area on the bottom of each sole. Changed sneakers, switched to a 'single-legged' cane very quickly.


    I still use a cane, even 8 11/12 years later. My balance IS SHOT and I am VERY FEARFUL when I am in crowds or around little kids. Even shopping brings fear upon me. People will be shopping in a store, and 'failing to use their stop lights', will STOP right in front of me, which, on several occasions, has caused 'rear-end collisions' Or kids, in their scurrying around', will run 'dangerously' close to me.


    My suggestion would be to get a notebook, and keep a journal of the activities you do between now and your next therapy session, including your emotions. When they are written down, you can go back and reflect on just how far you HAVE come, and it might also show you how your fears were 'controlled'.


    Yes, cappuccino IS being served tonight, yes the refills ARE endless. Keep your chin up, practice walking with the 'single-legged' cane and build up your confidence. As I once heard "I would rather try something and fail, than to fail for not trying".



    Denny :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: