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Everything posted by djeffries

  1. djeffries


    Hi Pam: CONGRATULATIONS !! You are 'discovering' that you are still 'creative. And having your own apartment, where you can fix it up 'to suit you', it will allow this creativeity to 'bloom'. I liked the part where you said you can find 'stuff' at a yard sale/ garage sale / getting-rid-of-my-junk sale, and find a NEW USE for it. That shows creativity is still present. Just because we had a stroke, we don't have to give up the things we enjoyed, we just need to find a way that we can still do them, just differently. Keep up your fine work Pam. Denny
  2. Hi Kim: Thanks for the sweet poem. It brought tears to my eyes SOoooooooooooooo I'm going to return the favor: On Strokenet is a lady named Kim who started writing poems on a whim. People thought she was crazy but she proved her brain isn't hazy, although some people's view is dim. Chef Denny
  3. Hi Pam: I am so excited that you are getting your own 'domain'. The biggest 'comeback' for a stroke survivor is their feeling of independence. Your new apartment sounds wonderful, with such a view of a beautiful, picturesque, serene view. Just be careful moving stuff, I don't need you 'over-exerting' yourself. I'm not being 'bossy' I am just showing my concern. Denny
  4. djeffries

    It's over, Thank God.

    Vicki: These are for you. I'm so proud of you for your husband's birthday party. I KNOW what 'torture' you went thru to plan, make arrangements, attend, and whatever else. You did fine. As I always said "I do my best and God does the rest." On the good side, were you pleased with the people that attended (regardless of their reaction)? Were you pleased with the food provided, mugs that were made, choice of beer and wine? Was there ANY detail that was left undone, on your part? Yes, planning a party IS hard. It takes alot out of you because stroke survivors DO GET TIRED ! ! ! As far as your relatives, your sister-in-law had no compassion for you. Your brother-in-law was just as bad. MAYBE they were feeling guilty BECAUSE they PROMISED to help, but didn't. Then when they attended, and saw how you 'put your heart and soul' into this party, THEY FELT PRETTY GUILTY. So, you should give them your thanks, in this way -- Yes Vicki, the party is over. Now you can relax. Fill the tub with some Calgon, light a few candles, put on some soft music. And think of how your husband has the most thoughtful wife. Sweet Dreams, Denny
  5. djeffries

    dessert island

    If I Cook it, They Will Come Kimberly, I think that would be an excellant 'gathering'. We could even get NBC to make it into a 'Reality' Show. The Stroke 'Survivors' who followed Gilligan to a 'lost island' that became 'Fantasy Island'. Yes, I'll bring my 'wild game' cookbooks, my 'portable' kitchen, and I will bring my FAVORITE kitchen magnet. " Tonight's Menu: Choice of two - Take it or Leave it". However, if I do the cooking, I AIN'T doing the dishes. Kimberly, what time are we 'meeting' at the docks? I can hear the skipper now "All aboard, have your tickets ready.' OOPS, that's a conductor. It will be fun. Count me in Kimberly. I can make anything 'taste like chicken'. Chef Denny
  6. djeffries

    Fresh Trout Recipes

    Thanks Cinder. I apparently typed in the wrong URL. Oh well, it must of been a 'stroke moment' Chef Denny
  7. Hi Asha: Vegetarian recipes 'ey. Well, let me suggest the following. Under the 'title bar' at the top, is a white space where you can 'type' in recipe names. Just type in Vegetarian Recipes and 'hit' enter. I just 'did a search and I came up with 63,067 different sites to look at. Also, being a vegetarian, I'm not sure what type you are. A 'full-fledged' vegetarian, where you eat no meat, nothing that comes from an animal or fowl (meaning milk/milk products or eggs) or if you eat some or all the products, but NO meat. I think by doing a recipe search, you can 'pick and choose' what your family would like or dislike. I hope I have answered your question. In the meantime ....................... Keep on Cookin' Chef Denny
  8. Hi Janice: Just wanted to share my 'fish story.' I'm sure you'll enjoy it, just don't fall off your chair. When I was a little boy, my dad 'made' a fishing rod for me. Hey, I was 11 years old and my dad could make anything. Anyways, he made it from a tree branch, about four foot long, and some string (not sure what type) and he tied a fishing hook on the end. I was fishing below a small dam and I had a 'bite'. I 'yanked' on the 'rod' and the fish landed on the stream bank. it 'flopped' about three times on the grass, back in the water, and away it swam. DRATS !!!!!! It was close to 12-inches long. So, that was the one that 'got away' and I'm sticking to my story I found a recipe, but you will have to look under my blogs. I didn't want to 'post' it twice. Hope you understand, and happy fishin'.
  9. djeffries

    "I Love Life"

    Cindy: I was 'moved' by your Blog. Yes, life is a good thing to love. And I 'marvel' at your initial response to when you 'heard it -- "I Love Life"'. I 'know' where it came from, and I know the Author who 'planted it' in your thoughts. It WAS God. Don't take me the wrong way, I'm not getting 'religious' on you. I just know from personal experience, that God 'speaks' to me, when I am 'down-on-myself'. The important thing IS that when you started to say 'I Love Life', at different times, or when it came to mind, you 'felt' a whole lot better, like , yes I had a stroke, but I ain't giving up hope. I can do things in spite of my circumstances. Cindy, you know what I'm trying to say. Thanks for sharing this, and here , these are for you. ChefDenny
  10. djeffries

    Egg wrap

    Hi Michael: Yes you did beat me to a recipe. That's okay. It doesn't bother me. Your recipe DOES sound good. I might just have to try it sometime. As far as it sounding weird, DON'T worry about it. Some of the best recipes were created just this way. People 'experiment' and then they 'tweak' it a little bit. I know that I have 'created' one or two this way - the ingredients sounded weird being put together, but the 'end results' weren't all that bad. Keep up the good work. Denny
  11. djeffries

    Burning Bridges

    Hi Pam: I'm really sorry that you like to 'burn all your bridges behind you.' I've read most of your blogs and this is the one that I think most needs my response. (The one about God and Easter REALLY TORE ME APART, but I won't go there). I also realize that I DON'T have the problems that MOST 'post-stroke survivors' face. HOWEVER, I think, and this is just my opinion that you might need to 'keep some bridges' just in case you might be 'put in a situation' where you might need to 'retreat.' In the same way, you 'don't want to bite the hand that feeds you.' Yes, I've had friends that 'have turned their backs on me.' Yes, I've had people that think I was too young to have a stroke. But, by God's great and mighty love for me, I've 'learned' to 'keep my chin up, chest out, and live my life as if today might be my last. DANG, didn't mean to put that in, but hey, I AIN'T taking it out either. I'm just saying that I am 'living' my life with the 'hand that I was dealt.' If people don't like how I react to situations, try to encourage them or try and 'walk in their shoes', the problem definitely ain't mine !! Hopefully, I didn't 'add more fuel' to my 'burning bridge'. ChefDenny
  12. Hi Pam: The directions we were given told us to take Interstate 81 to the last exit, BEFORE we cross into Canada. The exit is called Alexandria Bay. Then we were told to take Rt. 12 east until we came to Rt. 37, which would take us into Massena. Where we visited was Massena, and we followed the highway that we could see the river and and we could see Canada on the otherside of the river. If you don't believe me, of which it sounds like you don't, I don't know how else to tell you. I guess you could drive it yourself to find out if I'm telling the truth, but I'm sure you won't, because then you would have to admit that I WAS RIGHT in the first place. I guess another way, without driving it, would be to look at a New York state map. You DO have one of those, right Pam? With right hand on Bible, raising left hand, ChefDenny
  13. Michael: This ISN'T a locksmith story, but it's funny none the less. I was at the shopping mall, and I noticed that a car was parked in a handicap spot and IT was 'running'. And the doors WERE LOCKED. I notified the security people, as one just happened to be driving by, that this car's engine was running. As he was 'copying down' the vehicle information, this elderly couple came walking out and the man yelled "What are you doing at my car?" Security asked the guy where he keys were. The man spent about 10 - 15 minutes 'searching' for his keys, couldn't find them. Then he started walking back towards the store, thinking that he might have 'lost' them. Security asked if this was his car, and if so, the keys were left in the ignition, the car was 'running' and the doors were locked. At this, the elderly lady SLUGGED her husband and yelled "DAMN it George, this is the FOURTH time this week." The security guard and I just exchanged glances and we went on our merry way, as we 'heard' them having a 'nice, quiet (YEA RIGHT) discussion. ChefDenny
  14. Hello All: I have used the Live Chat room several times, and I was also 'confused' why the Bathroom. After getting GREAT HELP from jriva as to properly use this message board, I 'ran across' this post. NOW it makes sense to me. Many times someone will be in a 'room' and will type BRB, and then 'disappear' for some period of time. I hope that I have explained myself clearly.