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Blog Comments posted by djeffries

  1. Fred:


    I'm so glad that you are able to 'see' the world around you and how some people DO go on with life as if NOTHING happened.


    I know when I was an omelet chef at a resort and conference center, a lady asked why I very rarely used my left hand. I told her that I had a stroke, but I was doing the best I could with what God has allowed me to do. Then she asked if I had any advise because her son wanted to be a chef when he saw how I was 'managing' despite my stroke.


    I asked her for her home address so that I could send her son an article about me that appeared in Stroke Connection magazine and the local newspaper.


    She wrote back and asked me for an autographed copy so I knew that 'something' was special about this lady It turns out that she is a Visiting Nurse for heart attack and stroke survivors. She wanted the autographed copies to show her patients, who sit in their rockers, watching TV and 'grass growing under their feet' that YES, I DID have a stroke BUT I'M not letting that stop me from enjoying life.


    It is so true that we should get out to the malls and shopping centers. Look at all the 'survivors' who are being involved with life.


    Or, you can do what I do. I carry a deck of playing cards. When people ask me why I walk 'funny' I tell them I had a stroke and then I pull out the cards. When they inquire 'Why the cards' I just say I had a stoke and I 'deal with it' :roflmao:





  2. Hi All:


    THIS POST is in response to Bonnie's 'post' about hospitals giving the wrong medications.


    I read the other day, in the paper, where three babies died because a medication was 'mistakenly' replaced with a medication, although similar in spelling and color, WAS 100 TIMES STRONGER that what should have been in the nursery medicine cabinet.


    Anyone else read that ??




  3. Cindy:


    I am so glad that your 'injury' is almost healed. I really am. Now, I just hope that you will follow these instructions:


    When slicing tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, radishes, potatoes, carrots, or anything that I forgot (memory 'shot' because of stroke) PLEASE USE THE SAFETY GUARD.


    If you don't want to use the safety guard, you can go to a restaurant supply store and buy a pair of 'mesh' anti-cut gloves, like they wear when carving meats. They are only $35.00 EACH :roflmao:



    Your favorite :chef:




  4. Cindy:


    I just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to have you 'visit' in the Friday Night Coffee Shop Chatroom. I'm so glad that you enjoyed yourself, got to 'share' with other people, had a few laughs, and enjoyed a cup or two of 'fresh-brewed' cappuccino.



    Denny :chef:

  5. Hi Cindy:


    I'm sorry that you cut yourself. I can understand the pain and trauma that you experienced. I 'understand' your panic and the fear of stitches.


    After I had my stroke, and in need of a different career, I went to culinary school. YES, we used knives. We spent two weeks, doing nothing but cutting, dicing and making 'fancy cuts' with vegetables; cutting and slicing meats and fish. I cut myself, on my left finger. BECAUSE I have NO feeling, I didn't know it. Just a small cut, but it bleed for almost an hour.


    I was afraid to use a knife the way chefs do - with the blade 'against' your knuckles. I've been 'corrected' several times, stating that I would 'lose points' IF I didn't start 'doing it right'. I just informed the chef that I would - but let me on 'my timing' (meaning when I WAS comfortable). I eventually 'got it together' with knife blade against knuckle.


    I also use a mandoline. They ARE nice, they allow you to make 'uniform' cuts, and they ARE SAFE, IF you use the safety guard. The manufacturer spent money to have the 'safety guard' made and put in each box. I use my mandolin to make French Onion Soup, slice tomatoes when needed. If I'm doing a vegetable tray, I'll slice cucumbers with the mandolin.


    I've been using a mandolin for 3 years, and I have yet to cut myself using it. WHY ?? Because I USE the safety guard EVERY time. When I slice something, when the safety guard is down as far as it goes, what food is still on the 'prongs' gets pitched.


    I know I 'rambled' on, just giving my :2cents:



    Denny :chef:

  6. I responded, I don't think I was understood correctly, SOoooooooooooooooooo . . . . . . the 'drama goes on !!


    All I can say is, 'hit me with your best shot' :bop:





    PS: I don't what to 'cause friction' between two friends, so I WON'T respond to this blog AGAIN !!


    One lesson we learn early, that in spite of seeming difference, men are all of one pattern. We readily assume this with our mates, and are disappointed and angry if we find that we are premature, and that their watches are slower than ours. In fact, the only sin which we never forgive in each other is difference of opinion.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    Blame is safer than praise.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    There is a time when a man distinguishes the idea of felicity from the idea of wealth; it is the beginning of wisdom.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root-puller, but guiding, instructive, inspiring.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    Wise men are not wise at all hours, and will speak five times from their taste or their humor, to once from their reason.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson




    The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear.


    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson





    I did a 'search' on Ralph Waldo Emerson and I thought (there I go, thinking again !!) that they were pretty good.


    I'm not taking sides, I'm not being a referee. I 'REFUSE' to be 'drawn' into these 'childish games'. I WILL say this. EVERYONE is entitled to freedom of speech. The 1st Amendment of the Constitution PERMITS that. I'm just saying that I don't enjoy the attacks that are waged' when two, or more people DON'T agree on a certain subject. THAT'S why I USUALLY don't respond to blogs.


    I'll just close with another quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:



    He who has a thousand friends Has not a friend to spare,While he who has one enemy Shall meet him everywhere


    -- Ralph Waldo Emmerson










    I can understand your frustration. I understand your 'lack' of physical mobility. I DO understand how this can 'affect' your 'mindset' and I give you all the encourtagement to 'seek' out things that motivate you and give you great pleasure.


    Yes, I agree that the computer 'masks' our physical problems. That IS a good thing. That's why I said that on here, each individual IS CONSIDERED 'equal'.


    No, you did not offend me. No you did not hurt my feelings. I'm doing my best to make you feel comfortable in what you are experiencing at the moment.


    Keep on blogging. If people have a problem with what you are trying to say, that IS their problem.






    Hi Diane:


    I CAN NOT even begin to image what life is like, seated in a wheelchair 24/7, only the use of one hand, not being active as you say you once were. I JUST CAN'T relate to that.


    HOWEVER, I CAN 'offer' the advise that, yes, there IS light at the end of the tunnel. NO, it is NOT a train 'coming your way'. I also understand where you would be bored - given the situation you are in. I don't know if your chair is motorized or not. If it is, are you able to go outside on your own, or is it too dangerous?? Can you maybe do jigsaw puzzles using one hand ??


    I appreciate your 'cry for help' and I believe that by blogging and 'venting' your frustrations, people will offer encouragement and suggest things that MIGHT keep you from becoming bored. At least, I would hope so.


    I believe you said it has been 18 months since your stroke. It seems like an eternity for you and I can understand that. Progress will come 'in small steps' patience IS the key. My stroke was 8 years and a month ago. I only have numbness and no feeling on my ENTIRE left side. YES it is frustrating and I do wish, at times, that my stroke WAS WORSE.


    WHY ?? Then I could 'relate' to others on this site and be 'more in-tune' with their struggles, trials and triumphs.


    I DON'T consider when people are blogging 'negative remarks, that they are 'having a pity party'. Human nature is to sometimes think that 'woe is me'. The feelings ARE OKAY, but you also need to find things that will 'pull' you out of that 'muck and mire'.


    I'm rambling, but I just want you to know that I will be praying for you. Keep your chin up, and remember that there ARE others who are 'experiencing' conditions worse than you. I would also invite you to 'visit' the chatrooms at night. Spelling and typos DO NOT COUNT. As far as I'm concerned, although we had a stroke, we 'are considered equal, whether it be in the chat room, on the Strokenet Message Board or blogging. One hand typing IS fine too.


    AND, this is for you :friends:




  8. Next day was Sunday. I went to church, and I 'budgeted' $5.00 for offering. Well, when the offering came, I put in my $5.00 PLUS what I 'made' yesterday from changing the guy's tire. It was . . . . . . a $50.00 bill.





    NO, it wasn't the $50 bill that the guy gave me BECAUSE I put it in the collection plate when the offering was taken, just like I 'stated' in the excerpt above.


    Now what could be the possible explaination ??



  9. Kimmer:


    Sorry for your 'rough time'. However, there is a saying "The faster I go, the behinder I get". Just think of ALL the blunders that you made. I DON'T see them as mistakes or problems, I SEE them as 'learning experiences'.




    1. You now know that you need to keep your laundry supplies on a shelf, NOT the washer.


    2. When you spill stuff on the washer, you clean it up right away.


    3. You have learned NOT to put other pills in a different pill container.


    4. Getting upset only causes MORE undue stress which then causes you to get upset more which leads to MORE stress - a vicious cycle.


    5. You can NOW find the Wal Mart that are in your area, and the clothing that they carry.


    6. When a problem arises, learn to use your resources - i.e. boyfriend, spouse, etc.


    As far as 'that stupid test' for where you work, IT IS IMPORTANT that the 'service staff' and kitchen help ARE aware of the proper rules and regulations concerning food safety, employee's personal hygiene, etc. I know it might be STUPID to you, but, I work in the food service industry and I DO TAKE Food Safety and Sanitation rules VERY VERY VERY SERIOUSLY. If people don't, THEY SHOULD NOT be in the business.


    I am certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services. And I am 'appalled' at how 'careless' employees are concerning handling food. IT MAKES ME SICK to see it, and yes, if I am in a restaurant, I WILL point it out to the manager-on-duty. Do I care? Yes, because IT IS the restaurant's responsibility to ensure that ALL food code rules ARE FOLLOWED !!!



    Denny :chef:

  10. To All Who Read This:


    Concerning cell phones, make sure the phone numbers are saved to the SIM CARD on your phone (instructions should be in the owner's manual). Reason: If you buy a compatable phone, you just change the SIM CARD and ALL your info gets 'changed' with it. Phone numbers saved to the phone STAY with the phone.


    Amy, so glad you found your cell phone. I use my for scheduling too.



  11. The 'LOST' HAS BEEN FOUND !!!


    Hello Vicki: And EVERYONE else.


    I just got off the phone with Shartnett (alias: Steph, #2 ) at 12:42 PM Eastern Standard Time (11:42 AM Daylight Savings Time - if you forgot to reset your clock). Today is April 2, 2006.


    Vicki, I am to tell you that #2 IS OKAY and that she IS having ISP Problems on her computer.



    To all others, Steph IS having ISP Problems with her computer and she said to tell everyone she IS FINE and not to worry.


    With that being said, talk later.






    PS: NO I am not a 'terrorist' and this WAS NOT an 'attempted thread hijack attempt'

  12. I have two questions:


    Question #1 Who is Stan ??


    Question #2 Who is Kim ??






    PS: There are, at last count, over 4500 registered members on this site. Just HOW MANY are 'imposters', meaning people who 'were asked to leave' but have 'came back, under an 'alias' that Management doesn't know about? :uhm:

  13. Kimmer:


    I HAVE a solution that you ARE a female. Walk into your social security office, ask for a female case-worker, and take your clothes off. That way, the case-worker can 'compare' her physical features to yours, and then you can ask her: Are YOU considered MALE or FEMALE ??



    (I can't believe I typed this response, but oh well. No one on this sight HAS ever seen me, SOoooooooooooooo it isn't a problem). Just don't do this to me -- :bop:




  14. Hi Jean:


    You leave the 'scales' ON. Here is the first part of recipe again, I will take it step-by-step to explain.


    Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise, leaving the leaves on. Scoop out the 'meat' from the center of the pineapple, leaving a wall of pineapple 1/2-inch thick.


    1. Take a whole pineapple and lay it on the side.


    2. Using a sharp knife, cut it from the bottom to the top, so that you have two halves. If done correctly, each half SHOULD have a half-rounded side and a flat side and one-half of the leaves should be on both halves. DO NOT CUT OFF LEAVES.


    3. When the 'meat' IS scooped out, there should be a 'wall' 1/2-inch thick. This INCLUDES the 'scales' and some of the 'meat' of the pineapple.


    NOTE: I apologize that I CAN NOT include a picture / diagram on this blog. HOWEVER, if you wish to ask you local chef, in a restaurant, I am sure he would be more than willing to help you make this.


