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Blog Comments posted by djeffries

  1. Hi:


    I looked inside your computer and I saw this little guy that was wearing coveralls and a flannel shirt. He is on a tractor, plowing his field. Oh, I know, it's the ..............


    Farmer in a Dell, :roflmao: :happydance: :roflmao: so why not name it: Farmer Axim






    To Everyone:


    The Steelers that hostpam was referring to ARE the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are the National Football Leaque's American Football Conference WINNER who is playing in the Super Bowl, against the Seattle Seahawks who are the National Football Leaque's National Football Conference Winner.


    They are playing at Heinz Field in Detroit, Michigan.


    The Super Bowl is equivilant to baseball's World Series, but the Super Bowl IS only one game.


    With that said, GO Steelers !!!!!





    PS: Welcome back Pam, I missed you

  2. KJ:


    The tears are 'tears of joy'. And, there is nothing wrong with that. I am so excited that your husband is making such great progress. Patience does prove that a survivor CAN make progress in time.


    My suggestion would be to get a video camera, and when your husband is doing things' that people said he WILL NEVER be able to do', video him doing them, then take the VCR tape to them and INSIST that they watch it and prove them wrong , in what they said that your husband 'will be nothing more than a vegetable'.




  3. Kimberly:


    What you need is what my doctor office uses - an automated answering machine. (Oh how we just 'love' using those dumb things).


    NOTE: The following is just in fun. It is not meant to 'criticize' or 'embarass" anyone. As far as I know, this 'machine DOES NOT exist.


    It could be set up something like this: Person calling hears: Hello, you have reached The "Fill in the blank" Appraisal Company. Your call is important. Please listen to the following.


    If you know the extension of the party you are calling, please dial 1 now.


    For a list of employees and their extensions, please dial 2. However, this will get a list. You must call back and repeat the steps necessary to reach your party.


    If you are a new caller, wanting an appraisal, and don't know who you want to talk to, please dial 3. This will inform us that you are a new customer, and we will call you back.


    If we are currently working on an appraisal for you, please dial 4 and please leave your name, phone number, address, when you will be home. We will call you; if not home, your appraisal will be null and void.


    Please dial 5 if you are a family member of an employee. Leave a brief message, and if the employee wants to talk to you, they will return your call.


    Dial 6, if you just want a stupid question answered.


    If you missed the 'prompts', please dial 8 and they will be repeart, although they may not be in the same order. This machine was 'programed' by a stroke survivor'.


    If, at any time, you wish to speak to an operator. SORRY, we don't have one.


    Please make your selection now.






  4. Michael:


    I think I know WHO it is, but I will wait and see if my ESP is 'working'.


    I've 'searched' a few blog entries, and yes, I would 'bet my hair' on the answer. WAIT !!!! I ain't got any hair. roflmao.gif Oh well, here are some of the clues that I've 'discovered':


    1) Both live on same coast.


    2) Name has 1 more letter in it.


    3) Wrote a few Blogs on similar topic.


    4) your name and 'loved one' name have some letters that are the same (I AM NOT saying how many though).


    To all the rest, put on your thinking caps.




  5. Mike:


    Just as I 'expected'. The two with the 'enquiring minds' 'responded' first.





    Seriously Mike, I can just 'feel' your embarrassment. However, when Kathy yelled, you instictively 'responded' to her rescue. Mike, I am sure that you didn't mean any 'offense' to the girls, and I'm sure, if the 'law' visits you, you will have a 'valid' alibi. I'll 'vouch' for you, I promise (left hand on Bible, right hand raised).




  6. Teal:


    I can understand your anxiety about this 'gentleman'. I can 'appreciate' your anguish about returning to your 'pool classes'.


    I know I will get 'hate blogs'. I don't care, but Teal, I would recommend you do the following:

    * Ask the instructor to either reschedule your class or reassign you to a different 'pool spot'.


    * Inform your instructor of what you know about this guy. The instructor MAY NOT know his background.


    * DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT believe for a moment that this guy is telling the truth, that he will be able to have this 'charge' eridicated from his 'rap sheet' if he does 'meet' certain criteria.


    * I know from experience (NO, it's not concerning me, relax) that a man who is a sex offender, DOES NOT 'change his way' of thinking. Yes, he MIGHT say that he will change, but don't 'bet the farm' that he will.


    Well, I think I watch to many Cops episodes, Cold Case Files, America's Most Wanted, and Perry Mason reruns. But Teal, you are responsible for the action you take against this 'goof'.


    I wish you all the luck that you can 'make the changes' to give you peace, safety and the comfort you need to attend the pool classes again.




  7. Hi KJ:


    I can understand your frustration concerning the problem of getting husband in and out of vehicle. I can drive, so I am not 'home-bound'.


    Yes you may have to get a minivan and have it 'converted'. Just a few suggestions:


    1). Contact a local service group (Sertoma, Elks, Moose, Jaycees, Lion's Club, Knights of Columbus, etc.) and ask if they can 'assist' you with this 'necessitity'.


    2). There is a Christian organization, called Joni and Friends, that helps with financial needs of the disabled / handicapped. They have a website, but due to 'Board rules', I am not able to post it. Just type in Joni and Friends and 'hit' search.


    You might also 'post' an ad in your local newspaper that you are looking for a van that might already be equipped for this purpose.


    I'm not sure if either suggestion will be helpful, but I just thought that I would pass them along. Good luck.




  8. Amanda:


    I want to just pash.gif and express my concern for you. I can understand the 'pain and hurt' you are experiencing. It WILL get better.


    I would like to encourage you, to go to the main Message Board, find the Stroke Survivor section. 'Click' on the 5th link Classic Postings and Advice'. I would like for you to read the 'posts' called:


    I'm Losing it ....."


    Survivor's Bill of Rights'


    Caregiver's Bill of Rights'


    There might be other 'postings' that interest you. But check them out. Also, look at the Caregiver section.


    If need be, print them out, show to your mom. Maybe, by reading some 'information', she might realize the stress everyone is under, what 'damage' she might be doing to your dad and his recovery, how she is taking her stress out on you, etc., etc.


    And I do understand what 'pressures' you have, going back to school, wanting to assist with your dad's care, living a life that was 'robbed' from you. You have alot on your plate, to deal with.


    I hope I have given you some 'enrichment'. Do continue to 'vent' your frustrations. It is a form of therapy, and it is free. We may not have all the 'perfect' answers, but we do have compassion for those who are 'hurting'.




  9. Amanda:


    I have read your blogs and other people's responses with great compassion and understanding. I know that you are facing a difficult time in your life, and we are here for you. I can see that by the advice and encouragement that people have offered you.


    Your father's first stroke was when you were only 7. Your mom had to take care of all the home chores, make sure your needs were met, probably 'juggle' finances and things.


    Now, he had another stroke, and the stress is really upon her. She DOESN'T know the future, she THINKS that you want 'to do your own thing' (which you don't), her mom is critical of how she is treating her husband, etc., etc.


    YES, I agree with previous remarks, you should speak to your dad's healthcare team, and maybe they could speak to your mom about the things she is saying to your dad. It is 'detrimental' to his care if they are encouraging him, and then your mom says things that 'destroy' his hopes.


    I also think that you mom DEFINETLY needs some time to 'step back, take a vacation' from her 24 / 7 time with your dad. She needs to 'realize' that you and her mom are also concerned about his recovery, and that EVERYONE has his best interests at heart.


    I hope I am making sense. I can 'feel' your frustration, and I know that you love your mom very much. I pray that, somehow, she will realize that you are your own person, that you are there for her, and that you need 'time for you'. See, right now, she IS NOT getting 'me time'. And that IS what she needs.


    I am not a counselor, or a psycologist, (spelling) or even a 'shrink', I'm just trying to pash.gif and give you encouragement.


    Your are in my prayers, Amanda.




  10. Hi Clarke:


    I don't know what to say buddy. I really don't understand how depression can 'destroy' someone's willingness to 'fight' and 'defeat' this ugly, horrible thing called stroke. But, I do understand one thing, and that is that you have the 'entire StrokeNet Family' behind you, encouraging you, and willing to help you 'fight' this ugly 'creature'.


    As others before me, and I'm sure there will be other 'responders and encouragers' behind me, we are in this 'fight together. I would 'invite' you to go to Inspirational Thoughts, on the main Message board and read "How Do you handle adversities"? I think if you would 'takle the place' of that mule, and 'shake off' every little problem, you might feel better.


    And as others have suggested, getting out of the house, maybe volunteering somewhere, getting together for coffee with friends, might give you some encouragement too.


    I will keep you in my prayers. Keep your chin up, face each day with a smile, and thank God that he has allowed you another day to 'appreciate' His Handiwork.




  11. Phyllis:


    Here are some other ideas. Not sure which would work for you.


    1). From a New Car Dealer, buy a radio antenna 'flag'. When you go shopping, back into the spot, put the 'flag' on the radio antenna.


    2). Buy a 'flag' (US flag, favorite baseball/football/nascar/hockey/basketball team) that fastens onto your car's side window.


    3). Tie a kid's balloon to your car's radio antenna.


    4). Ride the bus shopping, if you live along the bus route.


    5). If you don't mind the 'looks', just put an upside-down soda can on your car's antenna.


    Hope these suggestions will help. Remember, they are just that - suggestions.




  12. Amanda:


    I am so glad that you had a 'two-day vacation'. You did something you wanted, you had a good time, you 'just got away'.


    You have returned, God has 'overseen' your dad, and He has even 'provided' changes in your dad, that you could notice. Yes, your dad will make improvements, maybe little or might be big. It is hard to say that he will be like he was pre-stroke, but, God has His Plan in effect, and you just need to keep praying that "all things are possible, for those who believe".


    You are in my prayers.




  13. Hi Marty:


    Four bags of blueberries. I will give you some of the recipe ideas the three (Lin, Teal & Chef Denny) of us came up with:


    Blueberry sauce for waffles and pancakes

    Blueberry pancakes

    Blueberry quick bread

    Blueberry Bread Pudding w/ Vanilla sauce

    Blueberry crepes w/ powdered sugar on top

    Blueberry omelet (try at own risk)

    Blueberry wine Cheers.gif

    Blueberry jam

    Blueberry Ice Cream



    I'm sure there were others, just can't remember.



    Chef Denny

  14. Marty:


    I know you started this blog, but then you went to Stroke Survivor Support, and made an entry. Well, I'm going to respond here, therefore I won't be 'accused' of stealing your thread.


    I read your post about picking blueberries, and the problem you had. I am concerned for you. Take it easy.


    While reading your 'post', thoughts of last night's chat came back. I signed on about 8:45 - 8:50 and, I think just Lwisman and teal were in chat. I'm not sure which one said it, but they said that they got blueberries for 50





    When you go shopping, ask the clerk if they sell furniture mover thingies that might 'assist' you in moving furniture by yourself. I know what they are called, just the name 'escapes' me right now. sad.gif



  15. Kristen:


    I can understand your concern about having your husband help you with cooking. Or letting him do it himself. There are TOO MANY dangers in a kitchen with a stroke survivor. I know, I'm a stroke survivor and I was a chef in a kitchen.

    YES, I've been burned. YES I've cut myself. YES I've 'spilled' a container of hot soup on my pants, in the crotch/left hip area.


    I would suggest that you allow your husband to help you in the kitchen, but just let him do small things first. By this, I mean just let him put stuff in the oven. When he 'seems' comfortable with that, and so do you, let him put stuff in AND take it out. When you are both comfortable with his progress, let him try doing stuff on the stove. But this is where it might get a little dangerous.


    I know it's not a lot of encouragement, but I'm not exactly sure of his restrictions and/or physical limitations. And I don't want anything to happen that could be prevented in the first place.


    Hope this helps. I've done my best giving what little advice I did.



    Chef Denny

  16. Amanda:


    I am so glad that I gave you the idea to 'Blog'. I really appreciated your blog concerning your story and how you found this site.


    Yes, you need to go to this concert. Your youth 'has been robbed' from you. You need this 'getaway' to release the stress in your life. I understand that you want to assist in your dad's care and that you want to be there for him.


    Your education IS also important. If your mom has the ability to use the computer and knows how to send/receive emails, that should be enough comfort. As far as commuting, you need to pray about that. Also consider the financial part. Would it be cheaper to live at home and commute OR would it be cheaper to live on campus, and keep in touch via email.


    Keep up your strong attitude and remember to keep your needs and concerns 'before the Throne'. I will keep you in my prayers, as I'm sure others will to. Just remember "Nothing IS TOO DIFFICULT for Him".



    Denny pash.gif