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Everything posted by djeffries

  1. Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm to 9pm with Host Ambassador Lenny
  2. until
    Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm to 9pm with Host Dennis
  3. Caregiver Chat in the Stroke Caregiver Room from 8pm - 9pm EST with Host Sally
  4. until
    Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST with HostSimon
  5. until
    Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm EST with Host Linda
  6. until
    Facebook Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm DST with Host Kelli
  7. until
    Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm DST with Host Linda
  8. until
    Facebook Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm DST with Host Kelli
  9. until
    Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm EST with Host Linda
  10. Social Chat for Stroke Survivors and Stroke Caregivers in the Coffee Shop from 8pm - 9pm EST with Host Dennis
  11. until
    Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 3pm - 4pm EST with Ksmith (Kelli)
  12. Survivor Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9 pm EST with Ambassador Lenny
  13. until
    Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 3pm - 4pm EST with Host Tracy
  14. Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 3pm - 4pm EST with Ksmith ( Kelli)
  15. Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9pm EST with Dennis
  16. until
    Survivor Chat in Stroke Survivor Room from 3pm - 4pm EST with Host Tracy
  17. until
    Facebook Chat in the Stroke Survivor Room from 8pm - 9 pm EST with Host Kelli
  18. Social Chat in the Coffee Shop from 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm with Host Dennis
  19. Danielle, I live in Lancaster, PA also. When was your husband's stroke and what part of Lancaster City do you live in?

  20. For those having difficulties, I am using the Fall skin, and I have no trouble finding it. Follow me on this -- on the extreme top, on the main page, there is a brown area, the entire width of page and maybe a half-inch high. In white letters, are the words Members Staff Only Guidelines Helps. Behind each topic, also in white, is a small triangle with the point facing down. When you click on the white triangle, behind Members, and go to the fourth line, where it reads Chatrooms. Click on that, and it SHOULD take you to the Chatrooms.
  21. djeffries

    Living In Texas

    Fred: You forgot Lancaster, Texas Host Denny
  22. Hello All: I 'posted' a picture of my Great Granddaughter, born on June 6, 2011. Her name is Cassadi Ann. Click on Gallery, then click on Family. Thanks for looking. Host Dennis
  23. Sue: I am estatic that a caregiver, of your caliber, was awarded 'Caregiver of the Year', for the advice that you provide locally and internationally, through your 'volunteering' on Stroke Network. Wait, that's where we are now. Great. Now, young lady, the other day you were questioning where you 'fit in' as a caregiver and being a Caregiver Chatroom Host, :chat: being that you had to place Ray in a nursing home. I really enjoy reading your blogs, reading how you are always offering advice, sharing your struggles and successes. Having won this award, it just reinforces how valuable you are to stroke caregivers and others. I would suggest that you take a 'leave of absence', evaluate your feelings. I've done that in the past, and I realized that I was appreciated here, and needed, and I couldn't 'just walk away'. But, I also wanted to 'echo' all the other comments and say :You-Rock: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:
  24. Sue: I can only imagine the struggles, trials and tribulations you are going through. I admire you very much. I have been following your blogs, reading how you are a strong advocate for Ray. Yes, you want the best for Ray, and, as his wife, you will do everything in your power, to accomplish that. However, there will be a time when you need to 'step back' and seek additional assistance. Sue, you have been a 'trooper' since Ray's first stroke, and for every stroke afterwards. I can understand your feelings, about putting Ray in a nursing home. And, I share your frustration, but, like the caseworker stated, you 'look bad these last six weeks'. Remember, God doesn't give you more than you can handle, but He also provides a way out of it.
  25. Okay, what is it with this falling stuff? I want to know! Sue fell in Australia, doing some chores around the house. MC fell, trying to 'rescue' some melting butter. She lives in Canada. Oh, by the way, I also fell this past Saturday, trying to fix my truck for state inspection. My license plate light 'pigtail' needed to be replaced, so I bought one. I placed it in the hole in the bumper and I was laying on the ground, making the electrical connection. I did that and while I was trying to get up. I lost my balance (common denominator in the falls of Sue, MC and me) and I did a 'face-plant' on my truck's bumper. NO brusies or broken bones, but I did a MAJOR 'Extreme Make-Over' on my eyeglasses. I bent the frames badly and I 'dislocated' both eyeglass lenses. I showed them to Peggy and asked if she would drive me to the place where I got them, but, through the Grace of God and Peggy's patience, she was able to do 'collision repair' on them. I didn't even need to 'pay' a deductible. Thanks Sue, see what you started. You fell, then MC fell and, yes, I had to 'add' to the 'down-fall' of StrokeNet Users. I also 'updated' people on my blog. Now I'm good for a few months, or until Sue reminds us again that we need to update. Everyone, have a good day and STAY OFF THE FLOOR!!!