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Blog Comments posted by djeffries

  1. Hi Pam:


    The directions we were given told us to take Interstate 81 to the last exit, BEFORE we cross into Canada. The exit is called Alexandria Bay. Then we were told to take Rt. 12 east until we came to Rt. 37, which would take us into Massena. Where we visited was Massena, and we followed the highway that we could see the river and and we could see Canada on the otherside of the river. If you don't believe me, of which it sounds like you don't, I don't know how else to tell you. I guess you could drive it yourself to find out if I'm telling the truth, but I'm sure you won't, because then you would have to admit that I WAS RIGHT in the first place. I guess another way, without driving it, would be to look at a New York state map. You DO have one of those, right Pam?


    With right hand on Bible, raising left hand,



  2. Michael:


    This ISN'T a locksmith story, but it's funny none the less.


    I was at the shopping mall, and I noticed that a car was parked in a handicap spot and IT was 'running'. And the doors WERE LOCKED. I notified the security people, as one just happened to be driving by, that this car's engine was running. As he was 'copying down' the vehicle information, this elderly couple came walking out and the man yelled "What are you doing at my car?" Security asked the guy where he keys were. The man spent about 10 - 15 minutes 'searching' for his keys, couldn't find them. Then he started walking back towards the store, thinking that he might have 'lost' them. Security asked if this was his car, and if so, the keys were left in the ignition, the car was 'running' and the doors were locked. At this, the elderly lady SLUGGED her husband and yelled "DAMN it George, this is the FOURTH time this week."


    The security guard and I just exchanged glances and we went on our merry way, as we 'heard' them having a 'nice, quiet (YEA RIGHT) discussion.


