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Everything posted by djeffries

  1. I received this as an email and I thought it sounded real interesting. NO I have not tried it yet, but I plan too as soon as I buy Ziploc Bags. I think that this could be an ideal recipe for stroke survivors to prepare, because you COULD use Egg Beaters instead of cracking regular eggs. Denny :chef: Ziploc Omelets This works great !!! Good for when all your family is together. The best part is that no one has to wait for their special omelet !!! Have guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker. Crack 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them. Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham, onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, etc. Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shake. Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up. Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water. Open the bags and the omelet will roll out easily. Be prepared for everyone to be amazed. Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake; everyone gets involved in the process and a great conversation piece. Imagine having these ready the night before, and putting the bag in boiling water while you get ready. And in 13 minutes, you got a nice omelette for a quick breakfast!!! PS: I have returned from the dungeon - but found some interesting 'recipe ideas' while down there. JUST KIDDING. RELAX !!
  2. djeffries

    Measuring Sticks

    Hi All: Okay, here's my 2
  3. Okay, here is my list of OLD TV Programs -- How many do you remember? 1. Lassie 2. Dennis the Menace 3. Ozzie and Harriet 4. Lost in Space 5. Father Knows Best 6. Leave it to Beaver 7. Bozo the Clown 8. Soupy Sales Show 9. The Lone Ranger 10. My Favorite Martian 11. Make Room for Daddy 12. My Three Sons 13. The Little Rascals 14. The Three Stoogies 15. Roy Rogers 16. Land of the Giants 17. The Cisco Kid 18. The Carol Burnett Show 19. The French Chef 20. Get Smart 21. The Real McCoy's 22. The Paul Winchell Show - with his 'dummies' (Paul was a venquilitrist) 23. The Howdy Doudie Show (YES, I know it's spelled wrong -- SUE ME !! ) Denny
  4. djeffries


    Kimmer: Sorry for your 'rough time'. However, there is a saying "The faster I go, the behinder I get". Just think of ALL the blunders that you made. I DON'T see them as mistakes or problems, I SEE them as 'learning experiences'. WHY? 1. You now know that you need to keep your laundry supplies on a shelf, NOT the washer. 2. When you spill stuff on the washer, you clean it up right away. 3. You have learned NOT to put other pills in a different pill container. 4. Getting upset only causes MORE undue stress which then causes you to get upset more which leads to MORE stress - a vicious cycle. 5. You can NOW find the Wal Mart that are in your area, and the clothing that they carry. 6. When a problem arises, learn to use your resources - i.e. boyfriend, spouse, etc. As far as 'that stupid test' for where you work, IT IS IMPORTANT that the 'service staff' and kitchen help ARE aware of the proper rules and regulations concerning food safety, employee's personal hygiene, etc. I know it might be STUPID to you, but, I work in the food service industry and I DO TAKE Food Safety and Sanitation rules VERY VERY VERY SERIOUSLY. If people don't, THEY SHOULD NOT be in the business. I am certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services. And I am 'appalled' at how 'careless' employees are concerning handling food. IT MAKES ME SICK to see it, and yes, if I am in a restaurant, I WILL point it out to the manager-on-duty. Do I care? Yes, because IT IS the restaurant's responsibility to ensure that ALL food code rules ARE FOLLOWED !!! Denny :chef:
  5. To All Who Read This: Concerning cell phones, make sure the phone numbers are saved to the SIM CARD on your phone (instructions should be in the owner's manual). Reason: If you buy a compatable phone, you just change the SIM CARD and ALL your info gets 'changed' with it. Phone numbers saved to the phone STAY with the phone. Amy, so glad you found your cell phone. I use my for scheduling too. Denny
  6. The 'LOST' HAS BEEN FOUND !!! Hello Vicki: And EVERYONE else. I just got off the phone with Shartnett (alias: Steph, #2 ) at 12:42 PM Eastern Standard Time (11:42 AM Daylight Savings Time - if you forgot to reset your clock). Today is April 2, 2006. Vicki, I am to tell you that #2 IS OKAY and that she IS having ISP Problems on her computer. To all others, Steph IS having ISP Problems with her computer and she said to tell everyone she IS FINE and not to worry. With that being said, talk later. Denny PS: NO I am not a 'terrorist' and this WAS NOT an 'attempted thread hijack attempt'
  7. djeffries

    Dirty little secrets

    Sue: you may NEVER know. Denny ? NO, I'm not removing :gleam:
  8. djeffries

    Dirty little secrets

    I have two questions: Question #1 Who is Stan ?? Question #2 Who is Kim ?? Denny PS: There are, at last count, over 4500 registered members on this site. Just HOW MANY are 'imposters', meaning people who 'were asked to leave' but have 'came back, under an 'alias' that Management doesn't know about? :uhm:
  9. Kimmer: I HAVE a solution that you ARE a female. Walk into your social security office, ask for a female case-worker, and take your clothes off. That way, the case-worker can 'compare' her physical features to yours, and then you can ask her: Are YOU considered MALE or FEMALE ?? (I can't believe I typed this response, but oh well. No one on this sight HAS ever seen me, SOoooooooooooooo it isn't a problem). Just don't do this to me -- :bop: Denny
  10. Hi Jean: You leave the 'scales' ON. Here is the first part of recipe again, I will take it step-by-step to explain. Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise, leaving the leaves on. Scoop out the 'meat' from the center of the pineapple, leaving a wall of pineapple 1/2-inch thick. 1. Take a whole pineapple and lay it on the side. 2. Using a sharp knife, cut it from the bottom to the top, so that you have two halves. If done correctly, each half SHOULD have a half-rounded side and a flat side and one-half of the leaves should be on both halves. DO NOT CUT OFF LEAVES. 3. When the 'meat' IS scooped out, there should be a 'wall' 1/2-inch thick. This INCLUDES the 'scales' and some of the 'meat' of the pineapple. NOTE: I apologize that I CAN NOT include a picture / diagram on this blog. HOWEVER, if you wish to ask you local chef, in a restaurant, I am sure he would be more than willing to help you make this. Denny
  11. Hey Fred: Yes, you ARE correct. Baked Alaska is an ice cream dessert that is made with ice cream and meringue. Then brandy or rum is poured over top and set aflame. hostdenny[/color][/i][/b]
  12. Hawaiian Baked Alaska 1 Fresh pineapple 1 Quart of your favorite ice cream, softened 8 egg whites (you can find these in your grocer's dairy case, beside the EggBeaters) 2 Cups Sugar Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise, leaving the leaves on. Scoop out the 'meat' from the center of the pineapple, leaving a wall of pineapple 1/2-inch thick. Place the scooped out pineapple halves on a platter. Fill the pineapple cavity with the desired flavor of ice cream and place in the freezer until ice cream is frozen again. To make the meringue, in a chilled bowl, beat the egg whites to a soft peak. Slowly add the sugar to the egg whites. Remove the pineapple halves from the freezer. Using a pastry bag (or a ziplock bag with the corner cut off) cover the ice cream entirely, creating some type of design. Dust with powdered sugar and brown quickly in a 450
  13. djeffries

    Snow Day

    Hi: I looked inside your computer and I saw this little guy that was wearing coveralls and a flannel shirt. He is on a tractor, plowing his field. Oh, I know, it's the .............. Farmer in a Dell, :roflmao: :happydance: :roflmao: so why not name it: Farmer Axim Denny
  14. okay, I understand that your dog has 'learned' to escape from his 'locked' kennel. Is it possible that he might be 'in cohoots' with that dog that escaped from his locked travel cage at JFK Airport in Queens, NY? hostdenny
  15. djeffries


    To Everyone: The Steelers that hostpam was referring to ARE the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are the National Football Leaque's American Football Conference WINNER who is playing in the Super Bowl, against the Seattle Seahawks who are the National Football Leaque's National Football Conference Winner. They are playing at Heinz Field in Detroit, Michigan. The Super Bowl is equivilant to baseball's World Series, but the Super Bowl IS only one game. With that said, GO Steelers !!!!! Denny PS: Welcome back Pam, I missed you
  16. KJ: The tears are 'tears of joy'. And, there is nothing wrong with that. I am so excited that your husband is making such great progress. Patience does prove that a survivor CAN make progress in time. My suggestion would be to get a video camera, and when your husband is doing things' that people said he WILL NEVER be able to do', video him doing them, then take the VCR tape to them and INSIST that they watch it and prove them wrong , in what they said that your husband 'will be nothing more than a vegetable'. Denny
  17. Kimberly: What you need is what my doctor office uses - an automated answering machine. (Oh how we just 'love' using those dumb things). NOTE: The following is just in fun. It is not meant to 'criticize' or 'embarass" anyone. As far as I know, this 'machine DOES NOT exist. It could be set up something like this: Person calling hears: Hello, you have reached The "Fill in the blank" Appraisal Company. Your call is important. Please listen to the following. If you know the extension of the party you are calling, please dial 1 now. For a list of employees and their extensions, please dial 2. However, this will get a list. You must call back and repeat the steps necessary to reach your party. If you are a new caller, wanting an appraisal, and don't know who you want to talk to, please dial 3. This will inform us that you are a new customer, and we will call you back. If we are currently working on an appraisal for you, please dial 4 and please leave your name, phone number, address, when you will be home. We will call you; if not home, your appraisal will be null and void. Please dial 5 if you are a family member of an employee. Leave a brief message, and if the employee wants to talk to you, they will return your call. Dial 6, if you just want a stupid question answered. If you missed the 'prompts', please dial 8 and they will be repeart, although they may not be in the same order. This machine was 'programed' by a stroke survivor'. If, at any time, you wish to speak to an operator. SORRY, we don't have one. Please make your selection now. Denny
  18. djeffries

    Unconditional Love

    Michael: WELL, I was wrong. And NO I will not reveal who I was thinking either, so don't ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Denny
  19. djeffries

    Who I love the most

    Michael: I think I know WHO it is, but I will wait and see if my ESP is 'working'. I've 'searched' a few blog entries, and yes, I would 'bet my hair' on the answer. WAIT !!!! I ain't got any hair. Oh well, here are some of the clues that I've 'discovered': 1) Both live on same coast. 2) Name has 1 more letter in it. 3) Wrote a few Blogs on similar topic. 4) your name and 'loved one' name have some letters that are the same (I AM NOT saying how many though). To all the rest, put on your thinking caps. Denny
  20. djeffries

    Giggling Girls

    Mike: Just as I 'expected'. The two with the 'enquiring minds' 'responded' first. Seriously Mike, I can just 'feel' your embarrassment. However, when Kathy yelled, you instictively 'responded' to her rescue. Mike, I am sure that you didn't mean any 'offense' to the girls, and I'm sure, if the 'law' visits you, you will have a 'valid' alibi. I'll 'vouch' for you, I promise (left hand on Bible, right hand raised). Denny
  21. djeffries

    just what i need...

    Teal: I can understand your anxiety about this 'gentleman'. I can 'appreciate' your anguish about returning to your 'pool classes'. I know I will get 'hate blogs'. I don't care, but Teal, I would recommend you do the following: * Ask the instructor to either reschedule your class or reassign you to a different 'pool spot'. * Inform your instructor of what you know about this guy. The instructor MAY NOT know his background. * DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT believe for a moment that this guy is telling the truth, that he will be able to have this 'charge' eridicated from his 'rap sheet' if he does 'meet' certain criteria. * I know from experience (NO, it's not concerning me, relax) that a man who is a sex offender, DOES NOT 'change his way' of thinking. Yes, he MIGHT say that he will change, but don't 'bet the farm' that he will. Well, I think I watch to many Cops episodes, Cold Case Files, America's Most Wanted, and Perry Mason reruns. But Teal, you are responsible for the action you take against this 'goof'. I wish you all the luck that you can 'make the changes' to give you peace, safety and the comfort you need to attend the pool classes again. Denny
  22. Hi KJ: I can understand your frustration concerning the problem of getting husband in and out of vehicle. I can drive, so I am not 'home-bound'. Yes you may have to get a minivan and have it 'converted'. Just a few suggestions: 1). Contact a local service group (Sertoma, Elks, Moose, Jaycees, Lion's Club, Knights of Columbus, etc.) and ask if they can 'assist' you with this 'necessitity'. 2). There is a Christian organization, called Joni and Friends, that helps with financial needs of the disabled / handicapped. They have a website, but due to 'Board rules', I am not able to post it. Just type in Joni and Friends and 'hit' search. You might also 'post' an ad in your local newspaper that you are looking for a van that might already be equipped for this purpose. I'm not sure if either suggestion will be helpful, but I just thought that I would pass them along. Good luck. Denny
  23. I'm not sure about this, but wouldn't this be considered insurance fraud'? Also, I checked out Michael's 'link' and found it quite interesting. And I am glad that your husband is 're-programming' you. Denny
  24. Amanda: I want to just and express my concern for you. I can understand the 'pain and hurt' you are experiencing. It WILL get better. I would like to encourage you, to go to the main Message Board, find the Stroke Survivor section. 'Click' on the 5th link Classic Postings and Advice'. I would like for you to read the 'posts' called: I'm Losing it ....." Survivor's Bill of Rights' Caregiver's Bill of Rights' There might be other 'postings' that interest you. But check them out. Also, look at the Caregiver section. If need be, print them out, show to your mom. Maybe, by reading some 'information', she might realize the stress everyone is under, what 'damage' she might be doing to your dad and his recovery, how she is taking her stress out on you, etc., etc. And I do understand what 'pressures' you have, going back to school, wanting to assist with your dad's care, living a life that was 'robbed' from you. You have alot on your plate, to deal with. I hope I have given you some 'enrichment'. Do continue to 'vent' your frustrations. It is a form of therapy, and it is free. We may not have all the 'perfect' answers, but we do have compassion for those who are 'hurting'. Denny
  25. Amanda: I have read your blogs and other people's responses with great compassion and understanding. I know that you are facing a difficult time in your life, and we are here for you. I can see that by the advice and encouragement that people have offered you. Your father's first stroke was when you were only 7. Your mom had to take care of all the home chores, make sure your needs were met, probably 'juggle' finances and things. Now, he had another stroke, and the stress is really upon her. She DOESN'T know the future, she THINKS that you want 'to do your own thing' (which you don't), her mom is critical of how she is treating her husband, etc., etc. YES, I agree with previous remarks, you should speak to your dad's healthcare team, and maybe they could speak to your mom about the things she is saying to your dad. It is 'detrimental' to his care if they are encouraging him, and then your mom says things that 'destroy' his hopes. I also think that you mom DEFINETLY needs some time to 'step back, take a vacation' from her 24 / 7 time with your dad. She needs to 'realize' that you and her mom are also concerned about his recovery, and that EVERYONE has his best interests at heart. I hope I am making sense. I can 'feel' your frustration, and I know that you love your mom very much. I pray that, somehow, she will realize that you are your own person, that you are there for her, and that you need 'time for you'. See, right now, she IS NOT getting 'me time'. And that IS what she needs. I am not a counselor, or a psycologist, (spelling) or even a 'shrink', I'm just trying to and give you encouragement. Your are in my prayers, Amanda. Denny