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Everything posted by djeffries

  1. Hi Clarke: I don't know what to say buddy. I really don't understand how depression can 'destroy' someone's willingness to 'fight' and 'defeat' this ugly, horrible thing called stroke. But, I do understand one thing, and that is that you have the 'entire StrokeNet Family' behind you, encouraging you, and willing to help you 'fight' this ugly 'creature'. As others before me, and I'm sure there will be other 'responders and encouragers' behind me, we are in this 'fight together. I would 'invite' you to go to Inspirational Thoughts, on the main Message board and read "How Do you handle adversities"? I think if you would 'takle the place' of that mule, and 'shake off' every little problem, you might feel better. And as others have suggested, getting out of the house, maybe volunteering somewhere, getting together for coffee with friends, might give you some encouragement too. I will keep you in my prayers. Keep your chin up, face each day with a smile, and thank God that he has allowed you another day to 'appreciate' His Handiwork. Denny
  2. Hi Phyllis: I need to explain what I meant by 'buying' a radio antenna 'flag' from a new car dealer. When you go past some new car dealers, you will see these 'multi-colored florescent colored flags' that 'slide over' the entire radio antenna. Sorry for not explaining myself more clearly. Denny
  3. Phyllis: Here are some other ideas. Not sure which would work for you. 1). From a New Car Dealer, buy a radio antenna 'flag'. When you go shopping, back into the spot, put the 'flag' on the radio antenna. 2). Buy a 'flag' (US flag, favorite baseball/football/nascar/hockey/basketball team) that fastens onto your car's side window. 3). Tie a kid's balloon to your car's radio antenna. 4). Ride the bus shopping, if you live along the bus route. 5). If you don't mind the 'looks', just put an upside-down soda can on your car's antenna. Hope these suggestions will help. Remember, they are just that - suggestions. Denny
  4. Amanda: I am so glad that you had a 'two-day vacation'. You did something you wanted, you had a good time, you 'just got away'. You have returned, God has 'overseen' your dad, and He has even 'provided' changes in your dad, that you could notice. Yes, your dad will make improvements, maybe little or might be big. It is hard to say that he will be like he was pre-stroke, but, God has His Plan in effect, and you just need to keep praying that "all things are possible, for those who believe". You are in my prayers. Denny
  5. djeffries


    Hi Marty: Four bags of blueberries. I will give you some of the recipe ideas the three (Lin, Teal & Chef Denny) of us came up with: Blueberry sauce for waffles and pancakes Blueberry pancakes Blueberry quick bread Blueberry Bread Pudding w/ Vanilla sauce Blueberry crepes w/ powdered sugar on top Blueberry omelet (try at own risk) Blueberry wine Blueberry jam Blueberry Ice Cream I'm sure there were others, just can't remember. Chef Denny
  6. djeffries


    Marty: I know you started this blog, but then you went to Stroke Survivor Support, and made an entry. Well, I'm going to respond here, therefore I won't be 'accused' of stealing your thread. I read your post about picking blueberries, and the problem you had. I am concerned for you. Take it easy. While reading your 'post', thoughts of last night's chat came back. I signed on about 8:45 - 8:50 and, I think just Lwisman and teal were in chat. I'm not sure which one said it, but they said that they got blueberries for 50
  7. djeffries


    Pam: When you go shopping, ask the clerk if they sell furniture mover thingies that might 'assist' you in moving furniture by yourself. I know what they are called, just the name 'escapes' me right now. Denny
  8. djeffries

    blow out ---- blow up

    Stan: On the advice and counsel of my lawyer, I refuse to offer a comment !!! Chef Denny
  9. Kristen: I can understand your concern about having your husband help you with cooking. Or letting him do it himself. There are TOO MANY dangers in a kitchen with a stroke survivor. I know, I'm a stroke survivor and I was a chef in a kitchen. YES, I've been burned. YES I've cut myself. YES I've 'spilled' a container of hot soup on my pants, in the crotch/left hip area. I would suggest that you allow your husband to help you in the kitchen, but just let him do small things first. By this, I mean just let him put stuff in the oven. When he 'seems' comfortable with that, and so do you, let him put stuff in AND take it out. When you are both comfortable with his progress, let him try doing stuff on the stove. But this is where it might get a little dangerous. I know it's not a lot of encouragement, but I'm not exactly sure of his restrictions and/or physical limitations. And I don't want anything to happen that could be prevented in the first place. Hope this helps. I've done my best giving what little advice I did. Chef Denny
  10. djeffries

    A Breakfast Recipe

    Stan: Yes, I watched it ONCE NO I won't be on the show The guy SHOULD be an apprentice for Donald Trump, in one of his casinos. Then Donald will say "YOU'RE FIRED" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chef Denny
  11. Amanda: I am so glad that I gave you the idea to 'Blog'. I really appreciated your blog concerning your story and how you found this site. Yes, you need to go to this concert. Your youth 'has been robbed' from you. You need this 'getaway' to release the stress in your life. I understand that you want to assist in your dad's care and that you want to be there for him. Your education IS also important. If your mom has the ability to use the computer and knows how to send/receive emails, that should be enough comfort. As far as commuting, you need to pray about that. Also consider the financial part. Would it be cheaper to live at home and commute OR would it be cheaper to live on campus, and keep in touch via email. Keep up your strong attitude and remember to keep your needs and concerns 'before the Throne'. I will keep you in my prayers, as I'm sure others will to. Just remember "Nothing IS TOO DIFFICULT for Him". Denny
  12. djeffries


    Marty: Just look for the cute doctor, that has the boat in the 'pool', that is in the backyard of the 'mansion' that our 'office visit payments' helped to pay for. And the sports cars are 'parked' in the five-bay garage, located next to the tennis courts, that 'helped' finance. By the way, the magazines in my doctor's office are 2004, but then again, they MOSTLY have to do with golf. No wonder he is always late for his appointments with his patients. Denny
  13. djeffries

    A Breakfast Recipe

    Michael: YEA, it probably would work. Just make sure you drain the liquid/syrup off the fruit. Not sure about blueberries though, they might be a little delicate. Chef Denny
  14. djeffries


    Kimberly: I 'feel' for you and your situation. I have a few questions. Is the house in both names? Are you legally separated? IF the house IS in your name AND if you are legally separated, could you check in getting a Protection From Abuse order. That way, IF he comes within a certain distance of you, he can be arrested ON THE SPOT. Just trying to help. Denny
  15. Michael: GEE I didn't know I had that many statistics. And I thought I was not doing any good. I APOLOGIZE everyone. Denny
  16. To those who responded: Thanks for setting me straight. I guess I was expecting too much, but what Jean said IS TRUE. Thank you Jean, for 'setting me straight'. Denny
  17. djeffries


    007: Good luck on your sleep apnea test and results. I had a sleep apnea test done three years ago. It was at a sleep center. I slept through the night, but the technician was ready to go to Wal-Mart to buy duct tape and rope. He said he never saw a person that 'changed sleeping positions' EVERY 5 minutes. Just wanted to share my sleep apnea story - No I was not trying to 'steal' your thread. Denny
  18. djeffries

    Love poems

    Hello All: I am including a poem that I wrote on my wife's last wedding anniversary card. I think that this should express my love. Roses are red, violets are blue Thirty years ago, I said "I do" We've had challenges since we met, but the love of my life, I DID GET. Denny
  19. Janice: I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you would think so much of me that I would be included on your 'Top Ten List'. I know that the names ARE not in order, because you probably listed them as they came to mind. Chef Denny
  20. Pam: I wish you would have told me you were 'terminating' the snake. I was 'perusing' the internet for snake recipes. I found recipes for baked, deep-fried, barbecued, snake cakes (cimilar to crab cakes), etc. Oh well, that's okay Pam. And I am glad you found a 'significant other', and I am really excited that he is a 'survivor' also. I think that it will work out because you each know what to expect from each other. Chef Denny
  21. djeffries

    Good Grubs!

    Pam: I saw in the baking aisle where you can buy a product called 'Dipping Chocolate'. You just put in the microwave a few minutes, and then you can 'dip' to your heart's delight. Chef Denny
  22. Hi Pam: YES people do eat chocolate coated Ants, as well as chocolate coated grasshoppers and other insects. In some countries, they ARE considered delacacies. I have not personally tried them, but I've heard where they add protein to your diet, and they are somewhat crunchy. As I told Jean, type in chocolate covered ants into your search and hit ENTER. You will come up with 1494 pages of links, concerning this subject. There is even a link, where the question is asked "Do people really eat chocolate covered ants"? Also, in reading this link, some people, in other countries, eat insects as part of their daily diet. I hope this helps Pam. Be on the lookout, they may be sold in a store near you, or even at a gourmet food store in New York City. Chef Denny
  23. Jean: I'm 'hurt' that you think I would 'POST' a recipe that is 'fake'. If you think I'm joking, type in 'Chocolate Covered Ants' in your browser, and look at the results. I found 1481 pages of 'links' on this subject. I hope you will 'trust' me more Jean. Chef Denny PS: As far as boiling lobsters, if you lay them on their backs, and 'tickle' their bellies, it will 'hypnotize' them, and they won't 'scream' when put in the boiling water. Note: I learned this trick in culinary school. And YES, it DOES work.
  24. Hi Vicki: When I read your blog title, I KNEW what kind of festival you were talking about. You see, being a chef, I knew what brats were, and you are correct - bratwurst. Not many people know what brats are, except for un-discilplined, snobby, non-mannered kids. If the festival WASN'T so far, from PA, I might just be in attendance. Oh well, we have some local festivals too. Enjoy yourself, and tell your kids that I am 'cheering' them on to 'break the record'. Chef Denny
  25. Amy: I know how your husband feels. I've been there and done that. And I know the pain he is experiencing. After my stroke, I was working in a retirement community, at the buffet line. I was closing up, and when I lifted out a container of 185