
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About peterkoo

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  1. Happy Anniversary peterkoo!

  2. Happy Anniversary peterkoo!

  3. Happy Anniversary peterkoo!

  4. Sara: My dad just suffered a stroke 3 days ago. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am in similar situation as you. We have my step mom and three kids as support team. My dad is 80 years old and the step mom is 52 years old(I am not sure exact age but I think I am close). I am 43 years old. I learned a lot from your posting about post stroke depression. I will definitely keep an eye on the the symptom of depression. For the past three days, I did not have time to grief over the situation. My tears just won't stop while I read and type this message. I know we have a long way to go and I will be reading this forum to get as up to date as possible. Good luck and best wishes for your dad. Peter
  5. Welcome to the forums peterkoo :)