
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by HenryB

  1. Happy Anniversary HenryB!

  2. Happy Anniversary HenryB!

  3. Happy Anniversary HenryB!

  4. HenryB

    Good Day!

    Hi friend: Does some kind paratransit exist in your area? Most locales have a service for people with disabilities. If so, you should look into it. I never depend on a friend to get me to an appointment like the doctor's. Needless worry. Good luck, Henry
  5. HenryB

    Just do it!

    Hi Katrina: If you don't use it, you lose it, as Fred says. You must do your exercises every day to make progress. You're a champ and have the drive, but you have to give stroke deficits time. Good luck and keep moving. Henry
  6. Fred: I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I don't have family, but I realize it's difficult to part with siblings. We can take solace in the fact that we're survivors of stroke. Carry on, buddy. Henry
  7. HenryB

    Getting older

    Hi Glenn: I am 72 going on 73, and we oldsters do get tired after a long day doing what we can for our recovery. I can testify there is progress for older strokies, it just takes longer than for young people, I believe. Good luck, and keep posting. Henry
  8. Katrina: You are dealing with a lot. To me, you are a prime example of staying in the game after stroke. Hang in there! Henry
  9. HenryB


    Hi Maria: Memories! I joined the Marine Corps reserve way back in 1963 because I was facing the draft, and I wanted to serve with the best! The training was tough but I never regretted my decision. All the best to you and your attractive family. Henry
  10. Hi Cheryl: I'm a New Yorker, too, a little downtown from you (10024). I don't have family and am applying to residences that have assisted living. At 72, it is not a good idea for me to continue living alone. You should stay independent as long as you can, however. All the best, Henry
  11. HenryB

    Fear and faith

    Thanks, friends. I still live in my own apartment, using an aide service for those things I need help with like shopping, house keeping, laundry, etc. It is not ideal, because I'm isolated, except for visits from friends. That's why the move to assisted living. I'm willing to work for independence from the w/c; I figure on a timeline of 6 mos. So here goes!
  12. HenryB

    Fear and faith

    Every morning I wake up with fear. I ask God to remove the fear and give me faith. I had my first interview at an assisted living residence recently. It was a beautiful place, but in order to qualify I have to be independently mobile. They don't allow wheelchairs. I believe I can achieve this in a reasonable time, but assuming I'm accepted, how will I adapt to living in a senior community like this? They don't allow you to leave for more than 2 days at a time, so is this the end of the road for me? Of course I could leave, but I'd have nowhere to go, unless a female friend and I decide to get married, and she takes me to live with her!! The antidote to this fear-based thinking is faith that God will take care as He has always done. My job is to do the best I can with my recovery, and not give in to FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).
  13. HenryB

    From: self esteem

    Hi Jamie: You are right when you emphasize the new you post-stroke. When I compare myself with my "normie" friends, I always come up short and feel bad. But God loves the new me--he created it! So I look for new channels to express myself as a person, and I find them! I can see that stroke has pointed me in directions I might never have found as a normie. Keep on truckin'. Henry
  14. Hi Fred: I'm sorry to hear about your heart trouble and forced inactivity. I know how much your walking and other activities mean to you. I hope you feel better soon. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Henry
  15. Hi Fred: Your strong spirit continues to inspire me! I've got a long way to go in my recovery, but as we both know, with stroke it's a lifetime endeavor. I'll keep working until the good Lord says--enough already! All the best, Henry
  16. HenryB


    Folks: the strap around the handle works fine in the apt., but is no good walking outside. Since I always walk with someone outside, it's not an issue. Lin is right--walking in the fresh air is great and therapeutic in itself! Cheers, Henry
  17. HenryB


    Thanks, folks, so much for your support. One issue that came up was--what do I do if I knock the cane over? This can happen. My aide solved this by tying a strap around the handle, which I'll practice with in her presence. The strap has room for me to grab a hand hold if necessary. All the best, Henry
  18. HenryB


    Hi friends: Today I walked in the apartment by myself for the first time since my fall a little over a year ago. I overcame the fear and did it! A path is open now to eventually walking without someone watching. I walk with the Bioness L300, a device which replaces an AFO by using e-stim to lift your foot. I feel it has really helped me. I've got far to go to walk anywhere without a PCA, but I've made a beginning. Happy New Year to all.
  19. HenryB

    my story

    Hi friends: Thanks for the supportive comments! I'll keep posting and report any progress I'm making. It's great to be part of a blog community of folks who understand where I'm coming from! Henry
  20. HenryB

    my story

    Stroke is no joke but survival brings hope Hi y’all. I’m finally starting my own blog. At 3+ years recovery, I’ve made good progress, but of course it has been slow. My deficits involve right sided weakness; I can walk, but only with supervision, so I get in about 1 hour of walking per day. I live alone, so I can walk only when my aide is here, and he/she arrives at 4 pm. My right arm and hand, I can’t use at all, but I do exercises with them to keep them as loose as possible. Eventually, I plan to return to arm/hand therapy. I’m applying to move to a residence with an assisted living program, where I could get the support I need24/7, surrounded by seniors like me, where I could make new friends and perhaps be of service as well. That’s my story, and I hope it will help someone. All the very best to our members, HenryB
  21. HenryB

    mind games Kens blog

    Hi Ken: You are right--a positive attitude is essential toward therapy. I am currently working on my walking with the Bioness L300, and though progress is slow, it is important to put in my hour of walking every day. I feel I am getting stronger and improving my balance, the key to independent walking. Besides, it gets me outside! All the best, Henry
  22. Hi Lenny: You are right about recovery being slow; sometimes I wonder whether I will ever get some muscles back around the knee of my affected leg; I need these back to improve my balance, so that I can become an independent walker. I just keep on working, and hope for the best. You give me hope--thank you! HenryB
  23. Hi Fred: Good luck with your heart issue. I have a feeling that it won't be so easy to kill a tough vet like yourself. I like being retired myself. I can work on my stroke recovery full time! I don't have combat experience since I was a Marine reserve and got out before Vietnam really heated up, but I have a lot of admiration for those who served in the Nam. Keep on trucking, my friend. You've helped a lot of people on this site, including me. All the best to you and your family, HenryB
  24. Hi Lenny: You're so right--a positive attitude makes all the difference in stroke. I get discouraged with my walking every day with the e-stim device. I feel I'm not getting anywhere--but I forget--I can walk! If I give up I know that I won't walk! All the best, Henry