
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by HenryB

  1. HenryB
    Every morning I wake up with fear. I ask God to remove the fear and give me faith. I had my first interview at an assisted living residence recently. It was a beautiful place, but in order to qualify I have to be independently mobile. They don't allow wheelchairs. I believe I can achieve this in a reasonable time, but assuming I'm accepted, how will I adapt to living in a senior community like this? They don't allow you to leave for more than 2 days at a time, so is this the end of the road for me? Of course I could leave, but I'd have nowhere to go, unless a female friend and I decide to get married, and she takes me to live with her!!
    The antidote to this fear-based thinking is faith that God will take care as He has always done. My job is to do the best I can with my recovery, and not give in to FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).

  2. HenryB
    Hi friends: Today I walked in the apartment by myself for the first time since my fall a little over a year ago. I overcame the fear and did it! A path is open now to eventually walking without someone watching. I walk with the Bioness L300, a device which replaces an AFO by using e-stim to lift your foot. I feel it has really helped me. I've got far to go to walk anywhere without a PCA, but I've made a beginning. Happy New Year to all.
  3. HenryB
    Stroke is no joke
    but survival brings hope
    Hi y’all. I’m finally starting my own blog. At 3+ years recovery, I’ve made good progress, but of course it has been slow. My deficits involve right sided weakness; I can walk, but only with supervision, so I get in about 1 hour of walking per day. I live alone, so I can walk only when my aide is here, and he/she arrives at 4 pm. My right arm and hand, I can’t use at all, but I do exercises with them to keep them as loose as possible. Eventually, I plan to return to arm/hand therapy.
    I’m applying to move to a residence with an assisted living program, where I could get the support I need24/7, surrounded by seniors like me, where I could make new friends and perhaps be of service as well.
    That’s my story, and I hope it will help someone. All the very best to our members, HenryB