
Stroke Survivor - male
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Image Comments posted by HenryB

  1. Hi Maria: Memories! I joined the Marine Corps reserve way back in 1963 because I was facing the draft, and I wanted to serve with the best! The training was tough but I never regretted my decision. All the best to you and your attractive family. Henry

  2. Hi reegr: Your devotion to your girlfriend is moving. I also have right sided weakness, which is "profound" because my stroke hit in the motor cortex. Yet I can walk with a brace and supervision and my stroke missed the brainstem, so I have no speech or cognitive issues--lucky. I hope your girlfriend continues to improve--they can do a lot with stroke now. All the best, Henry

  3. Hi Michelle: I'm very interested in robotic therapy for the arm and hand. Could you describe your experience with this? Much obliged to you. Perhaps you could send me a message through SN. All the best, HenryB

    Dale Parker


    Hi Dale: I was like you--my stroke came out of nowhere. At age 69, I was still working, planning on retiring in 5 years. I live in NYC, and one morning on the way to work, I started to feel dizzy and off-balance, but I shrugged it off as a cold or flu. At lunchtime I asked my boss if I could leave for the day, because I was having trouble writing--a serious symptom for an editor! In the early evening, I took a nap, and when I got up I found that I couldn't walk--my right leg kept collapsing! Somehow, I managed to call 911 and make it out to the front door to meet the paramedics. God wasn't ready to give up on me.

    Two+ yrs. later I'm working hard on my walking, with a bright future ahead. All the best, Henry