
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by HenryB

  1. Hi reegr: Your devotion to your girlfriend is moving. I also have right sided weakness, which is "profound" because my stroke hit in the motor cortex. Yet I can walk with a brace and supervision and my stroke missed the brainstem, so I have no speech or cognitive issues--lucky. I hope your girlfriend continues to improve--they can do a lot with stroke now. All the best, Henry
  2. Hi Jessica: For Christmas eve, the memory of your stroke must be hard--but don't despair. You are young and have many years of recovery ahead of you. This will be my 3rd Christmas since I stroked, and while the holidays are hard for me--having no family--I'm 72, and very glad to be alive and well enough to experience them! All the best, Henry
  3. Hi Asha: I am feeling down today, and its really because I am just tired! I do a lot of my own ADLs now to cut down on aide hours, and I walk about an hour a day, with supervision, so I'm going to feel tired. My recovery has been slow, but I don't have a lot of the problems some survivors have, so I should feel grateful--but I don't! Tomorrow is another day and it will be different. All the best to you. HenryB
  4. HenryB

    If it ain't one thing,

    I share that feeling--small setbacks are devastating when you're dealing with stroke recovery! Just take care of yourself and go to the gym if you can't walk outside. This week I couldn't go out for 2 days because of the rain, and I felt terrible--and I've been praying for rain because we've had a dry spring and summer so far! Go figure. HenryB
  5. HenryB


    Hi Michelle: I'm very interested in robotic therapy for the arm and hand. Could you describe your experience with this? Much obliged to you. Perhaps you could send me a message through SN. All the best, HenryB
  6. HenryB

    A Time To Be Thankful

    Congratulations, Fred, on your stroke anniversary! You have been an example to me of--a positive attitude carries the day. When I woke up in the hospital after my stroke, and my doctor said my stroke was a "random" event, but that I could have a good recovery if I was willing to work for it, I said, Sign me up! I've never regretted that decision. I had a fall but bounced back quickly, chastened in the safety area. In March I'm going to finish up the e-stim study I've been in, then keep working on my walking, and apply for arm/hand therapy at the rehab center I go to. Never stop working! That's my motto. All the best, Henry
  7. Hi Michelle: You'll continue to see improvement as long as you work for it--don't let any therapist or dr. tell you you've reached the endpoint of recovery. The fact is: nobody knows where recovery ends for a particular case. That's my experience, and I think most SN members would agree. Thanks for your posts, and see you around the site. HenryB

  8. HenryB

    PT - so discouraged

    Hi Judy: As the others said, it's too early to give up! There's always some progress to record. If Oliver isn't ready for a cane yet, use the walker, as long as he's walking--every day. If you can retire and work with him at home, good. There is so much to learn with stroke! I can finally walk outside with supervision--fresh air and saying hi to others is an immense tonic by itself. Work with him every day on the things he can do, even a little. When I make progress, I feel so good I want to do more. Good luck! All the best, Henry
  9. Hi Leigh: Great to get to know you. Happy New Year! Henry

  10. Hi Bill: Your story is amazing. For determination and persistence, you're a prime example. I'm going to work even harder, keeping you in mind. Looking forward to hearing from you on SN, your friend, Henry

  11. HenryB

    Dale Parker

    Hi Dale: I was like you--my stroke came out of nowhere. At age 69, I was still working, planning on retiring in 5 years. I live in NYC, and one morning on the way to work, I started to feel dizzy and off-balance, but I shrugged it off as a cold or flu. At lunchtime I asked my boss if I could leave for the day, because I was having trouble writing--a serious symptom for an editor! In the early evening, I took a nap, and when I got up I found that I couldn't walk--my right leg kept collapsing! Somehow, I managed to call 911 and make it out to the front door to meet the paramedics. God wasn't ready to give up on me. Two+ yrs. later I'm working hard on my walking, with a bright future ahead. All the best, Henry
  12. Hi William: I hope you'll become more active on SN. It's a great place to meet and greet fellow survivors. We have chat every night from 8 to 9.

  13. Hi Lindsay: I met you Sun. on newbie chat. We're at opposite ends of the age spectrum, but we're all in the same boat. Maybe you could update your profile so members will get to know you better. All the best, Henry

  14. Hi Bob: Best of luck with your recovery. Henry

  15. Hi Fred: Congrats on 8 years. You make me grateful that I have come as far as I have in 2 years. I recently had a fall in my apt. Luckily, I didn't break anything. I was becoming independent at home during the day, and I risked making my bed w/o the wheelchair. I came out from behind the bed leading with my weak side, and boom (!) down I went. I bruised muscles in my weak thigh, and it will take weeks, if not months, to get back to where I was. I guess we have to learn these lessons, hard as they are. Anyway, I'm grateful I've been given another chance. All the best, Henry
  16. Hi Orlando: Your progress after stroke is inspiring. It shows courage and tenacity. Keep up the good work! Henry

  17. All the best to you and Dominica, Bob.

  18. Hi Walt: Your spirit is great! I'm making progress in recovery, too, a little more slowly than you, but I'm determined to get as much back as possible. I survived my stroke for a reason, and I intend to take the opportunity to learn, share, and give back as much as I can. Your friend, Henry

  19. Hi Vicky: It was nice meeting you on chat last night. I recommend sharing about your stroke story under About Me; that makes it easy for other members to get to know you and support you. All the best, Henry

  20. Hi Donia: Your story shows a lot of courage and persistence. I had my stroke at age 69 with right sided weakness the result. My deficits have proved a huge challenge; in fact stroke completely changed my life. The only choice is to move forward day by day. I have made progress, and I'm grateful for that. Keep sharing, because your experience helps others. Henry

  21. Hi Graham: Good luck with your recovery. It's hard work, but it's worth it! HenryB

  22. Hi Steve: I'm still a newbie, but glad to be a part of SN. I appreciate the hard work and time you must have put in to found this site. And you have such an attractive family! Finally, sorry, but who are the Ravens! (I'm a hick from New York!) All the best, Henry

  23. Hi Denny: You have a remarkable stroke history. Have the docs been able to find out what causes your recurrent strokes--and hopefully stop them? My first and only so far was 10/09, but I have big time motor deficits from right sided hemiparesis. The therapists say I'll walk again freely and can live independently, but it's taking time! All the best, Henry

  24. Sorry for the comment below. I just read your Interests entry!

  25. Hi Jim: I suggest you update your About Me item so we get to know you better. Sun. night newbie chat is a great meet and greet option, too. All the best, Henry