
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by HenryB

  1. Hi Kelly: It was nice meeting you on newbie chat Sunday. I see you have been here for a while. Have you posted any info about your stroke experience? Your friend, Henry

  2. Hi Doug: It was nice meeting you on newbie chat Sunday. At last I meet someone close to my own age! Have you told SN members about yourself and your stroke? If so, please direct me how to find it. All the best, Henry

  3. HenryB

    Nice to meet you, Ray. I had my stroke 10-9-09. Hemiparesis on right side. I am relearning how to walk using an experimental e-stim device. I can't use my right arm or hand at all, but they have loosened up with exercise. Your persistence is inspiring--there is hope, so keep on truckin'! Henry

  4. Hang in there, David! It was good meeting you on newbie chat yesterday. Your friend, Henry

  5. HenryB

    Hi Xan: Give yourself time to adjust to stroke recovery. As soon as you feel up to it, ask you doctor to refer you for therapy. A good therapist can help you in most situations more than the doctor can! I got inspiration right here on SN and still do! All the best. Your friend, Henry

  6. Hi Jillian: Your story is amazing. God is truly in charge. My stroke could have been a lot worse, like yours. Just take it a day at a time, and things will get better still. All the best to you and your family, Henry

  7. Hi: I'm sorry you're in pain; hopefully the docs will find something that works for you. It's important to start therapy as soon as you feel up to it. We have to accept the challenge of living with stroke deficits, and not look back but forge ahead! I'm rooting for you! Your friend, Henry

  8. working on recovery and eager to share

  9. Hi Connie: Don't feel guilty about having a stroke. Your family will support you--they just need time to absorb the shock. You need to concentrate on YOU right now. The fact that you were walking after a month in rehab is encouraging! Look into therapy at home. In time you will be able to help others from a professional's perspective. Just take it one day at a time. All the best to...

  10. Hi Christine: You were lucky with your stroke; keep up the good work. There's a lot of hope for us "strokies". A lot of folks are working on therapeutic options for us. I'm 20 months post-stroke, and my deficits are a lot like yours. I work hard at the therapy in the trial I'm in, and keep a positive attitude. All the best, Henry

  11. Hi Don: Nice meeting you on newbie chat yesterday. Your diagnosis of dysgeusia post-stroke was very interesting. It could come from dry mouth, which I have also. The coughing could result from dry throat and dry airway, which I have, and which can affect my swallowing, resulting in choking and coughing. I'm just guessing, and your symptoms could be quite different. All the best in your re...

  12. Hi Rob: Your story is very moving. I am age 70 and all I have to deal with post-stroke s right-sided weakness. Recovery is a daily challenge and requires a fighting spirit. There's a lot of help out there and studies you can apply for. I got into the FASTEST trial here in NYC, and its hard work, but there is hope, so keep fighting! All the best, Henry

  13. Hi Yvonne. Thank you for your kind post. The FASTEST study is a lot of work--getting used to the e-stim has been a major challenge. But I am walking without an AFO, and that's amazing! I'll post a blog about the study at a later time. Thanks SO MUCH for organizing the meeting where we learned about FASTEST. Good luck with your therapy, and I hope to see you soon. Best, Henry

  14. Hi Rubye: Yes, you never will be the same again. I'm a year and a half post stroke, and I have to accept that I'm not going back to who I was before my stroke. Although recovery is a huge challenge, success means I have to move forward, not look back. You can do it! I recommend newbie chat on Sundays at 8 pm. SN will give you the support you need to move ahead. Your friend, Henry

  15. Hi Wayne: Good luck with your surgery! I hope it leads to a good recovery for you. I found that there are many professionals out there who want to help us, and you're getting the help. Deficits take time and hard work. I got myself into a study here in NYC to help survivors over 65 walk normally and I'm really grateful for the help I'm getting. I'll be thinking about and pra...

  16. Keep posting, Leese! See you at newbie chat, Sundays. Your friend, Henry

  17. Hi Yvonne! The first time I've read your profile. I'm a great fan of yours, as you know. I aspire to achieve your kind of recovery. All the best to you as we make progress. Your friend, Henry

  18. Hi Fred: I'm HenryB, age 70, 1 1/2 years (in april} post-stroke, rightsided weakness. Thanks for your posts--you've given me a lot. I think you said you're Army, ret. I was USMCR in the sixties, was only a "typewriter hauncho", but made cpl. and served my country. Keep sharing, you've helped a lot of people. Best, Henry

  19. Interests: reading; listening to classical music; swimming; walking; ballroom dancing