
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by HenryB

  1. Hi Colin: I liked your post on the support forum. I had my stroke in 10/09, and my exercise regimen is somewhat different than yours, but I think your persistence and pluck are great! See you around SN.

  2. H Marci: It was nice meeting on newbie chat Sunday eve--sounds like you have a positive attitude toward recovery. I do too! All the best, Henry

  3. Hi Dominica: It was nice meeting you on newbie chat Sunday. All the best to you in your recovery. Henry

  4. Hi Ken: It was good meeting you on chat last night. Welcome to SN. Your story on the intro forum shows a lot of courage and persistence. The important thing is not to give up. I think the Higher Power has miracles in store for us! Your friend, Henry

  5. Hi Casen: I like your spirit, and wish you well in your recovery. Don't let this setback get you down. Keep fighting. I've found newbie chat on Sundays at 8 pm helpful--hope to see you there. Henry

  6. Hi Shelley: It was good meeting you tonight at newbie chat. I would suggest updating your profile with an About Me entry. All the best, Henry

  7. Hi Kelli: Have you consulted with any health care professional about your memory problem? If you research this using doctors or therapists you know, and use the internet, maybe eventually you will find the help you need to deal with this. Anyway, from the short time I have known you, I can say you are a fine person and that you can be at ease with those who are closest to you. It's OK to tell your son "I love you", and not be sure whether you do or not. You responded as a mother would--naturally. All the best, Henry
  8. Hi Kelly: It was nice meeting you on newbie chat Sunday. I see you have been here for a while. Have you posted any info about your stroke experience? Your friend, Henry

  9. Hi Doug: It was nice meeting you on newbie chat Sunday. At last I meet someone close to my own age! Have you told SN members about yourself and your stroke? If so, please direct me how to find it. All the best, Henry

  10. Way to go, Christine! Keep up the good work. I too have to have quiet time every day when I can just recharge before the next assault on my deficits. All the best, Henry
  11. HenryB


    Hi Tony: Sorry to hear about your troubles. Congratulations on getting health care coverage! I guess you don't need to be reminded to hook up with physical therapy as soon as possible. Anyway, you have a friend here in the U. S. (New York). Henry
  12. HenryB

    Nice to meet you, Ray. I had my stroke 10-9-09. Hemiparesis on right side. I am relearning how to walk using an experimental e-stim device. I can't use my right arm or hand at all, but they have loosened up with exercise. Your persistence is inspiring--there is hope, so keep on truckin'! Henry

  13. Hi Christine: Sorry you are going through a rough patch. But there is hope. I'm on e-stim for walking, and it's great! Are you getting e-stim for the hand or for walking? My hand doesn't work either, but I'm learning to become independent anyway. Go on the website recoverfromstroke.blogspot.com and read about Cathy Spencer working with her hand using e-stim--amazing! The doctor told me not expect any improvement after 2 years. But I'm 2 months away from my 2nd anniversary and still going strong! You'll do it, Christine. All the best, Henry
  14. Hang in there, David! It was good meeting you on newbie chat yesterday. Your friend, Henry

  15. HenryB

    Bruce fell

    Hi Debbie: Sorry to hear about Bruce's fall. Maybe this a blessing in disguise since the baclofen may allow him to resume therapy. Another SN caregiver reported that baclofen helped her husband a lot by improving movement in the leg. Anyway, I appreciate your advice in the past--all the best to you and Bruce. Henry
  16. HenryB

    Hi Xan: Give yourself time to adjust to stroke recovery. As soon as you feel up to it, ask you doctor to refer you for therapy. A good therapist can help you in most situations more than the doctor can! I got inspiration right here on SN and still do! All the best. Your friend, Henry

  17. Hi Jillian: Your story is amazing. God is truly in charge. My stroke could have been a lot worse, like yours. Just take it a day at a time, and things will get better still. All the best to you and your family, Henry

  18. Hi Lydi: You are doing great, blogging and helping folks on SN. Some things are out of our control, and some can be dealt with--to try to ignore a pressing problem is wrong, it just gets worse. Have you looked into a home health aide, for even a few hours a day? If it makes the difference between going out or not going out, it's worth the expense! Thanks for sharing with us. Your friend, Henry
  19. Hi Katrina: Thank God you are all right. The comments above are right on. Give yourself a break. Just tonight I was thinking--yes, it's not a bad dream, I did have a stroke--but, I've got a new life and a chance to help others. You are in the same boat with me, Katrina--except you're much younger! You've got a lot going for you, girl--go for it! Your friend, Henry
  20. Hi: I'm sorry you're in pain; hopefully the docs will find something that works for you. It's important to start therapy as soon as you feel up to it. We have to accept the challenge of living with stroke deficits, and not look back but forge ahead! I'm rooting for you! Your friend, Henry

  21. working on recovery and eager to share

  22. Hi Christine: You should get a daily routine that is comfortable and stick to it. You're doing a great job, and we all get frustrated at times. Rest is very important, because when we're asleep those neurons are hard at work forging new connections and building on what we've done in therapy. Some fresh air every day to me is essential. Recovery takes time and we have to accept that fact. Ask the shoe store about shoes with velcro straps. They've saved my life! All the best, and keep posting. Henry
  23. Hi Connie: Don't feel guilty about having a stroke. Your family will support you--they just need time to absorb the shock. You need to concentrate on YOU right now. The fact that you were walking after a month in rehab is encouraging! Look into therapy at home. In time you will be able to help others from a professional's perspective. Just take it one day at a time. All the best to...

  24. Hi Christine: You were lucky with your stroke; keep up the good work. There's a lot of hope for us "strokies". A lot of folks are working on therapeutic options for us. I'm 20 months post-stroke, and my deficits are a lot like yours. I work hard at the therapy in the trial I'm in, and keep a positive attitude. All the best, Henry

  25. Hi Don: Nice meeting you on newbie chat yesterday. Your diagnosis of dysgeusia post-stroke was very interesting. It could come from dry mouth, which I have also. The coughing could result from dry throat and dry airway, which I have, and which can affect my swallowing, resulting in choking and coughing. I'm just guessing, and your symptoms could be quite different. All the best in your re...